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The nose botfly has unique adaptations for surviving the cold winter. It lays its eggs in the nose of a caribou. The maggots emerge and travel to the caribou's throat where they are kept warm. In the spring, caribou cough the maggots up. The maggots pupate and then become flies.
Chapter 3 Section 2 ‐ Biomes A. Factors that determine a biome:
1. temperature
2. precipitation
B. Major biomes‐large areas with similar climates and
1. Tundra‐cold, dry, treeless region
a. Permanently frozen soil called permafrost
b. Average winter temperature: ‐12°C
c. Average precipitation: less than 25 cm per year
d. Plants: mosses, grasses, small shrubs, lichens
e. Animals: insects, ducks, geese, other birds,
mice, arctic hares, reindeer, polar bear
2. Taiga‐cold forest of mostly evergreen trees
a. Soil thaws in the short summer.
b. Precipitation: mostly snow, 35cm ‐ 100 cm per year
c. Plants: lichens and mosses grow on
the forest floor
d. Animals: moose, lynx, shrews, bears and foxes
3. Temperate deciduous forests‐region with four seasons, mostly trees that lose their leaves in autumn
a. Temperatures range from below freezing in winter to 30°C or more in summer.
b. Precipitation: throughout the year, 75 cm‐150 cm per year
4. Temperate rain forest ‐ tall trees with needlelike leaves
a. Average temperature: 9°C‐12°C
b. Precipitation: 200 cm‐400 cm per year
5. Tropical rain forests‐the most biologically diverse of all biomes
a. Average temperature: 25°C
b. Precipitation: 200 cm‐600 cm per year
c. Four zones: forest floor, understory, canopy, emergent
d. Human impact: Habitats being destroyed by farmers and loggers
6. Desert‐driest biome, supports little plant life
a. Temperatures: vary from hot to cold
b. Precipitation: less than 25 cm per year
c. Soil: thin, sandy, or gravelly
d. Plant: cactus
e. Animal: kangaroo rat ; very few large animals
7. Grasslands‐prairies or plains, dominated by grasses
a. Temperatures: temperate or tropical
b. Precipitation 25 cm‐75 cm per year; dry season
c. Home to mammals that graze on grass plants
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