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Mrs. Meyers – The Formation, Mining, and Use of Minerals Reading Guide
Section 3-3: Read pages 74-79 to complete the following
Answer the following questions as you read this section.
1. The _______________________ in which a mineral forms determines
the mineral’s properties.
2. Minerals form in all different types of environments.
- Use the diagram on pages 74 and 75 to help you complete the chart
Just THINK: Where in
Explain how these types of minerals form
New Jersey might you find
these minerals?
Salt Water:
gypsum &
mica & talc
calcite and
gold, copper,
sulfur & pyrite
& quartz
topaz &
Many kinds of rocks and minerals must be mined to extract the valuable
elements they contain.
3. A (n) _______________ is a mineral deposit that is large and pure
enough to be mined for profit.
4. List 2 ways rocks and minerals can be removed from the ground.
Surface Mining
5. __________________________ is done when mineral deposits are at
or near the surface of the Earth.
6. List 3 types of surface mines:
7. Large deposits of ____________________ and _________________
are removed in open-pit mining by using explosives to break up the ore.
8. Building stone, crushed rock, sand, and gravel are removed in
9. Coal is removed in surface coal mining which is sometimes referred
to as ______________________, because coal can be removed in
wide strips.
Subsurface Mining
10.___________________________ is used when mineral deposits are
too deep within the Earth to be surface mined.
11.________________________ are dug into the Earth to reach the ore.
12. Explain what a vertical shaft is and why it is used.
13.List 2 problems that mining can cause.
14. ____________________is the process in which the land used for
mining is returned to its original state.
Metallic Minerals
15.We know that metallic minerals have shiny surfaces and don’t let light
pass through them. They are also good __________________ of heat
and electricity. Metallic minerals are processed into metals that are
strong and don’t rust. They can be ________________ and pressed
into shapes without breaking.
- List 3 uses metallic properties such as gold and silver are used for.
Nonmetallic Minerals
16.We know that nonmetallic minerals can have shiny or dull surfaces
and may let light pass through them. They are good
________________________ of electricity.
- List 3 uses nonmetallic properties such as calcite are used for.
17.Gemstones are formed from _______________ minerals. They are
highly valued for their _______________ and are durable.
- List 3 important gemstones below.