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Readiness— Knowledge and Skills
Science 8— STAAR Review
Category 1
Properties of Matter and
Energy and their Interactions
(8.5) The student knows that matter is composed of atoms and has chemical and physical properties: (A) the student will describe
the structure of atoms, including masses, charges, location of protons and neutrons in the nucleus and electrons in the electron
Vocab—atom —the smallest unit of an element, having all the characteristics of that
element and consisting of a dense, central, positively charged nucleus (due to positive
protons) surrounded by negatively charged electrons.
Valence electrons—are the electrons of an atom that can participate in the formation of
chemical bonds with other atoms. They are in the outer shell of the electron cloud.
It is these electrons that determine if an element is very reactive like Sodium or
Fluorine or NOT so reactive like Neon, a Nobel gas from group 18 or gold [Au].
(B) The student will identify that protons determine an element's identity and valence electors determine its chemical properties including reactivity. (D) The student will recognize that chemical formulas are used to identify substances and determine
the number of atoms of each element in chemical formulas containing subscripts.
Vocab—The atomic number = the number of protons. The number of protons determines
what the element is. Each element has a different number of protons.
The atomic mass is the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in
the nucleus.
Most elements react with other elements because they want to have 8 valence electrons
in the outermost electron shell.
The Carbon atom on the left only has 4 valence electrons.
The carbon on the right bonded with hydrogen so that now it has 8.
Electrons determine an elements reactivity.
The new compound that was formed has a chemical formula of CH4. It is made from 5 atoms or C + H + H + H + H. It is
much easier to simplify this and write the formula as CH4 with the 4 subscript representing all four hydrogen atoms.
YOUR TURN— How many different elements are produced in this reaction?
Reactants —> Products
2KClO3 —> 2KCl + 3O2
There are three elements produced in this reaction. Elements that are produced are called the products.
Can you list them?
K=potassium, Cl=chlorine and O2 or oxygen.
The student will investigate how evidence of a chemical reaction indicates that a new substance with different properties are
formed. How can you tell if this was a chemical reaction? The signs are: a gas was produced, a significant color
change, a change in mass, or a new solid appeared that was not there before. In the reaction above, oxygen gas or
O2 was produced. In addition, two substances were formed from one.
On Your Own— Which statement best describes the atom on the left?
It has 7 Valence electrons in the electron cloud therefore it is the element fluorine.
It has 9 electrons in the nucleus therefore it is a Nobel gas.
There are 5 valence electrons in the electron cloud therefore this atom would like to gain 3 more electrons.
There are 5 valence electrons in the electron cloud therefore this atom is a metal.
Answer—There are 5 valence electrons. This means it is 3 short of having the 8 electrons that it would like. So, letter C.
Category 1 continued….
(C)The student will interpret the arrange-
ment of the Periodic Table, including
groups and periods, to explain how properties are used to classify elements.
Vocab— a group on the periodic table is a set
of elements with common characteristics.
There are 18 groups. The elements in each
group have the same number of valence electrons.
A period is a row on the periodic table.
The periodic table is divided into three main sections: metals, metalloids and non-metals.
Metals usually have luster or shine, they conduct heat and electricity; and can change shape when hammered or formed into a new
shape. This is referred to as the property of malleability. When metals are turned into wire, we call this property ductile.
Non-metals are on the right side of the periodic table. They are dull, brittle when solid and don’t conduct a current. Many of them are
The group that is along the diagonal and is between the two main groups are called metalloids. These elements have properties of both
metals and non-metals.
tWhen elements combine, they form new compounds. Many metal atoms will combine with non-metals. For example a
sodium ion (Na+ ) will combine with a chlorine ion (Cl–) to form NaCl. Sometimes non-metals combine to make compounds
such as H2O (water), CO2 (carbon dioxide), or C6H12O6 (sugar).
Your Turn— An element is waxy, has a low melting point and is not used for wiring in homes because it doesn’t conduct a current.
Which section of the periodic table is the element most likely to be found?
Step 1—Identify each section. (1) very reactive metals, (2) metals, (3) metalloids,
and (4) non-metals.
Step 2—Know the properties of each section.
Step 3—Choose the one that matches the description best.
Answer—Section 4- The non-metals are NOT metals, melt easily and are not used for electrical wiring in our homes.
On Your Own— According to the periodic table, the following element
would most likely have the following properties.
A Shiny, conducts a current, very reactive.
B A gas that is not very reactive.
