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Stellar Luminosity
Apparent brightness (flux) is a measure of how bright a star appears on Earth
Luminosity is a measure of how much energy per second (W) a star emits
The apparent brightness of an object declines with distance (inverse square)
Apparent brightness (flux) =
4π × (distance)2
If we measure apparent brightness (energy/sec/m2) and we know distance, we can get the luminosity of the star
For Sun, apparent brightness = 1370 W/m2
and d = 150 million km = 1.5 × 1011 m
L = 4π (1370 W/m2 )(1.5 × 1011 m)2
= 3.9 × 10 26 W
Two identical stars, one 5 light years from Earth, and a second 50 light years from Earth are discovered. How much fainter does the farther star appear to be?
square root of 10 B
the farther star does not appear fainter, since it is identical
Distance and Parallax
• It is relatively easy to measure apparent brightness of a star
• Distance is much harder to measure
• For nearby stars (d ≤ 3000 ly) we can use the technique of parallax
• You can quickly understand parallax by putting your finger in front of your face, then alternate closing your two eyes -­ note how your finger appears to move relative to the more distant objects in the room (Image at right)
Distance and Parallax
• As the Earth orbits the Sun, relatively nearby stars appear to move relative to more distant stars
Interactive Figure 15.3
• Because even the nearest stars are so distant, there is a simple relationship between distance and apparent angle a star moves
d (in parsecs) =
p (in arcseconds)
• 1 parsec ≈ 3.26 light years
Which of the following stars is closest to us?
Procyon (parallax angle = 0.29")
Ross 780 (parallax angle = 0.21")
Regulus (parallax angle = 0.04")
Sirius (parallax angle = 0.38")
On Earth, the parallax angle for the star Procyon is 0.29 arcseconds. If you were to measure Procyon’s parallax angle from Venus, what would the parallax angle be? (Note: Earth’s orbital radius is larger than Venus’s orbital radius
more than 0.29 arcseconds
0.29 arcseconds
less than 0.29 arcseconds
zero arcseconds (no parallax)
The star Gamma Gemini has an apparent magnitude=1.9
and Epsilon Gemini has an apparent magnitude=2.9
How do the observed fluxes of the two stars compare? A
FGamma Gem = 0.1 FEpsilon Gem
FGamma Gem = 0.4 FEpsilon Gem
FGamma Gem = 2.5 FEpsilon Gem
FGamma Gem = 10 FEpsilon Gem
The brightest star in the constellation Taurus (which is named Aldebaran) has twice the flux of the 2nd-­
brightest star in that constellation (Elnath).
How do the magnitudes of the two stars compare? A
Aldebaran is 0.3 magnitudes brighter
Aldebaran is 0.75 magnitudes brighter
Aldebaran is 1.0 magnitude brighter
Aldebaran is 2.5 magnitudes brighter
In 1843, the massive star Eta Carinae flared remarkably, increasing in magnitude to m = −1 (becoming the 2nd-­brightest star in the entire sky) before fading away again to 8th mag. How much did its luminosity change then? A
• By a factor of 109 B
• By a factor of 104.5
• By a factor of 4×103
• By a factor of 2×104
Stellar Luminosities
• Stellar luminosities vary from 0.0001 L¤–1,000,000 L¤, ten orders of magnitude
• Note that most of the stars in this image are at the same distance, so their relative apparent brightness is the same as their relative luminosities
• Note that there are many more faint stars than bright stars, suggesting that less luminous stars are far more common