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Mitosis : Pre Test
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.912.L.16.14 Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells
and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction.
SC.912.L.16.3 Describe the basic process of DNA replication and how it relates to the transmission and conservation of the
genetic information.
1. The division of a eukaryote cell, producing two daughter cells with the same number of
chromosomes is known as ___________ .
A) meiosis
B) binary fission
C) mitosis
D) cytokinesis
2. Prokaryotes, such as bacteria, divide by a process called
A) meiosis.
B) binary fission.
C) mitosis.
D) cytokinesis.
3. The period of cell growth and maintenance prior to cell division is referred to as
A) mitotic phase.
B) interphase.
C) metaphase.
D) telophase.
4. ___________ is the longest and first phase of cell division.
A) anaphase
B) telophase
C) metaphase
D) prophase
5. The diagram below shows a cell in the __________phase of cell division.
A) anaphase
B) telophase
C) metaphase
D) prophase
6. _______________ are cylindrical structures made of mircrotubules , and are located just outside
the nucleus.
A) Centrioles
B) Chromatids
C) Centromeres
D) Chromosomes
7. Which of the sequences below is correct?
A) Centrioles migrate to opposites ends of the cell, chromosomes attach to spindle fibers,
chromosomes duplicate
B) Chromosomes duplicate, chromosomes attach to spindle fibers, centrioles migrate to
opposite ends of the cell
C) Chromosomes attach to spindle fibers, chromosomes duplicate, centrioles migrate to
opposite ends of the cell
D) Chromosomes attach to spindle fibers, centrioles migrate to opposite ends of cell,
chromosomes duplicate
8. Using the diagram below, match letter C to its phase name:
A) Prophase
B) Metaphase
C) Interphase
D) Anaphase
9. During telophase, the chromosomes
A) unwind within the new nuclear membrane so they can once again direct protein production.
B) coil tightly so they become visible.
C) line up in the center of the cell and are attached to the spindle.
D) are pulled apart to opposite ends of the cell.
10. Using the diagram above, which of the sequences below shows the correct order of cell
A) B, C, D, E, A
B) E, B, D, C, A
C) A, C, D, E, B
D) E, C, D, B, A
11. It is necessary for chromosomes to coil tightly after they are copied so that
A) they cannot be easily broken as they could be in an elongated form.
B) they can be easily recognized by a geneticist.
C) they can be copied easily in the next generation of cells.
D) they don’t get split up during cell division.
12. Following telophase, the cytoplasm divides in two as the membrane folds in along the middle.
This process is known as _____________.
A) anaphase
B) binary fission
C) cytokinesis
D) spindle formation
13. In plants, a __________ is formed in the center of the dividing cell until cell walls can be formed
to separate the cell into two cells.
A) centromere
B) cell plate
C) chromatid
D) spindle
14. Damage to the genes that control the cell cycle is the suspected to cause __________.
A) cancer
B) mitosis
C) cytokinesis
D) binary fission