Download World History Unit 13 Lesson 1 “The Start of WWI” The Belle Epoque

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World History
Unit 13 Lesson 1 “The Start of WWI”
The Belle Epoque
The late 1800s & early 1900s had been
a time of great scientific discoveries &
technological inventions.
Europe was “civilizing” the world &
living standards continued to rise.
Faith in man’s ability to build an
earthly paradise grew, and yet trouble
simmered under the surface…
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 1 “The Start of WWI”
Long range causes of World War I
Nationalism made competition
between countries intense.
An expensive arms race began in
the 1890s, especially between the
German & British navies… this
conflict caused mistrust.
France wanted revenge against
Germany for the embarrassment of
the Franco-Prussian War.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 1 “The Start of WWI”
4. Maintaining a “balance of power”
through alliances had kept peace,
but it also guaranteed that any war
that happened could explode into a
major war.
5. The Eastern Question, or what to
do with the Balkans as the Ottoman
Empire crumbled caused tension
between Austria-Hungary & Serbia.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 1 “The Start of WWI”
The immediate cause of WWI
The immediate cause of WWI was the
assassination of the heir of AustriaHungary by terrorists aided by some in
Serbia’s government.
Germany gave A-H a “blank check” to
deal with Serbia, but this caused a
chain reaction of countries mobilizing,
or preparing their armies for war.
No leaders really wanted the war, but
they wouldn’t back down either.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 2 “WWI and its Results”
Basic Facts of WWI
WWI began in 1914, the US entered
the war in 1917, and the war ended in
The two sides were the:
Allies: Britain, France, Russia, US,
Italy, Japan
Central Powers: Germany, A-H,
Ottoman Empire
The Allies won.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 2 “WWI and its Results”
4. The Germans planned to use the
Schlieffen Plan to knock France out
the war and then deal with Russia,
but it failed when Russia attacked
sooner than expected.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 2 “WWI and its Results”
5. The failure of the German advance led
both sides to “dig in” in Northern
France & trench warfare resulted.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 2 “WWI and its Results”
Scenes of Trench Warfare
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 2 “WWI and its Results”
6. The war turned into a war of attrition
in which each side tried to wear down
the other.
7. World War I was a total war in which
the countries used all of their
resources to win. Civilians were
sometimes seen as legitimate targets.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 2 “WWI and its Results”
Results of WWI
The carnage of the war shook the
values of the young, those who
survived were called the Lost
New countries appeared in Europe.
4 empires fell: A-H, Russia, Germany,
The US became a world power.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 2 “WWI and its Results”
5. The League of Nations was established
to keep peace.
6. Colonies that fought for their mother
countries would demand independence.
7. The Treaty of Versailles with Germany
would lead to WWII.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 2 “WWI and its Results”
Punishment of Germany under the
Treaty of Versailles:
Germany had to admit they were the
ones who started the war. (Article 231)
They had to pay reparations to France.
They gave territory to France & Poland.
German armed forces were limited to
100,000 troops, & no tanks, air force,
submarines, or large ships.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 3 “Russian Revolutions”
Russia’s Struggles in 3 Events
The Crimean War exposed Russia’s
backwardness & serfdom was ended.
The Russo-Japanese War further
exposed Russian weakness & would
force the Czar to share power with
the Duma, a national legislature.
WWI proved to be national nightmare
for Russia, & people blamed the Czar.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 3 “Russian Revolutions”
The March Revolution- Czar Nicholas
II was driven out & a Provisional
Government (republic) formed. They
would make no major decisions until
after elections in the late fall of 1917.
The October (Nov) Revolution- the
Bolsheviks seize power promising to
end WWI & give land to peasants.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 3 “Russian Revolutions”
The Communists’ Rule
Lenin led the communists, who won a
bloody civil war to gain control over
the entire country.
Lenin has to resort to capitalism to
help the country recover.
Stalin takes control after Lenin’s death
& purges the country of “enemies.”
Stalin’s agricultural policies starved
millions to build industry.
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 4 “Break Ups after WWI”
The Ottoman Empire
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 4 “Break Ups after WWI”
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 4 “Break Ups after WWI”
Russian Changes
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 4 “Break Ups after WWI”
Changes to Germany after WWI
World History
Unit 13 Lesson 4 “Break Ups after WWI”
League of Nations Mandates