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White Pine (Pinus strobus) Size Sold 12"-18" Prefers moist, well drained soils and full sun to partial shade. Fast growing evergreen tree.
Soft needles. Mature height 80-100 ft. MICHIGAN'S STATE TREE NATIVE
Black Hills Spruce ((Picea glauca var. densata) Size Sold 6"-12" Fairly drought resistant, prefers full sun. A large tree, very dense and
pyramidal when young. Black Hills Spruce is a naturally occurring variety of white spruce native to South Dakota. Naturally dense and slow
growing. Mature height 60-80 ft.
Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea pungens) Size Sold 18"-24" Grows best in full sun and fertile well drained soil. Mature height of
Sharp short needles, slow growing.
40-60 ft.
Norway Spruce (Picea abies) Size Sold 16"-24" Grows best in full sun and moist soils. This short needled tree is the fastest growing
spruce with a mature height of 60-90 ft.
Red Pine (Pinus resinosa) Size Sold 7"-12 " This species is intolerant of shade, but does well in windy sites; it grows best in well-drained
soil. It is a long-lived tree.characterized by tall, straight growth in a variety of habitats. It usually ranges from 66–115 ft in height and 3 ft 3 in
in trunk diameter.
Concolor Fir (Abies concolor) Size Sold 10"-18" It is a medium to large evergreen coniferous tree growing to (50-100 ft) tall and with a trunk
diameter of up to 6.5 ft. It is popular as an ornamental landscaping tree and as a Christmas tree. Prefers full sun.
White Spruce (Picea glauca) Size Sold 16"-24" A straight tall tree easily recognized by its needles. Cones always hang down. Beautiful
year-round color. Tolerates most soil conditions. Mature height of 60-80 ft. NATIVE
White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) Size Sold 18"-36" usually grows in moist places where it is often found in dense pure stands; sometimes
found on rather stony ground, singly or in small clumps and is shade tolerant. Compact, pyramidal; height 50' to 60', diameter 24" to 36";
trunk often twisted, strongly tapered, and frequently divided into two or more direct stems; branches short and nearly horizontal. NATIVE
Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) Size Sold 12"-18" Moist soils, full sun to partial shade. Mature height of 60-80 ft. Will not tolerate salt.
Primary source of maple syrup. Intense autumn foliage. NATIVE
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) Size Sold 18"-36" Fruiting may begin when the tree is 4–6 years old, however large crops take 20 years. Total
lifespan is about 130 years. Two trees are required to produce a seed crop and Black Walnut readily hybridizes with other members of the
Juglans genus. NATIVE
Red Maple (Acer Rubrum) Size Sold 18"-36" The red maple tree grows at a moderate to rapid rate and grows best in bright sun to partial
shade. The red maple tree will grow in a range of soil types from sandy loam to clay. Mature height 60-70ft. NATIVE
White Oak (Quercus alba) Size Sold 12"-18" is a long-lived tree used for shade in landscapes and it is one of the most important timber
species in the United States. Acorns are good source of food for wildlife. Mature height of 80 - 100 ft. Slow growing, prefers full sun and
soil that is a bit acidic. NATIVE
Na$ve to Michigan
Spring Tree Descrip$ons 1
Red Oak (Quercus rubra) Size Sold 18"-24" Grows in good soil which is slightly acidic, fast growing, grows straight and tall.
A 10-yearold tree can be15–20 ft. tall. Bark is easy to recognize because of ridges that appear to have shiny stripes down the center. Mature height
of 80-100 ft. tall. NATIVE
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) Size Sold 12"-18" Beautiful dark purple fragrant flowers in late spring. Well drained to dry loam. Full sun.
Mature height of 8-15 ft.
Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea) Size Sold 18"-24" An excellent landscape choice in all four seasons. Flowers are showy in spring.
