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Weathering, Mass Wasting and Karst
• Capable of wearing
down anything that
the internal processes
can build.
• Gravity, water, wind
and ice
• Denudation - the
overall effect of
wearing away and
removal of rock
• Weathering
• Mass wasting
• Erosion
• The first step in shaping the Earth’s surface
• Mechanical disintegration or chemical
• Rock fragments into smaller and smaller pieces
• Occurs where atmosphere and lithosphere meet
• Whenever bedrock is exposed, it weathers
• Cracks and crevices allow weathering to penetrate
• Once started spreads
• Joints are the most
• Develops as a result of stress
• Most important in facilitating
• Microscopic openings are
tiny and numerous
• Responsible for extensive
• Faults are breaks in bedrock with displacement
• Major landscape feature
• Easy penetration of weathering agents
• Lava Vesicles
• holes in cooling lava that allow gas to escape, later
allows weathering to occur
• Solution Cavities
• holes formed as soluble minerals are dissolved
Weathering Agents
• Most atmospheric
• Easy to penetrate into cracks and crevices
• Oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapor
• Temperature
• Weathering influenced by a variety of factors
Structure of bedrock
Size of openings
Climatic conditions
Vegetative cover
Variety of digging animals
Mechanical Weathering
• The physical disintegration of rock material
without any change to its chemical composition
• Big rocks fractured into smaller rocks
• Frost Wedging
Most important mechanical weathering agent
Water freezes from the top down
Expanding wedge exerts pressure on rock
Repeated cycle of freeze and thaw
Curved layers of peeled off bedrock
Curved joints break away in succession
Granite and other intrusive rocks
Half Dome, Yosemite Valley, CA
Not fully understood
• Rock cracks after overlying weight is removed
• Removal of weight allows expansion in rock
Chemical Weathering
• Decomposition of rock by the chemical
alteration of its minerals
• Some rocks are extremely resistant
• Many others not resistant
• The greater the surface area exposed, the
greater amount of weathering
• Requires moisture
• Higher temperature is better
• Oxidation
• Oxygen atoms combine with metallic
• Can form new materials (Iron +
Oxygen = Iron Oxide)
• Rusting
• Red stains on rocks
• Oxides are softer and easier to
remove than original material
Biological Weathering
• Plants and animals contribute to weathering
• Tree roots into cracks and crevices
• Lichen
• Live on bare rock and draw nutrients from rock and
weakens rock
• Burrowing Animals
Mass Wasting
• The process whereby weathered material is
moved a relatively short distance down slope
under the direct influence of gravity.
• Occurs even on gentle slopes
• Can fall abruptly or creep gradually
• Can be gigantic boulders or tiny particle of dust
• The falling off pieces of
rock downslope
• Loosened by weathering
• Characteristic in
mountainous areas
• Pieces of unsorted rock is
known as talus
• Forms a talus cone at base of
• Some sorting by size
• Large talus cones can move
down slope under own weight
• An instantaneous collapse
of a slope
• Rainwater adds weight to
overloaded slope
• Earthquakes
• Detached along joints
• Topographic changes
• Extensive scar exposing
bedrock and debris
• In the valley bottom,
massive pile of irregular
• Up-valley of debris a lake
may form
• A sector of a slope becomes unstable and flows
gently downhill
• Normally caused by excess water
• Relatively small
and shallow
• Earthflow
• Most common
• During or after heavy
• Low vegetation
• Slowest and least noticeable
• Very gradual downhill movement of soil and
• Happens everywhere there is a slope
• Water helps accelerate creep
• Any activity that disturbs soil can contribute
• Usually recognized only through displacement of
human built structures
Karst Topography
15% of the Earth’s surface
Pitted and bumpy surface
poor drainage
Vast underground caverns
Formation of Karst
80% calcium carbonate
Pattern of joints
zone of air between ground and water table
Vegetation to supply organic acids
Features of Karst Landscapes
• Sinkholes
Solution sinkhole
collapse sinkhole
Watertable lowering
• Caves and Caverns
Limestone easily dissolves
Forms just below water table
Flowing water
Unique plant and animal