C A substance that conducts a current but is brittle and not malleable.
D A shiny liquid that conducts a current.
11p = 11 protons therefore according to the periodic table it is the element sodium. Sodium is a metal so it must be letter A, shiny, conducts a current and sodium is very reactive.
Readiness— Knowledge and Skills
Science 8— STAAR Review
Category 2
Force, Motion and Energy
Vocab—Potential Energy—is the energy stored in a object
based on its position. Look at the bike rider at the top of the
The student will demonstrate an understanding of force, motion, and
energy and their relationships. 6.8
The student knows force and motion
are related to potential and kinetic
energy. The student is expected to
(A) Compare and contrast potential
and kinetic energy.
Kinetic Energy—is the energy an object posses due to its
Compare the bike when moving up the hill or stopped on top of
the hill. These are examples of kinetic vs. potential energy.
8.6 The student knows that there is a relationship between force, motion and energy. The student is
expected to (A) demonstrate and calculate how unbalanced forces change the speed or direction of an
object’s motion.
When forces are balanced an object does NOT move.
When the forces are unbalanced, objects move.
C) the student will investigate and describe applications of Newton’s law of inertia, law of force and acceleration and law of action reaction.
Newton’s 1st Law=Law of inertia—any object in motion will stay in motion, and any object at rest will stay at rest, until it is acted on by an
unbalanced force.
Newton’s 2nd Law=Law of force and acceleration—the net force on an object equals the object’s mass multiplied by its acceleration or
F=ma. Basically, a greater force produces a greater acceleration.
Newton’s 3rd Law=Law of action-reaction—When one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts and equal but
opposite force on the first. Basically, forces come in pairs.
Other Important Formulas— Average speed = total distance
total time
Work = (force)(distance)
Your Turn—A tennis player hits a 0.06 kg tennis ball with a force of 3 Newtons. The ball accelerates at a rate of what?
Step 1—Identify what was given in the problem. A mass was given (0.06 kg) and a force. Step 2—Identify a formula that matches. F=ma .
Step 3—What don’t you know? The acceleration, so plug in the numbers and solve. F=ma or 3 N= (.06kg) a
On Your own—
On Your own—
Wearing a seatbelt
protects you from
effects that are best
explained by which
of Newton’s laws?
Two workers were having a contest
see who was stronger. One was pushing
the box to the right with a force of
6 Newtons
6 Newtons and the other was
A the law of action-reaction
B the law of inertia
C the law of force and acceleration
D the law of gravitation
Answer= B—the law of inertia says that you will remain moving even if
the car suddenly stops
a = 50m/s/s
3 Newtons
pushing to the left with a force of 3 Newtons. Which of the
following best describes the resulting motion of the box?
What is the speed of
the car if it travels 53
meters in 4 seconds?
A 49 m/s
B 212 m/s
A It travels to the right at increasing speed
C 13.25 m/s
B It travels to the right at constant speed
D 53.4 m/s
C It travels to the left and constant speed
D It travels to the left at increasing speed
3N/.06 kg = a
letter B
so letter C
Readiness— Knowledge and Skills
Science 8— STAAR Review
Category 3
Earth and Space
(3) The student knows the effects resulting from cyclical
movements of the Sun, Earth, and Moon. The student is expected
to (A) model and illustrate how the tilted Earth rotates on its axis,
causing day and night, and revolves around the Sun, causing
changes in seasons, and (B) demonstrate and predicts the sequence
Vocab— To rotate means to spin on an axis. To revolve means to orbit
around another body. The earth rotates each day while revolving
Look at the picture to the right. The earth is tilted about 23 degrees. This
means that in the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun and has a
larger amount of direct sunlight during the summer months and less direct
sunlight during the winter. The Northern and Southern Hemispheres have
opposite seasons.
On Your Own—Evaluate the diagram to the left. Which of the following statements is true?
A When the Earth and Sun are in this position, it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
B When the Earth and Sun are in this position, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
C When the Earth and Sun are in this position, it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
D When the Earth and Sun are in this position, it is autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.
Look at the image. The southern hemisphere is facing the sun. What does that mean? It means it receives
more direct sun light. Therefore it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Letter A
Vocab— the Lunar cycle is the appearance of phases of the Moon as viewed from
Earth, as the Moon orbits the Earth about once every 27 days.
