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Solar System
•  Sun, 8 planets,
hundred moons,
million asteroids,
billion comets etc.
Comparative Planetology
•  Compares planets and other solar system bodies to help
understand how they formed and evolved
•  Diameters: 10 times Earth=Jupiter & 10Jupiters=Sun
•  Distances: Sun-Earth=8light-minutes & Sun-Jupiter=1Hour
Solar System Looks Like a Disk
•  As the planet’s distance from the sun increases; circumference of
orbit increases & velocity decreases so period of orbit increases
•  Planets revolve in orbits that are tilted less than 7° to sun’s equator
•  Planets ALL orbit in same direction
•  As Sun rotates
Obliquity of Rotation Axes
Most planets rotate counter-clockwise
Most planets rotation axis is perpendicular to ecliptic plane
Sun’s rotation axis tilted by 7°
But why is Uranus tilted ~90°?
Why does Venus rotate retrograde=clockwise?
Two Kinds of Planets
•  Planets are relatively isolated
•  Terrestrial planets- 4 inner planets
•  Jovian planets – 4 outer planets
Terrestrial Planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars,
Located closer together near sun
Smaller, denser, rocky
Solid surface & Weak magnetic field
Little or no Hydrogen and Helium
Few moons, no rings
Jovian Planets
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Widely spaced in outer solar system
Larger, gaseous, containing Hydrogen & Helium like Sun
Dense atmosphere with no surface & Strong magnetic field
Many satellites, ring systems
Average Density of Planets
•  Density is mass divided by volume – How heavy per volume
•  Terrestrial Planets more dense than Jovian gas giants
•  Problem is moon is not as dense (3.4gm/cm3) as Earth (5.5)
Interplanetary Matter
•  Planets have cleared their orbits, but there’s debris leftover
•  Comet & Asteroid dust ~40,000 tons/year falls to Earth
•  Seen as Zodiacal Light
Asteroids = Minor Planet
Rocky, smaller than the moon; larger than 100meters diam.
Not enough gravity to pull them into spherical shape
Ceres~1000km diam; Vesta~500km; 15>250; ~million >1km
Movie of Eros
Asteroid Belt
•  Asteroids, Near Earth Objects,
•  Millions of asteroids generally
orbit between Mars and Jupiter
•  Over 444,080 with good orbits
•  Named by discoverer
•  1 named after UVic and 14
others named after UVic people
Kuiper Belt Region
•  More than 1000 icy objects like
Pluto in Kuiper Belt @ 30-50?AU
Comet: Hale-Bopp 1997
•  Dirty snowball; leftover from
formation of solar system
•  Nucleus 1-10km
•  Ices melt/steam when close to sun
•  Forms million km long tail
Oort Cloud
•  Trillions of comets in
orbits of ~a light year
•  1000 times further than
Kuiper belt
•  Peekskill meteorite or fireball
•  1992 New York; Bright as full moon
•  Meteorite on ground, meteor in air and
meteoroid in space
•  Pinhead sized rocks burn up ~80km up
•  Some leftover from formation of Solar
Radioactive Dating
Clocks start at time of solidifying and reset by melting
238U radioactive decays to 234Th → 206Pb
With half-life of 4.5billion years
We have rock samples of the Earth, Moon, Mars, meteorites
All date to maximum of ~4.6 Billion years
Time of formation of Solar System
Missions Show
New Worlds
•  Mercury– 1 flyby& 1 orbiter
•  Venus–many flyby, 4.orbiters
•  Mars – many orbiters,
4.landers & 4 rovers
•  Jupiter, Saturn, etc. – 4 flyby
& 2 orbiters
Gravity Assist
•  Throws ball on
parked car
•  Throws ball on
moving car
•  Throws ball on
orbiting car
Pale Blue Dot
•  Voyager 1 looks back
and takes a picture of
the Earth
•  Gives us perspective
What are the characteristic properties
of the solar system that a theory of its
formation needs to explain:
a)  Planets isolated in space=cleared orbit
b)  Disk shape of solar system- small orbit inclination; prograde
circular motion; same tilt&direction of rotation axes (almost)
c)  Jovian/Terrestrial planets: low/high density, huge/small
atmospheres, fast/slower rotation rates, many/few moons &
rings and Space Debris – icy comets, rocky asteroids,
meteoroids, Kuiper Belt
d)  Earth, Moon, Mars, Meteorites, Sun; all 4.6 billion years old
e)  All of the above
Trans-Neptunian Objects
•  Objects which orbit the sun beyond Neptune
Impact Crater Formation
Impactor has velocity 10 times rifle bullet
Releases energy 10 times equal mass of dynamite
Impactor vaporized when temperature reaches millions K
Shock wave forms shocked quartz found only in impacts
Rebound can launch rocks without destroying them
Rocky Surfaces Saturated with Craters
•  Planets formed from
many meteorite impacts
•  Circular craters due to
explosion caused by
•  Solar System “Full”?
Erosion of Craters
•  Craters hidden by:
1. Volcanoes – lava flows
2. Continental drift
3. Erosion by atmosphere
4. Oceans
Younger Terrain = Fewer Craters
•  The larger the terrestrial world; the more internal
heat it will retain = higher temperature in core
•  The higher temperature; more geologically active so
more craters are covered = fewer craters showing
•  Older terrains = more craters
Comet Impacts on Jupiter
Painting shows Jul94 impacts of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
HST photo from 20Jul09
Comets deposit ice
Heating planet
Jupiter Impact
•  Last June Jupiter
became a little more massive
•  Two amateur astronomers
recorded the impact
•  2009 impact left scar
•  Notice missing SE belt
Planetary Magnetic Fields
•  Jovian planets plus Earth have magnetic fields
•  Various directions and strengths and offsets
Planetary Dynamo
•  Conducting, convecting/circulating, rotating core
generates magnetic field
•  Earth: Iron core; Jupiter: liquid metallic hydrogen
•  Uranus, Neptune: water with ions
•  Measures the strength & direction of Magnetic field
•  Can probe the interior of the “planet”
Elemental Abundances
•  Element determined by number
of protons=atomic number
•  Neutrons determine Isotope
•  Elemental abundances on Earth
•  Not the same as in stars, Jupiter,
Elements Forged In Star’s Cores
•  You are made of
star dust
•  Stars have died so
you may live
•  Many meteorites contain small glassy inclusions
•  Formed by rapid melting and solidified in hours
•  Chondrules date from formation of Solar System
•  Water, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen released by
•  Forms atmosphere
Angular Momentum
•  The protosun rotates rapidly and has
huge convection cells so it generates a
strong magnetic field
•  The magnetic field tries to accelerate
the disk and solar wind, slowing
rotation by magnetic braking
•  Observations of stars with known ages
in Hyades etc. show that the older stars
rotate more slowly
Late Heavy Bombardment
•  Late Heavy Bombardment second
surge in impacts
•  When Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune change orbits scattering
Debris Disk
•  After the dense disks that
form planets
•  Cold disks of dust are left
•  Made from asteroid
collisions & comet’s tails
Comet NEAT 29Jan & 2Feb03
Dirty snowball or maybe icy mud ball is better
Nucleus ~ 10km
Tail ~1,000,000km to 1 astronomical unit
Very eccentric elliptical orbit
Atmospheric Escape
More massive planets have higher Escape Speed
Hotter planets have faster moving air molecules
Heavier molecules move more slowly
Atmosphere can leak into space over eons of time