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Std. IX
Chapter-5 The Fundamental Unit of Life
1. Who discovered cells and How?
2. How do substances like Carbon-Di-Oxide and Oxygen move in and out of
the cell ?
3. Why are Plant cells more rigid than Animal Cells?
4. Why does a plant cell become turgid?
5. Draw various cells of the human body.
6. Differentiate between a Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell.
7. How does an Amoeba obtain its food ?
8. Why is Plasma membrane called selectively permeable membrane ?
9. What is the cell wall chiefly composed of ? Mention the functions of the cell
10.How is a Bacterial Cell different from an onion peel ?
Std. IX
Chapter-5 The Fundamental Unit of Life
1. Why is endocytosis found in Animal Cells only ?
2. What is the functional difference between a Plasma Membrane and Cell wall
3. What happens when a cell is placed in a Hypertonic solution ?
4. Mention the functions of Nuclear Membrane ?
5. Differentiate between a Plant cell and an Animal Cell ?
6. What are chromosomes composed of ?
7. Draw a neat labeled sketch of a Plant cell and an Animal cell ?
8. What is a nucleoid ?
9. Draw and label a Prokaryotic Cell ?
10.Nehal Soaked 8 grams of raisins in water and after 12 hours found that their
mass has become 12 grams. Determine the percentage of water absorbed by
Std. IX
Chapter-6 Tissue
Work sheet 4
 What contributes most to the difference in organ system design of
plants & animals ?
 Usually shrubs and herbs growing in open places are exposed to
forceful winds. But they do not break. Why ?
 Which structure protects the plant body against invasion of parasite ?
 We get a crunchy and granular feeling when we chew Pear fruit. Why ?
 Explain the statement “Tissue exhibit division of labour”.Give
 Draw and describe the plastid which is green and involved in
 In Hydrophytes Xylem is less developed. Give Reason
 List the characteristics of Parenchyma. How are they formed. Mention
their role
 What is aerenchyma ? Mention its function.
 Where meristematic tissue is found in plants ?
Std. IX
Animal Husbandry
Worksheet 5
1.The UN estimates that today’s world population has crossed 7.4 billion, how will
the demand for protein met? Suggest some solutions.
2.In what way broilers, feed in different from layers?
3.Paheli studying 9th in city school. Her biology teacher took her class students to a
cattle farm where her teacher showed them different kinds of cattle breeds and
explained about them in detail.Suggesting some animals yield higher milk and
some don’t.
a)Name the animal/cattle which can give us higher milk yield?How they are called
b)List out the exotic breeds and indigenous breeds of dairy farm.
4.If we want to increase the poultry yield what are the preventive measures to be
5.Farmers use bee-keeping as an additional income generating activity.Give two
6.If we want to make better yield in dairy animals and protect them from pest
certainly we need to provide them nutritious feed. If so explain what are the types
of food requirements of dairy animals? Why external and internal parasites live on
and in the cattle can be fatal?
7.What qualities of Brown Swiss and Sahiwal are considered to use them for
8.Sunil’s physics teacher explains some instruments and technology can be adapted
in marine fishing practice. If it is so, suggest the use of satellites and echo sounders
in marine fishery?
9.In modern days we can develop Embryo from a superior breed, and can be
transferred into the uterus of a female inferior characteristics. Name the process
and write about its advantages.
10.Name the revolution which led to better efficient production and availability of
milk. Suggest how it can be made effectively.
11.Mullet and prawn live in water which serves as staple food, explain in what
ways they are different from each other, how can we distinguish them.
12.Discuss and explain implications of the following statement :
“It is interesting to note that poultry in India’s most efficient converter of low
fibre food stuff(which is
unfit for human consumption) into highly
nutritious animal protein food”
Chapter- 6 : TISSUES
Worksheet 6
1 ) How are simple tissues different from complex tissues in plants?
2) Find out the incorrect sentence
a) Parenchyma tissue have intercellular space
b) Collenchyma tissue have irregular thickening at corners
c) Apical and intercalary meristem are permanent tissue
3) List the characteristics of cork. How are they formed. Mention their role.
4) Water hyacinth float on water surface. Explain
5) Meristematic cells have a prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm, but they lack
vacuole. Why?
6) If a potted plant is covered with a glass jar, water vapour appear on the wall of
glass jar. Explain why
7) Name the permanent tissue which totally lack protoplasm.
8) Differentiate epidermal and cork cell? Why are they called protective tissue?
9) A long tree has several branches. Name the tissue that helps in the sideways
conduction of water in branches.
10) Cork cells are made impervious to water and gases, name the substance that
makes cork compact.
Worksheet 7
1 ) Sita used to wonder how and why, puppies and cubs don’t resemble exactly to
their mother you suggest the reason for such variations and the responsible cellular
organelle for their variations?
2) Anu’s mother explained about the importance of having a maid in her
house for sweeping and cleaning which is similar to one cellular organelle in
a typical cell can you name the organelle and list out its role.
3) For cooking we need certain raw materials and heat source can you
compare in a typical plant cell which organelle is responsible for
synthesizing the food, how the raw material CO2 is taken in by plants?
4) If you want to purchase anything in shop you need currency same way in
our cell also there is an energy currency. Name the energy currency? And
what is the form of the energy released?
5) Major difference between the plant and animal cell is the presence of
chlorophyll, cell wall in the plant cell only if so, write the functions of
chlorophyll and cell wall?
6) Ram’s biology teacher showed the dividing plan root cell, under
compound microscope on viewing the slide Ram observed a rod shaped
thread like structure. He asked about this with his teacher she also explained
in detail about DNA and so on. Can you identify the organelle observe by
Ram and write about its role.
7) In our society some people are called as rich and poor based on their
economic standard. In same way in a typical cell there are SER and RER on
what basis they are called so, and explain them with their functions.
8) Based on the presence of nucleus , how organisms are classified, give an
example for each of them.
9) In any institution, or in an organization there will be a chief, how
administers and controls various activities can you name the such chief
organelle in a typical cell and write its various functions.
10) In our lives we do sacrifice many things for the sake of our beloved
ones, can you identify the organelle in a cell who sacrifices itself for the
betterment of the cell. List out the various functions, role played by it.
Chennai 101
Chapter-1 Improvement in food resources
1.Raju had started doing agriculture as a part time Job. State any two factors
which have helped Raju to raise the paddy production.
2. A farmer grows maize crop in a field year after year. He finds that the
yield becomes low. Give one possible reasons for it.
3. Rita likes to keep hybrid plants at home. Mention any three advantages of
hybrid varieties.
4. Sunil’s father is a farmer. He wants to grow grain crops in between two
cereal crops. Which agricultural practice is he following? Name it and
mention its advantage.
5. Seetha likes gardening. She likes to enrich the soil with nitrogen. Mention
a crop that would enrich the soil with nitrogen.
6. Ashok wanted to store grains after harvest. Mention the preventive and
control measure used before grains are stored.
7. A farmer wanted to grow wheat and ground nut in the same field. Mention
the type of cropping he adopted. Write one advantage of it.
8. In her garden, Vinitha saw unwanted plants which were grown along with
the rose plants. Mention the name of unwanted plants and write two
preventive measures.
9. Water is essential for irrigation. Mention the role of water in increasing
the yield of any crop variety.
10. Excessive use of fertilizers are detrimental to the environment. Give