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Study Guide for the Energy Test
Name ____Spencer Key_____
Complete the study guide by: Your test will be on ___Sept 12/13___________________.
Study your three pages of notes for the energy test as well as this study guide.
Energy Notes (1 of 3) – Forms of Energy
1. Batteries and food both store _chemical______________ energy.
2. Anything that is moving has ____kinetic___ energy.
3. An object that is high above the ground has ___potential__ energy.
4. _______Thermal energy is energy an object has because its particles are moving.
5. ___Chemical___ energy is stored in the particles of an object.
6. _Mechanical____ energy is associated with the motion or position of an object.
7. _Electrical___energy is energy flowing in a circuit.
8. _Heat____ is the transfer of thermal energy.
9. __Solar___ energy is energy from the sun.
Energy Notes (2 of 3) – Heat Transfer
10. ___Convection____ is heat transfer that occurs when warm air rises.
11. When walking on a hot road, heat is transferred to your feet by _conduction___.
12. _Radiation___ is heat transfer by electromagnetic waves.
13. Conduction occurs between objects when objects _touch_________.
14. When radiation is _absorbed__ it warms an object.
15. Convection occurs in liquids or gases when its particles move from a _wamer___ place to a
_cooler___ place.
16. Heat from the Sun reaches the Earth by __radiation_______.
17. Conduction occurs within an object when its particles __touch____________.
18. Convection _ currents_ in the atmosphere are important factors in weather.
19. __Radiation___ is the form of heat transfer that can occur in empty space.
20. When an object’s particles move faster, its __temperature___ rises.
21. Insulators are poor __conductors_____ of heat.
Energy Notes (3 of 3) – Transformations and Conservation
22. Water at the top of a dam has _potential__ energy. When it flows down the dam, it has
____kinetic_ energy.
23. Batteries change __chemical___ energy to ___electrical_____ energy.
24. In a generator, __mechanical_ energy is turned into _electrical_____ energy.
25. A light bulb in a circuit changes electrical energy into ___light___________ energy.
26. When wood is burned, _chemical_____ energy changes into _heat____________.
27. An energy transformation is when energy is __changed____________ from one form to another.
28. When a rollercoaster rolls down a hill, _kinetic________ energy is turned into
_potential______________ energy.
Energy Notes (3 of 3) – Transformations and Conservation - continued
29. Solar cells convert ___solar__ energy into _electrical___________________ energy.
30. The Law of Conservation of Energy says energy can change from one __form_________ to
another, but it cannot be __created______________ or _destroyed_______.
31. Wood, coal, petroleum, and natural gas are all ___carbon__-based fuels that can be burned,
turning ____chemical__ energy into __heat________.
32. Plants receive __solar__ energy from the sun which allows them to produce sugar which is
stored __chemical__ energy.
33. If you pick up a book and place it on a shelf, you are changing __kinetic_____________ energy
to _potential_ energy.
34. When you move your legs, your muscles change chemical energy into _____mechanical _
35. A car changes the __chemical____ energy from gasoline into mechanical energy.
Lab Safety – Look at your lab safety rules
36. What’s the first thing you should do when starting a lab? ________read all the directions___
37. When is it okay to eat something in lab? __only when the teacher says that it is ok—
otherwise never put anything in your mouth_______
38. What should you do when there is a spill or broken glass is broken in lab? __tell the teachernever pick up broken glass__________________________________
39. Why are goggles sometimes worn during labs? ___to protect the eyes__
40. Who should clean up a lab station after a lab? _each lab group should follow the directions
for clean up—points will be taken off if the group does not clean up_______
Inquiry – Information from labs done in class
In a class experiment, ice water measured at 0°C was poured into three jars. Each jar was the
same size and held 200 mL of ice water. Each jar was wrapped with a different color Styrofoam:
white, red or black. Each jar was placed in sunlight and the temperature of each was recorded
every 30 minutes. The data is in the table below:
Black Styrofoam
White Styrofoam
Red Styrofoam
Temp After 30 min (°C)
Temp After 60 min (°C)
Temp After 90 min (°C)
41. What was the manipulated variable? ________________________________________
42. What was the responding variable? _________________________________________
43. What were two controlled variables? _________________________________________
44. Label each of the following as an observation, inference, or neither.
__observation____ The white Styrofoam got to 11⁰C after 90 minutes.
__neither_________________ The red Styrofoam got to 26⁰C after 60 minutes.
__neither_________________ Making Styrofoam is bad for the environment.
______inference_____ The black Styrofoam got the warmest because it absorbed the most light.