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Plate Tectonics or Does the earth move under your
The earth is a planet whose surface is constantly changing. In Alaska we
experience many of the ramifications of this crustal movement. During
our unit on plate tectonics we will explore how, why and when the
earths crust changes.
• You will be completing a 5-section lesson on plate tectonics.
• Each of the lessons will take several days to complete.
• The study will be assembled as a book at the end of the unit.
• The first three sections will be done as a web quest: each section
will be presented as a packet.
• Upon satisfactory completion of the packet the next section will be
made available.
• You will be working in teams while doing the web quest but note
each student needs to complete all portions of the quest.
• We will be using the computer lab for part of the study.
• Much of the material is also available in the class textbooks.
• Books may be checked out for use if the Internet is not available to
you at home.
Table of contents
Part I Plate tectonics Web Quest
Section 1
Earths layers and earths structures
Notes and sketches
Poster of earth’s structure
Section 2
Pangaea to Present: History of the Earths Layers
Notes and sketches
Wagener Questions
Letter to the Royal Society
Section 3
Mountain Building and how plates move
Notes and Sketches
Plate Reconstruction
Part 2 Earthquakes in Detail
Notes and Sketches
Epicenter location exercise
Part 3 Volcanoes in Detail
Notes and sketches
Volcano illustration
Part I Plate Tectonics
Web Quest
Section 1
Earths layers and earths structures
1. Notes and sketches
2. Vocabulary
3. Questions
4. Poster of earth’s structure
Section 1: Earths layers and earths structures
Notes and sketches:
Vocabulary for Section 1
The Earth's Layers and Earth's Structure
Define the following words in complete sentences:
1. Crust- _______________________________________________
2. Oceanic Crust-
3. Continental Crust- _____________________
4. Lithosphere-__________________________
5. Mantle- _____________________________
6. Asthenosphere-
7. Convection Currents-___________________
8. Outer Core- __________________________
9. Inner Core- ___________________________
Questions for Section 1
Earth's Layers and Earth's Structure
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. How did Andrija Mohorovicic discover that the
earth's crust was made of less dense rock than the
2. Write in your own words the definition of a
3. Name the four layers of the Earth in order from
the outside to the center of the Earth.
4. What causes the mantle to "flow"?
5. What are the two main metals that make up the
outer core and the inner core?
6. Describe in your own words how the Earth's
layers were formed. ( Page two in Earth's
Structure will help you.)
Rough Draft of Earth’s Structure Poster
Section 2
Pangaea to Present: History of the Earths Layers
1. Notes and sketches
2. Vocabulary
3. Questions
4. Wagener Questions
5. Letter to the Royal Society
Section 2: Pangaea to Present: History of the
Earths Layers
Notes and sketches:
Vocabulary for Section 2
Define the following words in complete sentences:
1. DYNAMIC PLANET- __________________________________
2. PLATES- ______________________________________________
3. PLATE TECTONICS/CONTINENTAL DRIFT THEORY__________________________________________________________
4. PANGAEA- ___________________________________________
5. PANTHALASSA- _____________________________________
6. LAURASIA- __________________________________________
7. GONDWANALAND- __________________________________
8. PLATE BOUNDARIES- _______________________________
9. CONVERGENT- ______________________________________
10. DIVERGENT- _______________________________________
11. TRANSFORM- ______________________________________
Questions for Section 2
Pangaea to Present: History of Earth’s Layers
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. In your own words, explain the Continental Drift
2. How did Alfred Wegener try to prove that the
continents of Africa and South America were once
3. How did the ancient people of Japan explain
4. How did the ancient Romans explain the presence
of volcanoes?
5. What caused Pangaea to break up?
6. What happened at the Triple Junction? Where is it
located today?
Alfread Wegener
Question Worksheet
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. Where and when was Alfred Wegener born?
2. Where did Wegener do most of his study (2 Countries)?
3. Alfred Wegener earned his Doctorate in what subject?
4. He later studied what subject?
5. In 1906, Alfred and his brother Kurt set a world record in
6. Alfred made his first expedition to this country .
7. Though not the first to notice, Alfred Wegener noticed what
interesting feature when looking at maps of the world?
8. When did Wegener put forth the idea for " Continental
9. "Continental Displacement" eventually became known as
10. Alfred Wegener published his ideas in what year?
11. In what month and year did Wegener die while lost in a
blizzard during his last expedition to Greenland?
12. What is the name of the scientist who vindicated Wegener's
theory of " Continental Displacement"?
13. This mechanism explains how Continental Drift actually
occurs. ( It proved Alfred Wegener was correct!)
Rough Draft of Letter to the Royal Society:
Section 3
Mountain Building and how plates move
1. Notes and Sketches
2. Vocabulary
3. Questions
4. Plate Reconstruction
Section 3: Mountain Building and How Plates
Notes and sketches:
Section 3 Vocabulary
Mountain Building and How Plates Move
Define the following words in complete sentences:
1. Subduction zone- ___________________________________
2. Mid-ocean ridge- ___________________________________
3. Magma/magma chamber- ____________________________
4. Rift Valley-_______________________________________
5. Trenches- _________________________________________
6. Folded mountains-__________________________________
7. Fault-blocked mountains- ____________________________
8. Dome mountains-___________________________________
Questions for Section 3
Mountain Building and How Plates Move
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. What are the 5 causes for mountain building?
2. What is the difference between how folded mountains
and block-fault mountains are formed?
3. How do dome mountains form?
4. In your own words explain what happens at a
subduction zone.
5. In your own words explain what happens at a midocean ridge.
6. At a subduction zone what causes magma to rise?
Rough Draft of Plate reconstruction: