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1. X-rays have a(n)______electrical charge
V6 part1
A. positive
B. negative
C. alternately positive and negative
D. no charge
2. The posterior borders of the anterior mediastinal compartment include:
A. ventral cardiac surface
B. sternum
C. the left ventricle
D. the right atrium, right ventricle
3. Radiological criteria for resorptive atelectasis:
A. air bronchogram, no significant loss of the lung volume
B. signs of loss of the lung volume, compensatory hyperventilation of the normal lung
C. lobar or segmental density, no significant loss of the lung volume
D. sharp margins, double layer, thin walls
4. The most common causes of the round pneumonia are:
A. Pneumococcus, mycoplasma, Legionella
B. Fungi, asperfillus, TBC
C. Pneumocystis carinii, Cytomegalovirus
D. Staphylococcus, anaerobic, Gram negative
5. Classical locations for Tuberculous cavities are:
A. superior segments of upper and lower lobes.
B. superior segment of lower lobes, anterior and posterior segments of upper lobes.
C. anterior segment
D. anterior segment, lingula
6. Most evident signs of malignancy:
A. stability of size over two years,no calcification
B. no calcification, not defined infiltrating margins, invasive growth, cavitation.
C. well circumscribed margins, stability of size over two years,
D. calcification, defined margins, stability of size over two years
7.The most important causes of septal lines:
A. pulmonary oedema; lymphangitis carcinomatosa.
B. bronchopneumonia, chronic obstructive bronchitis
C. lymphoma, myeloma, hamartoma, primary carcinoma of the lung
D. chronic obstructive bronchitis, emphysema
8. Air-bronchogram sign suggests:
A. visible bronchi on the chest film due to the contrast with consolidated lung tissue
B. invisible bronchi on the bases of consolidated lung tissue on the chest film
C. visible veins on the bases of consolidated lung tissue on the chest film
D. visible lymph nodes on the bases of consolidated lung tissue on the chest film
9. What pathological mediastinal structures may include fat?
A. tumors in Cushing’s disease, dermoid cyst (teratomas), fat pads
B. neurogenic tumors, lymphadenopathy, aortic aneurizms
C. lymphadenopathy, intrathoracic goiter, aortic aneurizms
D. benign pericardial cysts, hiatus hernia, thymomas, intrathoracic goiter
10. X-radiation is part of the____________ spectrum.
A. radiation
B. energy
C. atomic
D. electromagnetic
11. The anterior borders of the anterior mediastinal compartment include:
A. ventral cardiac surface
B. sternum
C. the left ventricle
D. the right atrium, right ventricle
12. Normally, the trachea…
a. lies slightly to the leftt of the midpoint, between the medial ends of the clavicles
b. courses down as a straight line
c. lies midway, or slightly to the right of the midpoint, between medial ends of clavicles
