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Running Header: Behaviorism
Francis 1
Courtney Francis
Dr. Hawkes
Educational Psychology
18 November 2010
Behaviorism Theory
Francis 2
Behaviorism is a theory that was developed by Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner.
When it comes to talking about classical conditioning turn to Ivan Pavlov and B.F.
Skinner is the person to turn to when talking about operant conditioning (Berger, 2007,
39). Classical conditioning is a behavior that someone would pair with something that has
no meaning before hand then is paired with something. Then there is operant
conditioning were it is based on reinforcement and how to reinforce others (Ormrod,
2006, 58). Both forms of conditioning are extremely useful for teachers in the classroom.
Classical conditioning is the learning process that connects a meaningful stimulus
such as the smell of food with a neutral stimulus such as the sound of a bell. To begin the
bell had no special meaning. When it comes to classical conditioning, you start with the
stimulus then there is the response to that stimulus that can be very useful when teaching
children. Along with classical conditioning there is conditioning. This is the processes by
which responses become linked to a particular stimuli and learning takes place. The word
conditioning is used to emphasize the importance of repeated practice. For example, as
when an athlete gets into physical condition by training for a long time (Berger, 2007,
Classical conditioning can be taught to students in a classroom to help them learn.
One way is to help students develop a method to lower anxiety with other students in the
classroom. In order to prevent or minimize anxiety in a classroom the most important
thing is to make sure the students feels safe within classroom not afraid. Anxiety is one
thing that many students fear while in school, there are many things teachers are able to
do. For instance a teacher may have the students do presentations over a two day period.
The first day the teacher finds that the students are shy and have anxiety. That night the
Behaviorism Theory
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teacher goes homes and comes up with a plan. That plan was for the whole class to wear
funny glasses. Therefore, the next day before presentations started the teacher had all the
students put on the funny glasses. During the second day worth of presentations, the
teacher noticed there was less shyness and anxiety from the students. Wearing the funny
glasses was the stimulus, which gave the students confidence and the response, was
removing the anxiety that the students had while giving the presentation. The glasses
also made the student feel more comfortable in front of the class, because everybody
looked funny. Every time the student gets in front of the class, they are likely to picture
everyone, from then on in the class wearing funny glasses and continue with their
presentation with confidence. This is just one example of using classical conditioning in
the classroom.
B.F. Skinner developed the theory of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning
is a form of learning in which a response increases in frequency because it is being
followed by reinforcement. Meaning that a response that a student does is increased most
often when reinforcement is happens (Ormrod, 2006, 58). There are many ways to
reinforce. Reinforcement is a consequence of a response that leads to increased frequency
of the response. First type of reinforcement is primary. In primary reinforcement, the
consequence is fulfilled by a biological built-in-need such as food and water. Secondly,
there are secondary reinforcements in which the consequence becomes reinforced over
time through its association with another reinforcement such as money. Third, there are
positive reinforcements, which a response increases because of the presentation of a
stimulus. Fore example positive reinforcements can be receiving a toy for doing an
excellent job or something simple like giving a student positive feedback for doing well
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on an assignment. Fourth, there are negative reinforcements. Fore these reinforcements, a
response increases as result of the removal of a stimulus. Negative reinforcement can be a
little tricky. It is saying that when a teacher gives out an assignment and the student gets
it done right away, the students is removing the stimulus so they do not have to worry
about it anymore. Lets not forget about extrinsic and intrinsic reinforcements. Extrinsic is
a reinforcement that comes from the outside environment, rather than from within the
learner, like money or candy. Intrinsic reinforcement is provided by oneself or inherent in
a task being preformed, like having pride and accomplishment (Ormond, 2006, 58-60). In
addition to reinforcement there, is punishment. Therefore, when it comes to punishment
there are two types, presentation and removal. Presentation punishment involves
presentation of a new stimulus, presumably one the students finds unpleasant, like
scolding the student. Removal punishment involves removal of an existing stimulus,
presumably, one a learner finds desirable and doesn’t want to lose, like being grounded
and not allowed to hangout with friends (Ormond, 2006, 62). When it comes to operant
conditioning there are many forms of reinforcement that a teacher can use in the
classroom. In addition, a teacher can use forms of punishment to help the student
understand the point.
For teaches there are many ways to go about using operant conditioning. One way
is to focus on intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcers. Teachers, often ask their students to do a
lot of things from homework to working with one another. Having their students working
with one another a teacher might have to give reinforcements like extra credit points or
treats. These would be extrinsic rewards. At the same time, teachers might be able to
have them work with one another or help another student without having to give any
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reinforcement. This is because the students will have the feeling of accomplishment in
doing their own work and the positive feeling of helping one another.
Classical and operant conditionings were both founded by different people but
both have to deal with conditioning people and how that shapes behavior. Classical
conditioning deals first with the stimulus and then the responses. For example, smelling
food and then having the feeling of hunger. Operant conditioning deals with response
first then stimulus. This is when the student or learner has the option as to whether or not
to do something or even feel something like when it comes feeling a reward or
reinforcement or the type of punishment the student/learner might receive. Even though
both conditions are different, they both have to deal with behavior. They are very
important in shaping students behaviors.
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Ormrod, J.E. (2006). Learning in Context. Essentials of Educational Psychology (fifth
ed., pp. 58-63). Upper Saddle River: Pearson.
Berger, K.S. (2007). Theories of Development. The Developing Person Through
Childhood and Adolescence (seventh ed., pp. 39). Worth Publishers, Incorporated.