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Blood transport system
There are 3 types of blood vessels:
1. Arteries
2. Veins
3. Capillaries
Carry blood away from the heart
They carry blood at high pressure
You can feel your pulse in an ARTERY
Arteries divide again and again until they
finally form tiny blood vessels called..
Capillaries are the
smallest blood vessels,
with very thin walls
Several things pass in and out
of them. They are…
• Oxygen out of the lungs
• Oxygen and glucose into cells
• Carbon dioxide and other
wastes out of the cells
• Carbon dioxide into the lungs
Capillaries join together into larger blood vessels
Which then become
Capillaries join arteries to veins
Carry blood back to the heart
They carry blood at low pressure
They have valves to stop blood flowing backwards
Key point notes!
The heart and blood vessels make up the
circulatory system.
The 3 kinds of blood vessels are
Blood circulates (goes round the body) like
Key point notes!
Arteries are the thickest and strongest
as they have to carry blood at high
Capillaries are the smallest and thinnest.
They have thin walls to allow gases,
glucose and wastes to diffuse in and out
easily. They are in contact with all the
cells in the body.
Veins have thinner walls than arteries as
they carry blood at low pressure. They
are the only ones to have valves!