13. The most common causes of the necrotizing pneumonia are:
A. Pneumococcus, mycoplasma, Legionella
B. Streptococcus, Virus, Staphylococcus
C. Pneumocystis carinii, Cytomegalovirus
D. Staphylococcus, anaerobic, Gram negative
14. Classical locations for aspiration lung abscess are:
A. superior segments of upper and lower lobes.
B. superior segment of lower lobes, anterior and posterior segments of upper lobes.
C. anterior segment
D. anterior segment, lingula
15. Solitary pulmonary nodule can be encountered in case of:
A. lung cancer; sarcoma, benign tumors , mycetoma, lymphoma, metastasis;
B. pneumosclerosis, emphysema, silikosis, tuberculosis, pneumokoniosis
C. chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema
D. pulmonary edema, fibrosing alveolities, metastasis, cystic fibrosis
16. Mark the signs, characteristic for the Kerlie B lines:
A. vertical, >2 cm, best seen at the hilum, often reach the edge of the lung
B. radiate towards hila in mid & upper zones, do not reach the lung edge
C. horizontal, <2 cm, best seen at the periphery, often reach the edge of the lung
D. horizontal, >2 cm, best seen at the periphery, often reach the edge of the lung
17. Air-bronchogram sign suggests:
A. visible bronchi on the chest film due to the contrast with consolidated lung tissue
B. invisible bronchi on the bases of consolidated lung tissue on the chest film
C. visible veins on the bases of consolidated lung tissue on the chest film
D. visible lymph nodes on the bases of consolidated lung tissue on the chest film
18. The masses in the right cardiophrenic angle anteriorly are usually:
A. lymphadenopathy, intrathoracic goiter, aortic aneurizms
B. neurogenic tumors, lymphadenopathy, aortic aneurizms
C. dermoid cyst (teratomas), thymomas, lymphadenopathy
D. large fat pads, benign pericardial cysts, or hernias
1.Signs characteristic for the normosthenic
Part2 :
A. epigastric angle equal 90º, AP : transverse diameter = 1:2
B. cylinder shaped, epigastric angle >90º, increase of the AP diameter, narrow intercostal spaces
C. epigastric angle less than 90º, decrease of AP diameter, intercostal spaces enlarged
D. epigastric angle >120º, ribs courses horizontally, AP diameter increases
2. Signs characteristic for the barrel chest:
A. epigastric angle >120º, ribs courses horizontally, AP diameter increases
B. cylinder shaped, epigastric angle >90º, increase of the AP diameter, narrow intercostal spaces
C. epigastric angle less than 90º, decrease of AP diameter, intercostal spaces enlarged
D. epigastric angle equal 90º, AP : transverse diameter = 1:2
3. The features of the vertical position of the heart:
A. ∟α>48º occur in asthenics
B. ∟α>48º occur in hypersthenics
C. ∟α<43º, occur in hypersthenics
D. ∟α=43-48º, occur in normosthenics
4. 1 right cardiac arc is composed of:
A. aorta ascendant (sometimes VCS), right atrium
B. aortic arc, aorta descendant
C. truncus pulmonaris, RPA, RA
D. aorta ascendant
5. 2 left cardiac arc is composed of:
A. aorta ascendant (sometimes VCS), left atrium
B. aortic arc, aorta descendant
C. truncus pulmonaris, LPA,
D. atrial appendage, LV
6. Left atriovasal angle divides
A. truncus pulmonaris, LPA & left atrial appendage
B. aorta ascendant & aortic arc
C. aortic arc& aorta descendant
D. left atrial appendage & LV
7. Signs of the mitral heart configuration:
A. fluent transition of one arc to another
B. smoothing of the waist line, convex 2&3 left arcs, high RAV angle, low LAV angle
C. deep sulcus between 1 & 4 left arcs, extracted1& 4 left arc, enlarged 1 right arc, low ∟RAV
D. dilation of transverse heart diameter due to enlargement of inferior arcs, loss of the arcs & angles
8. Signs of the round configuration of the heart:
A. right cardiac contour enlargement
B. smoothing of the waist line, convex 2&3 left arcs, high RAV angle, low LAV angle
C. deep sulcus between 1 & 4 left arcs, extracted1& 4 left arc, enlarged 1 right arc, low ∟RAV
D. dilation of transverse heart diameter due to enlargement of inferior arcs, loss of the arcs & angles
9.The common causes of LA enlargement
A. mitral stenosis, mitral incompetence
B. right ventricular failure, tricuspid stenosis, tricuspid incompetence
C. cardiomyopathy, patent ductus arteriosus & ventricular septal defect with left to right shunts
D. aortic and mitral incompetence, aortic stenosis, systemic hypertension, ischemic heart disease
10. The common causes of RV enlargement:
A. mitral stenosis, mitral incompetence
B. atrial septal defect, tricuspid regurgitation, pulmonary stenosis & hypertension
