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Science 9 Test
Reproduction Unit
Name: ______________
Date: _______________
Part A: Multiple Choice – Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank to the left of the question
number. (Value:)
__ 1. How are animal cells different from plant cells?
___ 2. Which is the correct sequence of events for the following figure?
____ 3. Name the stages of the cell division and describe what is basically going on in each.
(About 5 MC questions on it)
__________- ______________________________________
__________- ______________________________________
____ 4. As a result of asexual reproduction, the daughter cells are ________________.
____ 5. What are the form of asexual reproduction we talked about in class ?
___ 6. What is Cytokinesis?
___ 7. How many chromosomes are in a human cell?
___ 8. What part of the cell contains the genetic information?
___ 9. A mutation is
___ 10. A carcinogen is ______________________that may be cause by
___ 11. What are four nitrogen bases in DNA?
___ 12. In every human body cell, there are ____ homologous pairs of chromosomes.
___13. Compare asexual and sexual reproduction. What are the main advantage of each?
___14. Which of the following shows the correct chromosome combination for
A) a female human?_______
B) A male human? ________
Part B: True or False.
(Value: 10)
Fill in T or F on the space that is provided:
Part C: Matching – Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank to the left of the corresponding
statement. (Value )
___ 1) Type of Asexual reproduction
___ 2) Cells communicate with each other by these chemical messengers.
___ 3) Sperm or egg is not needed for reproduction. (Offspring is identical to parent.)
___ 4) Hair like structures that move that cell or the cells surroundings
___ 5) A harmful tumor
___6) Natural occurring clones
___ 7) The phase in the cell cycle where the chromatids move AWAY from each other, to opposite poles
___ 8) Whip like tail that helps the cell move
Matching – Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank to the left of the corresponding
statement. (Value:)
1. Control centre of the cell
2. Allows material to enter and leave the cell
3. Stores proteins
4. Only in plant cells; protects the cell
5. Provides the cell with energy
6. Only in animal cells; important in cell division
7. a series of canals, that carry material throughout the cell
8. Used in photosynthesis
9. Where the proteins are made
10. Contains enzymes that breaks down materials
11. The fluid like material that surrounds the organelles
12. Fluid filled space with water, minerals, and proteins
Part D: Short Answer. Answer all of the questions in the space provided
{Value 17}
1. Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of asexual reproduction.
2. Why was Allan Legere’s second trial significant?
3. Name three significant facts you know about Dolly the sheep.
4. A) Explain the statement “all twins are clones, but not all clones are twins.”
a) List two pros and two cons to cloning ?
Fill in the missing base pairs to the following DNA segment.