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Lesson #7: African Americans in the Civil War
Directions: As you read through the lesson, use this worksheet to
help organize your thoughts and newfound information. Answer these
questions carefully and review them before completing the
corresponding submission.
I. Introduction
A. What will I learn about in this lesson?
B. How does this lesson relate to previous lessons?
C. What do I already know about this lesson’s topic?
II. The Road to War
A. What is a confederacy?
B. What were the two principles of the Constitution of the
Confederate States of America?
C. During the Civil War, which states sided with the Union and
which states sided with the secessionists?
D. What is the main idea of this section?
The Union and the Confederacy
A. What advantages did the North have over the South?
B. What advantages did the South have over the North?
C. What is the main idea of this subsection?
III. African Americans at the Onset of War
A. What did Lincoln fear would happen if he made slavery the
focus of the war?
B. Why did Congress not allow African Americans to enlist in the
C. What is the main idea of this section?
The First African Americans in the Civil War
A. Why did the government finally agree to enlist African
B. How had African Americans contributed to the war effort prior
to officially enlisting?
C. What is the main idea of this subsection?
The Union and Slavery
A. What was the Confiscation Act and why was it important?
B. How did Confederates use African Americans in the war?
C. How did some of the Union commanders apply the Confiscation
Act to enslaved African Americans?
D. How did Lincoln’s administration continue to support slavery
with the Confiscation Act?
E. How did the Navy treat African Americans differently than other
branches of the military?
F. Who was Robert Smalls and why was he important?
G. What is the main idea of this subsection?
IV. The First African Americans to Serve
A. Why was it significant that the First Kansas Volunteer Infantry
fought and defeated Confederate soldiers?
B. What is the main idea of this section?
African Americans in the Rebel Armies
A. Which side did the Native Guard fight for in the war?
B. Why did African Americans choose to enlist in rebel armies?
C. Who was Francis Dumas and why was he important?
D. In what roles did African Americans serve in the Civil War?
E. How did the South depend on African Americans while white
soldiers were fighting the war?
F. What is the main idea of this subsection?
The Union Native Guard
A. Why did the First Regiment Louisiana Native Guard form?
B. How did the heroic actions of the Native Guard change public
opinion about African American troops?
C. What is the main idea of this subsection?
V. The Emancipation Proclamation
A. What did the Second Confiscation Act do for enslaved African
B. Why did Lincoln consider issuing an act that would free all
enslaved people in the South?
C. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do for African
D. Who was not helped by the Emancipation Proclamation?
E. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do for the North?
F. Once slavery became the primary issue of the Civil War, how did
Europeans feel about the South?
G. What is the main idea of this subsection?
The Sea Islands of South Carolina
A. What was the Port Royal Experiment?
B. How did the African Americans in the Sea Islands live differently
from other African Americans in the U.S.?
C. What is the main idea of this section?
VII. African Americans Take Up Union Colors
A. What was the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment
and why was it important?
B. Who was Sergeant Powhatan Beaty and why was he important?
C. What happened at the Battle of Chaffin's Farm and New Market
D. What kinds of prejudice did African Americans face while serving
in the army?
E. What is the main idea of this section?
The New York Draft Riots
A. Why were white men in New York City angry when they received
news of a military draft?
B. Who called the Civil War "Mr. Lincoln's War" and why did they
call it that?
C. Who were the targets in the New York Draft riots?
D. What is the main idea of this subsection?
VIII. African American Prisoners of War
A. How did the rebels in the South treat African Americans?
B. What would happen to enslaved Africans if they were
prosecuted according to state laws in the South?
C. How did Union leaders demand the South to treat African
American soldiers?
D. What did General Butler do when he learned that African
Americans were being enslaved and forced to dig trenches?
E. What events turned people against the rebels?
F. What is the main idea of this section?
IX.The Black Dispatches
A. Who were the black dispatches and why were they important?
B. Who was Allan Pinkerton and why was he important?
C. Who was John Scobell and why was he important?
D. Who were W.H. Ringgold and George Scott and why were they
E. Who were Mary Elizabeth Bowser and William Jackson and why
were they important?
F. How did Mary Louveste help defeat the CSS Virginia?
G. How did Harriet Tubman contribute to the war effort as a spy?
H. What is the main idea of this section?
X. The War's End and Aftermath
A. Why did Union generals decide to send African American troops
to occupy parts of the South?
B. What period of time was considered Reconstruction?
C. What is the main idea of this section?
XI. African American Contributions in the War
A. Why did African Americans suffer a higher casualty rate than
white soldiers in the Civil War?
B. What is the main idea of this section?
XII. Lesson Review
A. In a paragraph, describe the main ideas/themes of this lesson.
B. How did this lesson relate to your prior knowledge of these
topics and prior lessons in this course?
C. Are there any topics you would like to know more about? Are
there any you feel that you need to review before taking the