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Title: End of World War II
Grade and Subject: 9th Modern World History
Time Allotted: 1hr 30min
SOL #:
WHII. 11 c
NCSS Theme:
What is the guiding
question for this lesson?
How will student
understanding be assessed?
II. Time, Continuity, and
How do the effects of WWI compare and
contrast to the effects of WWII?
The students will be assessed through their
homework assignment of a diary entry
comparing the punishments of Germany after
Key Concept (no definition necessary):
Containment Policy
1. Describe and explain the Yalta Conference and its plan for Europe
after the war.
2. Describe and explain how Japan was rebuilt after the war and the
effects on their economy today.
3. List and explain the similarities between the League of Nations and
the United Nations.
4. Describe the emergence of Russia and U.S.A. as superpowers, and the
purpose and details of the Marshall Plan.
Materials (List primary sources and additional materials):
Daily Agenda
Slot Notes
WWII events quiz
Venn Diagram to compare effects of WWI and WWII
Just Do It:
The United States is the only remaining Superpower after the fall of Soviet Russia. The
U.S. still holds the upper hand in the nuclear arms build-up, and they are unequaled in
their economic and trade activities.
What does the word “Superpower” mean in this paragraph?
Obj #
1, 2,
3, 4
1, 2,
3, 4
Description of Lesson Procedure
Have a quick review on the events of
WWII and then the students will take
a quiz on the events.
(10 min)
Students will create a matrix to list
the effects of WWI and WWII. They
will be asked to think of the possible
outcomes of WWII before filling in
the matrix. They will answer the
following questions:
1. What will happen with the
defeated Axis powers?
2. What will they do to prevent
another World War?
3. What will happen to the
European countries, that had
their cities destroyed, after the
I will ask the questions to the class as
a whole and receive answers from the
students on what they think will
happen. They will not fill out that
side of the matrix until after the
(20 min)
Present a PowerPoint on the break up
of the German, Italian, and Japanese
empires, the Yalta Conference, the
break up of Germany, the rebuilding
of Japan, the United Nations, NATO
and the Warsaw Pact, and the rise of
the Soviet Union and U.S.A. as super
powers. During the PowerPoint the
students will complete the matrix on
the effects of WWII compared to
(40 min)
Slot notes
(15 min)
Check for Evidence of
The quizzes will be graded
and the information that the
students have trouble on
will be reviewed further.
The students’ answers will
be discussed in class and
compared to the historical
facts. Multiple students will
be called on to share their
answers to the questions.
Students will be asked
probing and challenging
questions throughout the
PowerPoint to check their
comprehension, and identify
areas that need to be
Closure: (Ties the lesson together and relates it to the lesson’s guiding question)
Students will be asked review questions on the day’s material. They will be
assigned a paper to write where they will write a diary entry as if they are an
older German civilian and they are comparing the punishments of Germany
after WWI and WWII. They will have to include three compare and contrast
examples from each post war punishment, and have one paragraph per
example. It will be due the following Thursday (3/23).
1.What event on September 1, 1939 signaled the start of World War II?
2.Germany and Russia did not go to war with each other in 1939 because:
a. Russia was not ready to fight
c. Germany was scared of Russia
b. Russia and Germany signed a
d. Germany didn’t threaten
Nonaggression Pact
3.Which country was left alone to defend itself against the Axis powers after the fall of
a. Great Britain
c. United States of America
b. Russia
d. Belgium
4.The Battle of Britain stopped the German army/air force, and caused the Axis powers to
look toward the east and attack what country?
5.What were the same two things that slowed the Axis advance in the invasion of Russia,
which slowed Napoleon’s advance over 100 years earlier?
a. fierce fighting & bad guns
c. scorched earth policy & Russian
b. civilians fought with Russian army
d. Axis soldiers abandoned army &
& rats ate their food
their leaders are incompetent
6.What event pulled the United States into WWII?
a. Invasion of Poland
c. Battle of Britain
b. Fall of France
d. Attack on Pearl Harbor
7.What did the attack of D-Day on Normandy, France accomplish?
a. got the U.S. into the war
c. opened a second front on Germany
to help Russia
b. used untested weapons successfully
d. demoralized the Axis armies
8.Which Axis country remained after the fall of Germany in 1945?
a. Italy
c. Austria
b. Japan
d. China
9.Why did President Truman order the dropping of the Atomic?
a. thought it would save American lives
c. wanted to test its power
and end war quicker
b. believed it would make America look
d. wanted to punish Japan for their
war crimes
10.Put the following events in the order they occurred.
a. Bombing of Japan
1. ____
b. Invasion of Russia
2. ____
c. Invasion of Poland
3. ____
d. Fall of Germany
4. ____
e. D-day in Normandy, France
5. ____
Daily Agenda
Friday March 17, 2006
“Let’s Get Started”
The United States is the only remaining Superpower after the fall of Soviet Russia. The
U.S. still holds the upper hand in the nuclear arms build-up, and they are unequaled in
their economic and trade activities.
What does the word “Superpower” mean in this paragraph?
• SOL: WHII.11 c
• International Focus: How do the effects of WWII compare to the effects of
• Students Will Be Able To (SWBAT):
1. Describe and explain the Yalta Conference and its plan for Europe after
the war.
2. Describe and explain how Japan was rebuilt after the war and the effects
on their economy today.
3. List and explain the similarities between the League of Nations and the
United Nations.
4. Describe the emergence of Russia and U.S.A. as superpowers, and the
purpose and details of the Marshall Plan.
Prediction activity
PowerPoint on Effects of WWII
Fill out Matrix comparing effects
Slot notes
Check for Understanding
What happened to Germany after WWII?
What did the Marshall plan propose?
What was decided at the Yalta conference?
Who were the “Big Three” at the Yalta conference?
