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Bell-Ringer – AP Practice
1) The part of the earth that is occupied by living
things is...
a) Lithosphere
b) Atmosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Transophere
e) Biosphere
2) A relationship in which one species benefits
and the other remains unchanged is called...
a) Predation
b) Symbiosis
c) Mutualism
d) Commensalism
e) Parasitism
3) The most common population distribution
found in nature is...
a) Random distribution
b) Uniform distribution
c) Clumped distribution
d) Symbiotic distribution
e) Non-random distribution
4) Which answer below gives an example of
a) Leeches live inside a host, feeding on their
blood until the host dies.
b) A bird lives on the back of a wildebeest,
eating the insects the wildebeest attracts.
c) A bear hunts and eats salmon that swim
upstream to spawn.
d) Two elk fight over potential mates.
e) Bees get food from a flower and move its
pollen to every surrounding flower they visit.
pgs 163-168
Earth’s Biomes
• Biome – a large ecological unit defined by its
dominant life forms (plant and animal) and
Earth’s Biomes
• Biome – a large ecological unit defined by its
dominant life forms (plant and animal) and
• Temperature and precipitation are the most
important factors in determining biome types
and location.
Biome Placement
• Biomes tend to occur at similar latitudes.
• This is due to similar temperatures and
atmospheric circulation leading to similar
precipitation (due to Hadley cells) along the lines
of latitude.
The Edge Effect
• Ecotone – a transition area between two adjacent
but different communities (such as biomes).
• This transition area may be a blending of the two
biomes or a sharp boundary.
The Edge Effect
The Edge Effect
• Ecotones present interesting ecosystems, as
species from each separate community can be
found together.
• Animals are able to exploit both habitats,
while plants colonize
as deeply within the
adjacent biome as
The Edge Effect
• Because the habitat of an ecotone is blended,
a higher degree of life is able to thrive there.
• Due to this fact, ecotones tend to have a
higher degree of biodiversity than surrounding
habitats – this is known as the “edge effect.”
Earth’s Biomes
• The earth is roughly divided into ten biomes.
Biomes Reading Guide
• Read through pages 163-168. For each biome,
record the appropriate information in a table
designed like the one below. There are ten
biomes listed in the book.
Where Is Summary of Characteristic
Plant and
Animal Life
Bell Ringer
1) What is the edge effect?
a) Finding less biodiversity in the interior of a
b) Finding less biodiversity in each biome as
one moves north from the equator
c) Finding ecotones between biomes
d) Finding more biodiversity in the transition
areas between biomes
e) Finding species evenness values vary from
the interior to the edge of a biome
2) Similar biomes tend to be grouped…
a) Around lines of latitude
b) Around lines of longitude
c) By continent
d) Around the equator
e) By both lines of latitude and longitude
3) The two most important factors in determining
biome type are:
a) precipitation and soil type
b) humidity and altitude
c) altitude and precipitation
d) precipitation and temperature
e) temperature and altitude
4) The graph below represents what biome?
a) Tropical dry forest
c) Desert
d) Tundra
b) Savanna
e) Boreal Forest
• As we watch Planet Earth, note each biome as
we pass through it. Beside the name of each
biome, note the type of vegetation and
wildlife mentioned.