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Body Structures & Functions
Endocrine System
Chapter 11
Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________ Class: __________________
Endocrine Glands
Glands produce secretions
Endocrine glands make hormones
Hormones use the ____________ system to reach their target & the composition of a hormone
is a chemical substance.
Do not confuse with _________ glands, which have secretions that go through a duct
Function of the Endocrine System
Coordinate functions to ____________________ homeostasis
Pituitary gland
Nervous control
Pituitary Gland
About the _______________ of a ____________
Located at the base of the brain
Connected to the ________________
Anterior ______________ and posterior lobe
Also known as the _______________ gland
It’s ____________ affect other glands
Anterior Lobe – Pituitary
Growth hormone (GH) or somatotropin
FYI… A teenage athlete who wants to __________ bigger and taller might be ________
enough to take Somatotropin (a pituitary hormone)
Acromegaly is caused by over __________ of somatotropin in adults and causes
enlarged bones in the hands, feet and face.
Androgens –stimulate body hair, ______________ hair, large muscles and a deep _________.
Prolactin hormone (PRL)
Body Structures & Functions
Endocrine System
Chapter 11
Thyroid-stimulating ______________ (TSH)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing ______________ (LH)
Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH)
Posterior Lobe – Pituitary
Vasopressin converts to _______________ hormone (ADH) in the bloodstream
Oxytocin- when a doctor induces labor, a _____________ woman is given Pitocin, which is a
synthetic form of oxytocin.
Lobes of the Pituitary Gland – Please list all
Thyroid Glands
Located in the neck close to the ____________ cartilage (_______________ apple)
Regulates body metabolism
_______________ (T4)
Parathyroid Glands
Four glands the ________________ of grains of rice
Attached to the posterior surface of the _____________ gland and nearest to the Larynx
Maintains calcium-_____________ balance
Parathormone and calcitonin
Antagonistic ____________
Thymus Gland
Both an _____________ gland and a _______________ organ
Body Structures & Functions
Endocrine System
Chapter 11
Located under the _______________
Decreases in size with aging
Adrenal Glands
Located on top of each _______________
Have a cortex and a medulla
ACTH from the ________________ gland stimulates activity of the cortex
Cushing’s syndrome-disorder of the Adrenal Gland
Adrenal Cortex
Adrenal Medulla
__________________ or adrenalin
Powerful cardiac __________________
Responds to the _______________ nervous system
Fight-or-flight hormones
Gonads – Hormones
Female (ovary)
Located behind ________________
Body Structures & Functions
Endocrine System
Chapter 11
Exocrine and endocrine functions
Insulin (also known as an endocrine hormone.
Pineal Gland
Located on the _______________ of the third ventricle in the brain
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Other Hormones
Activity _______________ on which tissue secretes them
Exact nature and function is being studied
Effects of Aging
Aging affects _______________ every gland
Blood levels of some hormones increase, while others decrease
Affects the homeostasis of the ________________