Download Unit 3 Vocabulary: Ancient Egypt Unit 3 Essential Questions: How

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Unit 3 Vocabulary: Ancient Egypt
Unit 3 Essential Questions: How did Egypt’s location influence its development? What effects did
power and social class have on the lives of ancient Egyptians? How did the innovations of ancient
Egypt impact its neighbors and future civilizations?
Cartouche - an oval frame which surrounds hieroglyphs that make up the name of an Egyptian God or royal person
Cataract - wild river rapids formed by boulders and narrow cliffs
Civil War – a war between groups or regions of the same country or nation
Delta - the triangle-shaped deposit of rich soil at a river’s mouth
Dynasty - a family or group that rules for several generations; a line of rulers that passes power from father to son
Hieroglyphics - an Egyptian writing system in which picture symbols stand for meanings or sounds
Monotheism - a belief in one god
Nile River - the river that ancient Egypt civilization was built around; the longest river in the world
Obelisk - pillar-shaped stone monument
Papyrus - reed plant used to make paper
Pharaoh - ruler of Egypt, believed to be child of Re, the Egyptian sun god
Pyramid - structure built to house tombs of pharaohs and other important nobles; entrance always faced north
Polytheism - a belief in more than one god
Rosetta Stone - a stone used to translate Egyptian hieroglyphics; contained writing on it in two languages (Egyptian
and Greek), using three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek)
Social Pyramid - representation of the social structure of Ancient Egypt; Pharaoh is at the top, laborers and slaves
are at the bottom
What should I be able to do after this unit?
I can identify beneficial and detrimental geographical features and resources.
I can explain the geographical features and resources of Egypt.
I can identify types of technology developed in ancient Egypt.
I can analyze how ancient Egyptians used technology to change their environments.
I can explain how the structure of a government affects the rise and fall of a civilization.
I can explain how the social structure of a civilization affects is success and/or failure.
I can analyze the influence of key historical figures and cultural groups.
Unit 3 Pre-Assessment - Ancient Egypt
1) What resulted from the fertility of the Nile River Valley?
A) greater political and economic power for farmers
B) a shift away from agriculture to industrial development
C) an increase in the food supply which led to population growth
D) prosperity that helped create a society with little difference between rich and poor
2) Which two activities were most important to the strength of the ancient Egyptian economy?
A) farming and trade B) mining and tool-making C) shipbuilding and fishing D) conquest and construction
3) Which statement best explains why trade helped Egyptians make tools, jewelry, and art?
A) Egypt developed its civilization later than other regions.
B) Egyptians were not skilled at making arts and crafts.
C) Egyptians had an abundance of resources but not a lot of money.
D) Egypt did not have a large supply of wood, metal, or gems.
4) Ancient Egyptians mummified the deceased to
A) preserve bodies for life in the underworld
B) prevent the god Seth from destroying their souls
C) preserve bodies for research purposes
D) prevent the smell of decomposition
5) Which statement best explains the power of the pharaohs?
A) The pharaohs were believed to be stronger than the god Osiris.
B) The pharaohs were considered to be descendants of the god Seth.
C) The pharaohs were the high priests of the god Isis.
D) The pharaohs were worshipped as the god Horus.
6) Egypt’s first pharaoh
A) established a democratic government
C) unified the people living along the Nile
B) reformed Egypt’s main form of religion
D) increased trade with peoples in the Middle East
7) Which group had the highest social status during the reign of the pharaohs?
A) temple priests
B) wealthy merchants
C) government scribes
D) high-ranking soldiers
8) What were ancient Egyptians able to do as a result of the invention of papyrus?
A) create accurate maps
B) develop a system of writing
C) keep records of transactions
D) communicate with distant peoples
9) What did the items found in Tutankhamen’s tomb tell us about the Egyptians?
A) They understood medicine almost as well as modern doctors do.
B) They had a much higher level of technology than archaeologists had once believed.
C) They groomed themselves in ways that are similar to the ways people today groom themselves.
D) They believed that people were judged in the afterlife based on how much they possessed on Earth.
10) Which of these devices from today is most similar to something that an ancient Egyptian merchant would
have used?
A) a lawnmower
B) a calculator
C) a scale
D) a bar-code scanner