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1. The war on terror was exhibited during the World Trade Center bombing while Pearl Harbor happened during
which major event: ______________World War 2_______________
2. Axis Powers were formed during the: ___________________________________________________________
3. Where did the Resolution of Force occur? ______Gulf of Tonkin________
4. When did the supply-side economics occur? ______Presidential campaign of 1980s_____
5. The Fair Deal is to Truman as the ____________New Frontier__________________ is to John F. Kennedy.
6. _____________Immigration reform_________________ is to immigration as religion is to the Scopes Trial.
7. What was President Jimmy Carter’s greatest foreign policy achievement? ______________________________
8. What did “Reganomics” emphasize? _____reduce the federal income tax and capital gains tax________
9. Under what act did the inflation rate decline and the G.D.P. increase? _________________________________
10. What do conservatives believe that a large central government encourages? ___________________________
11. What did the Pentagon Papers reveal? _____________________The watergate
12. Nixon regulated workplaces to make them safer for workers by _________________creating
13. What reduced tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union? _____________________________________
14. Malcolm X converted to what _________________________________________________________________
15. Who passed secrets about nuclear science to the Soviet Union ______________________________________
16. What changed the way politicians ran for office from 1960 to present __________________________________
17. The New Deal opponents felt that these programs gave to much power to _____________________________
18. Which group was formed to encourage cooperation to promote peace after WWII ________________________
19. __________________________ made the decision to use an atomic bomb against Japan.
20. Who is associated with the iron curtain _________________________________________________________
21. Which President/Vice President favored growth of businesses in the 1920’s ____________________________
22. What was the most immediate cause of the U.S. entering WWI ______________________________________
23. What were the 3 goals of the New Deal _________________________________________________________
24. What factors hid the economic problems that were developing in the 20’s ______________________________
25. Who appeared to be winning the war in Europe in 1940 ____________________________________________
26. During WWI the creation of jobs north led to the __________________________________________________
27. American voters voted for a President that promised what at the end of WWI ___________________________
28. What did the Harlem Renaissance do to the identity of African Americans ______________________________
29. Why did the Japanese attack the U.S. at Pearl Harbor _____________________________________________
30. Why was the Battle of midway important ________________________________________________________
31. What was Executive Order 9066 ______________________________________________________________
32. O’Conner is to President Regan as _________________________ is to President Johnson
33. Which Presidency was the Bay of Pigs during ____________________________________________________
34. What program led to an increase in Nuclear Weapons production ____________________________________
35. League of Nations is to ________________________ as United Nations is to __________________________
36. The Great Society was the programs of who _____________________________________________________
37. What presidency committed to the U.S. massive arms build-up ______________________________________
38. What action symbolized the end of Europe’s communism ___________________________________________
39. What started the Korean War? ________________________________________________________________
40. Why did MLK choose Birmingham, AL for the civil rights campaign ___________________________________
41. The prevention of the completion of the Cuba Missile bases was done by what __________________________
42. List three components of Kennedy’s New Frontier ________________________________________________
43. The American Space was affected by the Cold War how ___________________________________________
44. What was Nixon’s Vietnamization policy require __________________________________________________
45. What 3 things did Gerald Ford presidency face ___________________________________________________
46. What caused the relaxed relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union _____________________________
47. How did Egypt achieve peace with Israel _______________The Camp David
48. When was the Red Scare ___________________________________________________________________
49. What happened with the Soviet Union in December 1979? _________________________________________
50. Keynesian economics versus supply-side economics:______________________________________________