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Four Passing Sights
• 1. an old man
A Change for a Change Maker
• 2. a sick man who was
diseased ridden
• 3. a corpse on the way
to being cremated
• 4. a holy man who had
no possessions but was
at peace
Four Noble Truths
Embody the idea that craving is the
source of suffering and the cessation
from craving releases suffering .
Four Noble Truths
• 1. Duhkha or suffering
is everywhere
• 2. Tanha or Craving or
desire is the source of
• 3. Relieving craving
ceases suffering--when
craving ceases entirely
through dispassion,
renunciation, and
nondependence, then
suffering ceases
• 4. The path leading to
cessation of suffering is
the Eightfold Path
Eight Fold Path
The Way to Inner Peace
• Three Main Goals
– face life objectively
– live kindly
– cultivate inner peace
Some Things to Remember
• The steps or recommendations are not
to be practiced sequentially but all
• The word “right” might be better
translated as “correct” or “complete.”
Eight Fold Path
• 1. Right views
• 5. Right livelihood
• 2. Right intention
• 6. Right effort
• 3. Right speech
• 7. Right mindfulness
• 4. Right action
• 8. Right concentration
Ethical Dimension
• The Five Precepts
• Being who is to become fully enlightened
(possesses bodhi); especially as applied
to Gautama, the future Buddha. More
generally, in Mahayana Buddhism the
term applies to those who have
experience enlightenment(bodhi) but who
have taken a special vow to continue
being reborn into samsara["the great runaround"](rather than entering nirvana) so
as to deliver others form their suffering by
aiding in the attainment of enlightenment.
Dhama (Dhamma)
• Has many meanings in Buddhist texts,
the proper one being determining by
context and use. However some of the
meanings are: the teaching of the
Buddha; the Truth; The Real; moral law;
the right duty; religion.
Karma (Kamma)
• Act, action, deed performed by body,
speech, or mind, which, according to
the intention it embodies, will have a set
consequence experienced in this or
future rebirth. Good karma are those
things that are positive; bad karma is
• Killing, death, "Destroyer," "Tempter,"
the personification of evil or attachment
to transient conditioned reality (the
Wheel of Life) or to this world as an
obstacle to attaining of enlightenment;
the god of desire and death.
• "Blowing out, quenching (as of a fire)";
the goal of Buddhism, the extinguishing
of passionate attachment or desire
(raga) fearful hostility or hatred and
anger (dvesa), and confusion of
delusion (moha), the primary causes of
karma and hence bondage of samsara.
It is equal to the Hindu goal of moksa
• Buddhist community which consist of
four assemblies; monks, nuns,
laymen, and laywomen.
The Development of Buddhism
The Energetic King
Ashoka (India circa 250 B.C.E.)
Inspection after the battle
• He becomes so horrified at the carnage
that he decides that he converted to the
idea of nonviolence.
• He spread the the principle of
nonviolence throughout India as a way
of converting people.
• He built stones which had the principles
carved in them.
Three Schools of Buddhist
Thought Plus One
• Theravada Buddhism
– The Way of the Elders
• Mahayana Buddhism
– The Big Vehicle
• Vajrayana Buddhism
– The “Diamond Vehicle”
• Zen Buddhism
– Enlightenment through Experience
The Core of Basic Buddhism
• The Three Jewels (Triratna)
– The Buddha
• Is an ideal whom people should imitate and his
image of sitting and meditating with self-control
and mindfulness.
– The Dharma
• is the sum total of Buddhist teachings about how to
view the world and how to live properly.
– The Sangha
• is the community of monks and nuns.