What was done in Japan after the war?
Who took charge of rebuilding Japan?
What institution was established to replace the League of Nations?
Why was NATO created?
Who were members of NATO?
On at least one page, write a diary entry of a German citizen that has lived through both
WWI and WWII. Compare and contrast three effects on Germany from both WWI and
WWII, and how they affected your life as a German citizen. Include some emotional
parts to your diary entry to express how you feel about the changes to Germany after each
war. Due Thursday 3/23
Comparing Effects of WWI and WWII
Break up of Empires
• German
• Austria-Hungarian
• Ottoman
• Reparations
• Repossession of
Dealing with Germany
• Broke up parts of
(and Japan)
• Limited Military
• Limited Economy
• After war European
countries were
economically hurt
Establishment of
• United States emerged
as major world power
Creation of
League of Nations
o To stop future war
o To deal with taken
colonies (mandates)
o Improve global
o Settle international
Anti-Comintern Pact
• Didn’t demand reparations
• Divided Germany into spheres of
influence (French, British, American,
• Broke up Germany into East and West
• West Germany became prosperous
• East Germany became poor
United Nations
o To prevent future war
o Improve global welfare
o Settle International Disputes
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Warsaw Pact of communist countries
Emergence of
Rebuilding of
Defeated Countries
Weimar Republic
Marshall Plan called for billions to be
given to rebuild Western Europe –
thought poor economy led to
Gave $13 billion to countries hurt from
the war.
General McArthur takes control of
Japanese government and economy
Comparing Effects of WWI and WWII
Break up of Empires
Dealing with Germany
Establishment of
Creation of
Emergence of
Rebuilding of
Defeated Countries
Slot Notes
Before WWII was officially over the Allied powers gathered at the Yalta
Conference to discuss what to do with Europe and Germany after the war.
The meeting resulted in splitting Germany into four spheres of influence
controlled by the United Kingdom, France, United States, and Russia.
After the war the United States, United Kingdom, and France began to
implement the Marshall Plan to help rebuild Europe. This was the idea of
giving money to countries to help their economy so they wouldn’t fall to
The U.S., U.K., and France decided to join their spheres of Germany
together to create one country under a democratic rule. This became the
country of West Germany. The same was done with the three countries’
spheres of Berlin, and they united into one city. Russia retaliated by making
its sphere of influence into a communist country named West Germany.
Tensions between Russia and the rest of the Allies rose high when Russia
blocked off West Berlin to Allied support in 1948. This resulted in the
Berlin Airlift for 11 months to keep the city from falling to communism.
After this the United States led the way in creating the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) to gain allies incase of war, and to prevent
the spread of communism. Russia responded by creating the Warsaw Pact
where all the communist governments allied incase of war.
This was the beginning of the Iron Curtain. The Iron Curtain was a
military, political, and ideological barrier that prevented the free exchange
of ideas and information between the Soviet part of Europe and the
democratic part of Europe.
WWII resulted in the establishment of two Superpowers of the world being
established. The United States and the Soviet Union (Russia) were left as
the two strongest military and economic countries after the war. Their two
opposing political ideologies (beliefs) would help lead to the development of
a cold war.
World War II also affected the empires that some of the countries held
before the war. England lost its empires in Asia and Africa after the war
from lack of money to support them. Japan also lost its empire it had
gained from military conquests during WWII.
The failure of the League of Nations led the Allied Powers to create the
United Nations in 1946 to replace the League and fix its flaws. It had the
same goals to prevent future wars and to improve global welfare.
After the war both Germany and Japan were given money by the Allies to
help rebuild their economies to prevent them from turning to communism, or
extreme forms of government like before. The help given to Japan by
General MacArthur and American businessmen helped Japan become one
of the leading economies in the world after the war.
Slot Notes
Before WWII was officially over the Allied powers gathered at the
__________________________________to discuss what to do with Europe
and Germany after the war. The meeting resulted in splitting Germany into
four _____________________________controlled by the United Kingdom,
France, United States, and Russia.
After the war the United States, United Kingdom, and France began to
implement the ______________________to help rebuild Europe. This was
the idea of _____________money to countries to help their economy so they
wouldn’t fall to_________________________.
The U.S., U.K., and France decided to join their spheres of Germany
together to create one country under a ________________rule. This became
the country of________________________. The same was done with the
three countries’ spheres of Berlin, and they united into one city. Russia
retaliated by making its sphere of influence into a communist country
Tensions between Russia and the rest of the Allies rose high when Russia
blocked off ___________________to Allied support in 1948. This resulted
in the _____________________for 11 months to keep the city from falling
to communism.
After this the United States led the way in creating the
NATO) to gain allies incase of war, and to prevent the spread
of_________________. Russia responded by creating the
_________________________where all the communist governments allied
incase of war.
This was the beginning of the____________________. The Iron Curtain
was a military, political, and ideological ____________that prevented the
free exchange of ideas and information between the __________part of
Europe and the democratic part of Europe.
WWII resulted in the establishment of two ___________________of the
world being established. The ______________________and the
_________________(Russia) were left as the two strongest military and
economic countries after the war. Their two opposing political
_______________ (beliefs) would help lead to the development of
World War II also affected the _____________that some of the countries
held before the war. _________________lost its empires in Asia and Africa
after the war from lack of money to support them. ________also lost its
empire it had gained from military conquests during WWII.
The failure of the League of Nations led the Allied Powers to create the
__________________in 1946 to replace the League and fix its flaws. It had
the same goals to prevent future wars and to improve global welfare.
After the war both Germany and Japan were _________________by the
Allies to help rebuild their economies to prevent them from turning to
communism, or extreme forms of government like before. The help given to
Japan by General _______________and American businessmen helped
Japan become one of the leading economies in the world after the war.