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Exploration and Expansion
By the year 1400, much of
Europe was claimed and
settled by the different
cultural and political
groups of Europe.
Early nations were
forming and the
competition for power
had begun by the end of
the century.
Search online or in your text to answer the
following questions:
1. What were the Crusades?
2. What was the outcome of the
Crusades for Europe?
Marco Polo
1. Who was Marco Polo?
2. How did the Marco Polo’s
travels influence the Age of
1. What advantages did Italy
have in trade with Africa and
3. How did the Crusades influence
the Age of Exploration?
2. What goods were traded by
Muslim World:
the Italians through
1. What advancements had the
Constantinople and across the
Muslims made by 1400?
Mediterranean Sea from the
2. Why did the Europeans NOT like the early land-based trade routes
Muslim’s success and influences?
(Silk Road)?
3. How did the Italian’s control
3. How did the Muslim’s success
of the land trade influence the
influence the Age of Exploration for
Age of Exploration?
What was the Age of Exploration?
• A time period when Europeans began to
explore the rest of the world.
• Improvements in mapmaking,
shipbuilding, rigging, and navigation
made this possible.
• Blue water sailing, not just coastal boats.
• Policy of mercantilism drives the
What was mercantilism?
• Policy that said there was a limited
amount of money in the world.
• Each country needs to grab what they
can before it is gone.
• Export more than you import…more
money in your pocket.
• Colonies and markets were needed to
keep everything in the system.
Mapping 1500s Europe
Complete the following Tasks onto your notes map.
1.Title your map “Europe in the Age of Exploration.”
2.Visit and link to the “History of Europe”
map section (or use the maps in your textbook). Find the map
for the year 1500.
3.Label the following onto your map:
1. Portugal, Spain, France, England, Netherlands, Holy Roman
Empire, Italian City-States (part of HRE)
2. Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, English Channel
Bartolomeu Dias
Portuguese Explorer
“To serve God and His
Majesty, to give light to
those who were in
darkness and to grow rich
as all men desire to do.
Trade can go from Europe
to Asia by sea.
Found route to Indian
Prince Henry
Portuguese Prince Explorer
• Conquer the Muslim city
in North Africa – where he
found wealth in spices &
• 1419 founded a
Navigation School in
• Called Henry the
Taught Geography & Navigation
Three Main Goals
1. Learn more about other
2. Bring Christianity to Africa
and Asia
3. Find Sea Route to Asia
around Africa
Vasco da Gama
Landed in India in 1498.
Important trade route from
Europe to India and East
Traded Spices (pepper &
Route of Vasco de Gama
Sailed around cape to India in 1498
• Voyage long and hard
• Lost 120 men
• Brought back spices and jewels valued at
60 times cost of trip
Portugal had met goal set 60 years
Ferdinand Magellan
His crew made first roundthe-world voyage called
circumnavigate the globe
Proved for certain that the
world was round.
Magellan was killed in the
Phillippines, did not make it
European explorers wanted
to claim land for their
supporting country and
then receive a hero’s
welcome when they
returned from their voyage.
explorers were
interested in
finding goods
(spices, natural
resources, etc.)
that they could
take back to
Europe and sell.
Europeans sent out
missionaries to convert
the “savages” and
Muslims to Christianity.
Smaller, faster ships
that could maneuver in
shallow waters.
A Chinese invention
which used the magnetic
poles to calculate
A new sail which was
triangular in shape
and mounted at an
angle, allowing the
ships to gather wind
for faster travel.
Tool using the stars to
better locate ship’s
location at sea.
Central Governments
Mapmaking skill
increased and new maps
allowed explorers to
travel further with
greater confidence.
New central
governments needed
revenue from trade
goods to finance the
building of their new
New defensive
weapon allowed
ships to sail safely,
protecting their
goods from pirates
and other
competing nations.
Dutch East India Company
Richer and more
powerful than England’s
As a result, the Dutch
eventually drove out the
English and established
their dominance over
the region.