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The f1rst Epic Poem
Homers Diad
One of the best known poets of the earty Greeks was the blind poet, Homer. He wrote two epic, or
story poems. The first poem was the iliad, which descrtbes the Greek attack on the city of Troy, In an
effort to rescue Helen from the Trojans. The second epic poem was the Odyssey, the story of a Greek
warrior, Ulylles. It relates his adventure-filled return to his homeland.
Paris, the son of Priam, king of Troy, visited
Greece and abducted Helen, wife of Menelaus. He
returned to his home with his beautiful captive.
Menelaus was the brother of Agamemnon, the powerful and respected king of Mycenae. Agamemnon
sought support from other Greek princes for an
expedition to recapture Helen and to avenge the evil
deed that had been done. The Greek fleets sailed for
Troy and besieged the city for nine years. Priam had
bay until the tenth year, when the Greeks pretended
to sail away. Left behind was a giant wooden horse,
which the Trojans conc1udef;lwas a gift and a sign of
surrender. They took it inside the city gates, and that
night the Greek; came out from their hiding place in
the horse. They opened the gates for their waiting
comrades, and very quickly the city of Troy was
destroyed. Helen was returned to her husband and
the Greeks were victorious.
manystrongalliesand wasableto holdthe Greeksat
Many episodesare IncludedIn this poemabout the variousbattlesbetweenthe Greek and Trojan
heroes.Two of the mostfamouscombatantsare theTrojan,Hector,and the Greekchampion,Achilles.
After reading the story of the epic poem, complete the crossword puzzle below:
1. King of Troy
2. King of Mycenae
6. Homer's first
epic poem
7. A story poem
9. A blind Greek
12. How the Greeks
got to Troy
13. A city besieged
for ten years
14. How the Greeks
got into the city
of Troy
1. Priam's son
2. Most famous
Greek champion
3. Most powerful
Greek city-state
4. Helen's husband
5. A synonym for
8. Abducted
10. Homer's second
epic poem
11. Most famous
Trojan warrior