Leaves turn red-purple in fall. Frequently used for waterway bank erosion protection and restoration. Likes partial shade; moist, acid, welldrained soil. Grows to 25', 25' spread. NATIVE
Purple Smoketree (Cotinus coggygria) Size Sold 18"-24" It is a multiple-branching shrub growing to 16–23 ft tall with an open, spreading,
irregular habit, only rarely forming a small tree. The leaves are long rounded ovals, green with a waxy glaucous sheen. with autumn color
which can be strikingly varied, from peach and yellow to scarlet. Produces numerous flowers in plumes which give a wispy, smoky,
Spirea Meadowsweet (Spiraea alba) Size Sold 18-24" Prefers full sun, wet to moist conditions, and soil containing abundant organic
material. The flowers produce nectar and pollen. Mature height of 2-6 ft. tall.
Pussy Willow (Salix discolor) Size Sold 18 to 24" Easy growing, prefers constant moisture and full to part sun. Willows have deep
spreading roots that can be considered invasive when planted in the wrong place so take care to not plant near water or septic lines.
Mature height of 15 to 25 ft. NATIVE
Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum Trilobum) Size Sold 18-24" Native to Michigan. Grows well in most soil types and is tolerant of partial
shade. Has red berries, which is good for wildlife. Mature height of 6 to 8 ft. NATIVE
Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) Size Sold 8-12" Blooms can be white, red, lavender or light blue. They prefer full sun and well-drained
soil. Mature height 8-12 ft.
Specialty Items
Red Flags ~ Red marking flags. 24” wire length
*All perennials sold in 1 gallon pot
Aquilegia ‘Red Hobbit’ (Columbine) Red/white bicolor. For shade or sun. May-June, 12-15”.
Dianthus ‘Easter Star’ (Pinks) Dark cranberry red single flowers over needle-like blue green leaves. May-June, 5”.
Dianthus ‘Neon Star’ (Pinks) Hot pink single flowers over needle-like blue green leaves. May-June, 6”.
Helianthus mollis (Downy Sunflower) Gray-green felt-like leaves, Yellow sunflowers. For dry site, July-August, 3-4'. Native
Na$ve to Michigan
Spring Tree Descrip$ons 2
Heliopsis 'Summer Nights' (False Sunflower) Golden daisy-like flowers. Purple-tinted foliage. Long blooming,
September, 3'. Native
Heuchera 'Palace Purple' (Coral Bells) Purple/bronze foliage, wispy white flowers. Sun or shade. 12-18" wide.
Hibiscus lasiocarpos (Hairy Rose Mallow) 5-6" white or pink cup-shaped firs. Tall plants, moist soil. July-August, 4-5'. Native
Hosta 'Golden Tiara' Green with chartreuse yellow edge. Mounded habit. Lavender flowers. July, 12-18"
Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal Flower) Spikes of bright red flowers, hummingbird plant. Moist soil. 2-3', August. Native
Silphium perfoliatum (Cup Plant) Tall native, yellow daisy flowers. Beneficial for wildlife. Full sun, 6', July-August. Native
Tircyrtis hirta 'Miyazaki' (Toad Lily) Shade plant, upright with purple-speckled orchid-like flowers. 24", September - October.
Veronica 'Atomic Violet Ray' (Speedwell) Lavender purple spikes above glossy foliage. Compact plant, 14", June- July
Zizia aurea 'Golden Alexanders' Native. Flat-topped yellow flowers. Good for beneficial insects. 30”, May
Miscanthus 'Little Zebra' (Dwarf Zebra Grass) Grass horizontally striped green and yellow. Reddish plumes. 4', September thru
Schizachyrium 'Prairie Blues' (Little Bluestem) Blue-green foliage turns orange in fall. Wispy plumes. 3-4', September thru fall.
Schizachyrium 'Carousel' (Little Bluestem) Compact, upright habit. Bluish foliage, yellow fall color. 30", September thru fall.
Na$ve to Michigan
Spring Tree Descrip$ons 3