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Psychological perspective that emphasizes the role of learning and experience in determining behavior. A strict behavioralist believes
that babies are tabula rasa and the study of psychology should focus purely on observable behaviors and not unobservable thoughts.
Learning –a relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience.
Associative learning – learning that certain events occur together
*Classical conditioning –
*Operant conditioning –
Which is which?
1. A child is attacked by a dog. The child now fears all dogs.
You feel hungry in 4th period most days because it is lunch time. When you enter your 4 th period class on a half day, you feel
You do your homework every night to get good grades and avoid punishment.
Classical Conditioning Vocabulary
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) –
Unconditioned Response (UCR) –
Conditioned Stimulus (CS) –
Conditioned Response (CR) –
Acquisition – initial learning of the stimulus-response relationship
Extinction – diminished response to the conditioned stimulus when it is no longer coupled with UCS.
Spontaneous recovery – reappearance of an extinguished CR after a rest.
Generalization – the tendency to respond to any stimuli similar to the CS
Discrimination – the ability to distinguish between the CS and similar stimuli
Example Videos
While watching Pavlov Dog video identify the following:
What is the UCS?
What is the UCR?
What is the CS?
What is the CR?
While watching Watson Little Albert video identify the following:
What is the UCS?
What is the UCR?
What is the CS?
What is the CR?
If Little Albert generalized, what would we expect to happen?
How could we teach Little Albert to discriminate?
How could Little Albert’s conditioning be extinguished?
If Little Albert is still alive, his fear of white rats is likely to have been extinguished (no loud noise when he sees a rat).
However, occasionally, when he sees a rat, he may find that his heart races for a second or two. What is this called?
A friend has learned to associate the sound of a dentist’s drill to a fearful reaction because of a painful experience she had
getting a root canal. In this example, what is the:
a. UCS? _____________________________________________b. UCR? _____________________________________________
c. CS? _______________________________________________
d. CR? ______________________________________________
(Hint: replace the word “conditioned” with “learned” and it will be easier.)
Using the example in question 1, give an example of how each of the following may occur:
a. extinction - ___________________________________________________________
b. spontaneous recovery - __________________________________________________
c. generalization - ________________________________________________________
d. discrimination - __________________________________________________________
For each of the following, identify the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR:
3. A BMW commercial has lots of pretty people in it. People who watch the commercial find the people pleasing to look at.
With repeated viewing, they begin to associate the car with the pleasant feeling.
a. UCS? _____________________________________________b. UCR? _____________________________________________
c. CS? _______________________________________________
d. CR? ______________________________________________
4. You get in a car accident and find you are afraid to get in a car.
a. UCS? _____________________________________________b. UCR? _____________________________________________
c. CS? _______________________________________________
d. CR? ______________________________________________
5. You go to a fancy restaurant and decide to try an appetizer you’ve never tried before – escargot. After dinner, you go to a
concert and get violently ill from a virus that is going arounf. From then on, you can’t even look at snails without feeling
a. UCS? _____________________________________________b. UCR? _____________________________________________
c. CS? _______________________________________________
d. CR? ______________________________________________
6. You are cruising on 440 at 75 mph when you see flashing police lights behind you. You pull over and the policeman gives
you a ticket. You get in insane amounts of trouble from your parents. The next time you see flashing police lights, your
heart rate speeds up.
a. UCS? _____________________________________________b. UCR? _____________________________________________
c. CS? _______________________________________________
d. CR? ______________________________________________
Name a time you have been classically conditioned?
What is a practical (real life) application of classical conditioning?