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QUADRATIC FORMULA Quadratic Formula provides solutions to a quadratic equation, i.e. provides values for the zeros of a quadratic function. f ( x) b x1 b2 2a Let’s introduce a symbol ax 2 4ac bx c x2 0 b b2 2a 4ac b2 (read: delta) to denote a discriminant 4ac It determines the number of real solutions of a quadratic equation. y 0 x No real solutions. X1 and X2 are complex numbers (non-real). ______________________________________________________________________ 0 y One real solution. x X1 = X2 is a real number. ______________________________________________________________________ 0 y Two real solutions. x X1 X2 are real numbers. By Joanna Gutt-Lehr, Pinnacle Learning Lab, last updated 1/2007