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05 USH Pre-Test (CH 10-12) (1848-1877)
The ______________ ____ ___________ allowed California to enter as a Free State, outlawed slave trade in the District of
Columbia, paid Texas for disputed territory, and the included the Fugitive Slave Act.
The ____________-_____________ Act of 1854 was written by Stephen Douglas and called for the slavery issue in two new
territories to be determined by the people.
______________ ______________ means the people of a territory would decide the slavery issue by voting.
____________ ___________ was the Supreme Court case that upheld slavery.
______________ ___________ was a white abolitionist who attempted a slave uprising at Harper’s Ferry.
In Lincoln’s ___________ ____________, he cautioned the attendee’s to ‘not forget the price that was paid
The significance of President Lincoln’s ___________ _____________ was a call to forgive the South and re-unite the Union.
Lincoln, during the Civil War, suspended _________ _________ and other civil rights.
_________ ____________ was the head of the Union army at the end of the Civil war and signed the peace agreement at
Appomattox Court House.
_________ ____ ___________ was the head of the Confederate Army at the end of the Civil War.
_________ ___ _________ was the Confederate General and hero at the Battle of Bull Run.
__________ ___ ___________ led the Union “March to the Sea” and introduced “Total War.”
_____________________ was the 1st battle of the Civil War and occurred in South Carolina.
_____________________ was the bloodiest single day of battle in the war and Lincoln signed the Emancipation
Proclamation afterwards.
_______________________ was the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River and a decisive battle in the North’s
completion of the Anaconda Plan.
____________________was the turning point battle in the Civil War and the last time that the head of the Confederate army
invaded the North.
The Battle of _______________occurred because this city was the center of trade in the Confederacy and where the center of
its railroads met.
Lincoln issued the __________ ______________ and it freed all slaves in rebelling states.
_____________ ___________ __________ ___ ______ ___ ____ _______(hint: a bunch of words!) was as much a factor in
causing the Civil War as the slavery issue.
Which side during the Civil War enjoyed a larger population? __________________
(Union or Confederate)
Which side during the Civil War enjoyed more railroad mileage? ________________
(Union or Confederate)
Which side during the Civil War enjoyed more industrial output? ________________________
(Union or Confederate)
Lincoln’s 10% Plan was part of ________________ Reconstruction and it was meant to make it easier on the South to reenter the Union.
Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner supported the Wade Davis Bill and were all part of _____________________
Reconstruction, which was an attempt to make it harder on the South to re-enter the Union.
Efforts to redistribute land to ex-slaves after the war included the systems of ________ -__________ and
__________________ farming.
_______________ College was started in the South specifically for African Americans after the Civil War.
The ____________ _______________ was started during Reconstruction to aid former slaves in providing education, food,
clothing, and land.
Which amendment freed the slaves? __________
Which amendment granted citizenship to ex-slaves? ________
Which amendment granted the right to vote to ex-slaves? ________
The ___________ _____________ were passed in the South during Reconstruction to regulate the lives of ex-slaves.
The ______________ was a vigilante group was born during reconstruction, in the South, to intimidate ex-slaves.
_________ __________ and ________ ________ were methods used in the South to resist racial equality by limiting
suffrage for African Americans.
_____________ _______________ was impeached during Reconstruction for breaking the Tenure of Office Act specifically,
but really because he opposed Radical Reconstruction.
In the Election of ________________, Rutherford B. Hayes was elected President, after a disputed vote in the State of
The _________________ _______ _______________ ended Reconstruction when a deal was made with Democrats over the
election of Rutherford B. Hayes. This deal ended Reconstruction because federal troops were removed from the South.