Waxing—to increase in size gradually
Crescent—having a concave shape (sliver)
Waning—to decrease in size gradually
Gibbous—more than half
The moon has no natural luminous capabilities. It only reflects light from the sun
(like a mirror). The moon phases are displayed in the image to the left . Notice that
during the new moon, the moon appears dark. Actually, during a new moon the
back side of the moon would be lit, but from Earth, we can’t see the back side. The
diagram only shows what you would see if the sun and moon were in those positions relative to the Earth. The position of the sun, moon and Earth also affects the
earth’s ocean and causes changes in the tides.
Your Turn—The picture to the left displays the moon orbiting the Earth. An observer is at point X.
Which of the following best describes what the moon will look on May 8th to the observer?
A The moon will reflect the maximum light from the sun.
B The moon will not reflect any sunlight at all.
C The moon will only have a small crescent lit.
D The moon will have a large amount of reflected light from the sun.
At position X the moon will appear as a waxing gibbous and will be mostly light. If the maximum were lit, then it is a full moon. Answer D
When standing at position Y, on which date will one quarter of the moon be lit by the sun?
April 27
When standing at position Y, on which date will the moon have the least about of light reflected from the sun?
May 16
Category 3 Continued….
The student is expected to describe components of the universe, including stars, nebulae, and galaxies and
use models such as Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams for classification.
Vocab—Nebulae—A cloud of gas and dust I outer space, visible in the night ski as luminous patches or areas of
darkness. Galaxy—A system of millions of stars, along with gas and dust that is held together by gravitational attraction. Star—A self-luminous celestial body consisting of gases held together by its own
gravity (our sun is just a star that is VERY close compared to other stars). HertzsprungRussell Diagrams (H-R)—a scatter graph of stars showing the relationship between the
stars’ brightness, classification and temperature.
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
Your Turn—Based on the H-R diagram to the
left, which of the following statements is true?
A If a star has a temperature of 10,000 degrees and a luminosity of 1 it is a White Dwarf
star. B If a star has a luminosity of 100 and a
temperature of 20,000 it is a main sequence
C If a star has a luminosity of .01 and
a temperature of 4000, it is a Giant star.
D If a star has a luminosity of 10,000 and a
temperature of 20,000, it is a Super-Giant Star.
Our sun is a medium-sized star that is
found in the Main Sequence section of
the H-R diagram. Our sun is found near
the edge of a disc-shaped galaxy.
Answer—If you find each value on the x and y axis
and connect the two points then a star that has a
luminosity or 100 and a temperature of 20000 is a
Main Sequence star. Or letter B
Space is so vast that distances are measured in light years (the amount of time it takes light to travel in one year). A light year is about 10 trillion kilometers.
The student is expected to relate plate tectonic to the formation of crustal features.
Vocab—Divergent—to move apart. This crustal feature is observed in ocean ridges and sea floor
spreading. Convergent—to move together. This feature is observed in ocean trenches and island arcs.
Transform—move in opposite directions. This is observed along fault lines such as in California. Hot
spots—fixed places within the upper layer of crust where rocks melt to generate magma. These are
found in the deep ocean floor and may rise enough to form islands. See the picture to the right.
The student is expected to interpret topographic maps and satellite views to identify land
and erosional features and predict how these features may be reshaped by weathering.
Topographic mapa two dimensional
representation of a
3-D land surface.
Erosional features
– erosion occurs
where the forces of
nature move soil
and rock through
water, wind, ice,
gravity and the
action of plants
Your Turn— According to the map to the right, what is in
between the two hills?
A Nothing, the two hilltops merge.
B A small valley.
C A very large flat plain.
D A major body of water.
How much higher is Baker Hill than Able Hill?
A about 40 m
B about 30 m
C about 20 m
D about 10 m
Answer— according to the map there is a small valley in between the two hills.
According to the map, Baker hill is about 50 m higher and Able hill is about 40 m high therefore the
difference between 40 and 50 m is 10. Letter D
Readiness— Knowledge and Skills Category 4
Science 8— STAAR Review
Organisms and the
The student is expected to describe producer/consumer, predator/prey, and parasite/host
relationships as they occur in food webs within marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems.
Your Turn— Look at the diagram to the right. How many producer/consumer pairs do you
Plants and
phytoplankton are producers and the grasshopper and the zooplankton are the consumers.
Two pairs.
How many predator/prey relationships are there in the diagram? Hawk/snake, snake/
mouse, mouse/grasshopper, Orca/large fish, large fish/smaller fish. Five pairs.
How may parasite/host relationships are shown in the diagram? None.
