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Second Grade Science
4th Grading Period
Power Objective:
Academic Vocabulary:
 Measure and document observable forms of energy
to demonstrate the connection between changes in
energy and the resulting long and short term
weather. (2.ESS.2)
 weather front
 meteorology
 meteorologist
 compare
 contrast
The Atmosphere: Weather
Enduring Understandings:
Essential Questions:
Long and short term weather changes occur due to changes in
Changes in energy affect all aspects
of weather, including temperature, precipitation amount and
Weather is a result of energy change. Heating and cooling of
water, air and land (from sunlight) are directly related to wind,
evaporation, condensation, freezing, thawing and
Weather patterns (long-term) and fronts (short-term) can be
documented through consistent measuring of temperature, air
pressure, wind speed and direction, and precipitation. This
weather data is then connected to observable forms of energy
(e.g., wind causes a sailboat to move, the sun can heat the
What factors make day-to-day weather changes?
What causes changes in the weather?
Why do we collect day-to-day weather data over time?