C. right ventricular failure, tricuspid stenosis, tricuspid incompetence
D. aortic and mitral incompetence, aortic stenosis, systemic hypertension, ischemic heart disease
11. Echo-CG signs of the aortic stenosis:
A. dilation of the aortic arc, narrowing of the left atrioventricle orifice
B. thickening of valve leaflets, restriction of valve movement, valve calcifications, trombs in LA
C. narrowing of the left atrio-ventricle orifice
D. thickening of the aortic valve leaflets with narrowing of the orifice
12. Signs of the mitral valve incompetence:
A. LV↑, dilation of the ao ascendant, deep & quick contractions of the LV & ao
B. ↑ LV, pulmonary veins enlargement, narrow retrocardial space
C. LV↑, poststenotic dilation of ao, round heart apex, elongation & dilation of the ao ascendant
D. ↑ LA, ↓ LV arc, ↑RV arc, ↑lung vascularization, Kerlie B lines, narrow retrocardial space
13. Cyanotic congenital valve defects with left to right shunts include:
A. atrial septal defect, ventricle septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus
B. mitral valve incompetence, patent ductus arteriosus
C. ventricle septal defect, mitral stenosis
D. Fallot’s tetralogy , Eisenmengers complex
14. Signs of the patent ductus arteriosus:
A. ↑pulmonary vascularisation, heart dilation to the left, high right AV angle, ↑RV, ↑LA, ↑LV
B. ↑RA, ↑pulmonary vascularisation, convex 2 left arc, narrow retrocardial space
C. ↑pulmonary vascularisation, convexity of the 2 & 4 left arc, dilation of the aorta
D.↓ lung vascularisation, ↑RV, ↓ left heart compartments, aorta overriding ventricular septal defect
15. Eisenmengers complex represents:
A. greatly ↑ pulmonary arterial resistance+atrial septal defect/ventricle septal defect/patent ductus
arteriosus, leading to reversal of the shunt so that it becomes R→L
B. ↑ pulmonary arterial resistance+ Fallot’s tetralogy leading to reversal to the R→L shunt
C. greatly ↑ pulmonary arterial resistance+atrial septal defect/ventricle septal defect/patent ductus
arteriosus, leading to reversal of the shunt so that it becomes L→R
D. ↑ pulmonary arterial resistance+ Fallot’s tetralogy leading to reversal to the L→R shunt
16. Signs of the aortic valve incompetence:
A.↑ LA, ↓ LV arc, ↑RV arc, ↑lung vascularization, Kerlie B lines, narrow retrocardial space
B. LV↑, dilation of the ao ascendant, deep & quick contractions of the LV & ao
C. LV↑, poststenotic ao dilation, round heart apex, ao ascendant dilation, slow LV contractions
D.↑ LV, pulmonary veins enlargement, narrow retrocardial space
17. Signs of the mitral stenosis:
A. LV↑, dilation of the ao ascendant, deep & quick contractions of the LV & ao
B. ↑ LA, ↓ LV arc, ↑RV arc, ↑lung vascularization, Kerlie B lines, narrow retrocardial space
C. LV↑, poststenotic dilation of ao, round heart apex, elongation & dilation of the ao ascendant
D. ↑ LV, pulmonary veins enlargement, narrow retrocardial space
18. Signs of the tricuspid valve defects:
A. RV↑, dilation of the ao ascendant, deep & quick contractions of the RV & ao
B. ↑ LV, pulmonary veins enlargement, narrow retrocardial space
C. ↑RA, ↑RV, ↑VCS, trigonal heart shape
D. ↑ RA, ↓ RV arc, ↑lung vascularization, Kerlie B lines, narrow retrocardial space
19. Signs of the atrial septal defect:
A. ↑pulmonary vascularisation, heart dilation to the left, high right AV angle, ↑RV, ↑LA, ↑LV
B. ↑RA, ↑pulmonary vascularisation, convex 2 left arc, narrow retrocardial space
C. ↓ lung vascularisation, ↑RV, ↓ left heart compartments, aorta overriding ventricular septal defect
D. ↑pulmonary vascularisation, convexity of the 2 & 4 left arc, dilation of the aorta
20. Signs of the Fallot’s tetralogy:
A. ↑pulmonary vascularisation, heart dilation to the left, high right AV angle, ↑RV, ↑LA, ↑LV
B. ↑RA, ↑pulmonary vascularisation, convex 2 left arc, narrow retrocardial space
C.↓ lung vascularisation, ↑RV, ↓ left heart compartments, aorta overriding ventricular septal defect
D. ↑pulmonary vascularisation, convexity of the 2 & 4 left arc, dilation of the aorta
21. Signs of the Eisenmengers complex:
A. atrial septal defect, RV outflow obstruction, subvalvular/pulmonary valve stenosis, R→L shunt
B. ventricle septal defect, RV outflow obstruction, subvalvar/pulmonary valve stenosis, L→R shunt
C. round heart, curved heart apex, direct or obtuse left cardiophrenic angle ≥ 90 º, ↑2 left arc
D. ↑pulmonary vascularisation, convexity of the 2 & 4 left arc, dilation of the aorta
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