Example of parasite/host would be fleas on the mouse, barnacles on the whale, tapeworms
in a human or aphids on a plant.
On your own—Mistletoe is a plant that attaches to some trees in North Central Texas. The mistletoe will slow the growth of the tree, since it uses some of the tree’s water and nutrients.
Which pair of terms best describes the relationship between the mistletoe and the tree?
A predator/prey B parasite/host C consumer/producer D herbivore/carnivore
The student will investigate
how organisms and populations in an ecosystem depend
on and may compete for biotic
and abiotic factors such as
quantity of light, water, range
of temperatures or soil composition and the students will
explore how short and long
tem environmental changes
affect organisms and traits in
subsequent populations.
Autotrophs—can make their own food from light or chemical
energy. Plants are autotrophs.
Vocab—Biotic factors—are related to life or living factors such
as plants, animals, fungi, protest and bacteria.
Abiotic Factors—are non living factors in an environment such
as habitat, weather, sunlight, oxygen or other important elements.
Biotic and Abiotic factors combine to make an ecosystem
which is a community of living and nonliving things. If a single
factor is changed in an ecosystem due to human intervention
of a natural event, the whole system can be altered.
Your Turn—According to the picture, which of the following statements is most valid?
A The organisms in this ecosystem show a variety of
organisms and species.
B The organisms in this ecosystem do not need
to compete for abiotic factors.
C The organisms in this ecosystem have a
reduced amount of the abiotic factor of
D The organisms in this ecosystem have plentiful
rain and are not short any of the abiotic factors.
Answer—the ecosystem is a desert. There are few plants except for the large cactus therefore, water is in short
supply. The answer is C.
On your own—At one time large herds of Bison roamed
across the US. Brown-headed cowbirds followed the Bison
and captured the insects that scattered as the bison walked
through the grass. Many of the Bison were killed by early
American hunters. Which of the following is the most correct statement about what might occur?
A The grasses would no longer grow and a desert would
soon form.
B The cowbird population would grow due to fewer Bison.
C The Bison would adapt and become better at avoiding
D The cowbird population would diminish due to the difficulties in finding insects to eat without the Bison.
Category 4 Continued….
Eukaryotic Cells—are more advanced,
larger and varied. These type cells are
found in organisms such as plants, animals,
and protist.
Types of Cells
The cell has four main parts: the cell
membrane, cytoplasm, the nucleus, and
membrane bound organelles.
Prokaryotic Cells are simple, small cells, that
do not have a membrane around the nucleus.
Bacteria are prokaryotic. Prokaryote simply
Cell Part
Energy center or "powerhouse" of the cell. Turns food into useable energy (ATP)
Stores water or other substances, plant cells contain a large central vacuole.
Uses sunlight to create food, photosynthesis (only found in plant cells)
Cell membrane
outer boundary of the cell
Cell Wall
Provides additional support (plant and bacteria cells only)
A membrane bound organelle that contains the genetic material which will govern the traits of the individual
Body Systems
lungs, nasal passages, bronchi, pharynx,
trachea, diaphragm, bronchial tubes
intake of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from body
spinal cord, brain, nerves, skin, eyes, ears,
tongue, nose
control of body activities and the reaction to stimuli
stomach, liver, teeth, tongue, pancreas,
intestine, esophagus
break down of food and absorption for use as energy
kidneys, bladder ureters, skin
controls water and salt balance
pituitary gland, adrenal gland, thyroid gland,
production of hormones and body regulation
skeletal and
bones, muscles
protection and movement
blood, blood vessels, heart, lymph
transport of nutrients, metabolic wastes, water, salts, and disease fighting cells
protection of body from injury and bacteria, maintenance of tissue moisture, holds receptors
for stimuli response, body heat regulation
Your Turn—Members of the kingdom
Animalia would be best describes as…
A unicellular, prokaryotic, heterotrophic.
B unicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic.
C multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophic.
D Multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic.
Animals are multicellular and have cells that
contain membrane bound organelles. They
are also heterotrophs and must obtain their
food from eating other organisms. So, letter C.
On Your
The cell to the right would
most likely be found in an
organism that had which of the
following characterizes?
A A unicellular prokaryote
found in a harsh environment.
B A Eukaryotic, unicellular cell that moves about
in aquatic environments.
C A multicellular eukaryotic cell that is an autotroph.
D A reproductive cell found in a complex, multicellular, heterotroph.