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Chapter 1: Charting the heavens
1.1 Our Place in Space
1.3 The “Obvious” View
1.4 Earth’s Orbital Motion
1.5 Motion of the Moon
1.6 The Measurement of
1.1 Our Place in Space
• Earth is __________________________—we don’t occupy any _________________________________
• Universe: _______________________________ all space, time, matter, and energy
• Astronomy: _________________________________________
• Scales are very large: measure in ______________________________, the distance light travels in a year—
about ___________________________________
• In one nanosecond, or 10-9 of a second, light travels ______________________ inches.
• In one microsecond, or 10-6 of a second, light travels ________________ feet.
• In one millisecond, or 10-3 of a second, light travels _____________________ miles.
• In one second, light travels _________________________ miles.
1.3 The “Obvious” View
• Simplest observation: _____________________________________________________
• About ______________________________ stars visible at any one time; distributed randomly but human
brain tends to find _____________________________________________
• Group stars into _________________________: Figures having meaning to those doing the grouping
• Useful: ______________________________, which is _______________________________________
• Useless: Astrology, which makes ________________________________________________________________________
based on the star patterns at their birth
• Stars that ________________________________________ in the sky may not actually be_________________________
• The celestial sphere: Stars _________________________________________________________________________ of a
sphere surrounding the Earth
• They aren’t, but can use two-dimensional spherical coordinates (similar to _________________________
________________________________________) to locate sky objects
More Precisely 1-1: Angular Measure
• Full circle contains __________________ (degrees)
• Each degree contains ___________ (arc-minutes)
• Each arc-minute contains ______________________ (arc-seconds)
• Angular size of an object depends on its ________________________________________
1.4 Earth’s Orbital Motion
• Daily cycle, noon to noon, is ____________________________ motion —________________________
• Stars aren’t in quite the same place__________________________ hours later, though, due to Earth’s
rotation around Sun; when they are once again in the same place, ____________________________ has
• Seasonal changes to night sky are due to _______________________________
• Twelve constellations Sun moves through during the year are called the _________________________;
path is ___________________________
• Ecliptic is plane of Earth’s path around Sun; at ____________________________ to ___________________________
• Northernmost point of path (above celestial equator) is ____________________________; southernmost is
_____________________; points where path crosses celestial equator are
• Combination of _______________________________________________ gives seasons
• Time from one vernal equinox to next is __________________________________________
• ___________________________: rotation of Earth’s axis itself; makes one complete circle in about
Time for Earth to orbit once around Sun, relative to fixed stars, is ______________________________
______________________ follows seasons; ________________________________ follows constellations—in
_____________________________________________ will still be summer, but _________________________ will be a
summer constellation
1.5 Motion of the Moon
• Moon takes about _________________ days to go through whole cycle of phases—_________________________
• Phases are due to different amounts of ________________________ being visible from Earth
• Time to make full ________________________ around Earth, sidereal month, is about _____________ shorter
• Eclipses occur when Earth, Moon, and Sun form a ______________________
• Lunar eclipse:
• Earth is between __________________________
• Partial when only part of Moon is in shadow
• Total when it all is in shadow
• Solar eclipse: Moon is between ________________________
• Partial when only part of Sun is blocked
• Total when it all is blocked
• Annular when Moon is too far from Earth for total
• Eclipses don’t occur every month because Earth’s and Moon’s orbits are ________________________
1.6 The Measurement of Distance
• Triangulation: _______________________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________ Similar to triangulation, but look at apparent motion
of object against distant background from two vantage points
• Measuring Earth’s radius:
• Done by _______________________________________ about 2300 years ago; noticed that when
Sun was directly overhead in one city, it was at an angle in another.
• Measuring that angle and the distance _______________________________________________________.