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What information gathering method is preferable to study housing conditions of medical
students during training period?
Materials selection
Directed selection method
A 5 tons milk batch was sampled. The laboratory analysis revealed: fat content - 2%, specific
density - 1,04 g/cm3, acidity - 21 ?Т, reductase taste-positive. What way of the product using ?
To sell and to inform consumers about unsatisfactory milk quality
To use for animal feeding
Technical utilization
Technological processing
To sell without limitations
To return product to the manufacturer
A sample of milk was taken for testing from a 3 ton milk batch. Lab analysis showed the
following: fat content 3,5%, specific density- 1,027 g/cm3, acidity 22 ?C, reductase taste negative. What
way the product is to be used in? What would you advise?
To sell and to inform consumers about unsatisfactory milk quality
To use for animal feeding
Technical utilization
Technological processing
To sell without limitations
To return product to the manufacturer
The student has the following devices: Geiger's counter, Ebert's counter, Krotov's apparatus,
Mischuk's device . What device can he use to assess air germ pollution?
Krotov's apparatus
Ebert's counter
Geiger's counter
Mischuk's device
Patient with hyperthyroidism is in the two-place hospital ward of therapeutic department. The
area of the ward is 18 m2, height is 3 m, ventilation rate is 2,5/h. Air temperature is 22 ?С, relative
humidity is 45%, velocity of air movement is 0,03 m/sec, lighting coefficient is 1/6. Assess hygienic
conditions in the ward.
Discomfortable microclimate
Non-effective ventilation
Poor natural lighting
Favorable conditions
Student lives in the flat of modern house with a completed set of sanitary equipment (WC,
bath, shower, local water heater). What minimal norm of water consumption per day?
160-200 L/day
10-15 L/day
50-100 L/day
300-400 L/day
500 -600 L/day
What juice should be included in a diet for patients with gastric ulcer to decrease gastric
secretion, accelerate reparation of mucous membrane, and decrease irritation of receptor apparatus of
the stomach?
Potato, carrot
Apple, birch and apple
Cabbage, cabbage and carrot
Celery, parsley
Laboratory assessment of sanitary indexes of soil on the territory of future school show the
soil is high contaminated according to the coli- titer, and low contaminated according to the anaerobetiter. This is an indicators of
Fresh fecal contamination
Low intensity of soil self-purification
Old fecal contamination
Continuous supply of organic pollutants into the soil
Insufficient insulation and aeration of soil
Bacterial analysis of air in a residential premises in winter period revealed total number of
microorganisms in 1 m3 of air was 7200. What permissible number of microorganisms in the air
characterized as "pure" (CFU/m3 )?
Up to 4000
Up to 2500
Up to 1500
Up to 5500
Up to 7000
What maximal permissible concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of residential premises?
Daily food intake of adult person contains: proteins - 16% of energy value of daily diet, fats - 25%,
carbohydrates - 59%. Evaluate composition of daily food intake:
Deficiency of carbohydrates
Excess of proteins
deficiency of fats
Deficiency of carbohydrates
Excess of carbohydrates
Nutrient content correspond to the recommended norms
A patient who has been consuming refined foodstuffs for a long time complains of weight loss,
headache, fatigue, depression, insomnia, irritability, irregular heart rate. Objectively: muscles asthenia,
pain and cramps in the gastrocnemius muscles, during walking the patient at first lands on his heel ,
then on the external edge of foot. Cardiovascular system - tachycardia, hypoxia, dystrophic changes of
myocardium. There are also gastrointestinal disorders. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Hypovitaminosis B1
Hypovitaminosis B2
Hypovitaminosis B12
Hypovitaminosis B6
Hypovitaminosis PP
A patient who had eaten mushrooms in the morning was delivered at night to the infectious department
of hospital. The disease develops rapidly. The patient complains for stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting,
thirst, headache and dizziness. He died in the third day of disease. What mushrooms most likely caused
Deadly amanita
Fly agarics
What kind of water supply source is most favorable from hygienic point of view?
Artesian water
Spring water
River water
Rain water
Soil water
Which of the following illnesses is most commonly linked to raw meat, unpasteurized dairy products,
and ready-to-eat foods like hot dogs, deli meats, and soft cheeses such as brie?- Bacillus cereus
- Clostridium botulinum
- Clostridium perfringens
+ Listeria monocytogenes
All of the following are characteristic of cholesterol except
- it is converted to bile.
+ it is an essential nutrient
- it is used for making estrogen and testosterone.
- it is incorporated into cell membranes.
The body energy that can be stored in almost unlimited amounts is
- glycogen
- protein
+ triglyceride
- glucose
Where does digestion begin?
- Small intestine
+ Mouth
- Stomach
- Esophagus
If a fat contains mostly saturated fatty acids, it is likely to be
+ solid at room temperature.
- soft at room temperature.
- rancid at room temperature.
- liquid at room temperature.
When looking at the ingredient label of a bottled spaghetti sauce, you see that olive oil is the second
ingredient. This means that
+ olive oil is the second ingredient by weight
- olive oil is the second ingredient by alphabetical listing.
- oil is the second ingredient by amount present in the sauce.
- olive oil is just one of the ingredients present in the sauce.
The function of thick mucus in the stomach is to
+ protect stomach cells from acid and enzymes
- promote fat digestion.
- activate stomach enzymes.
- keep the stomach bacteria-free.
To be transported throughout the body, fats are packaged in structures called
+ lipoproteins
- tryglycerides
- phospholipids
- micelles
Which of the following is a major source of lactose?
+ Buttermilk
- Broccoli
- Honey
- Bread
A saturated fatty acid contains
+ no double bonds
- 2 to 12 double bonds.
- 14 to 24 double bonds.
- one double bond
Which of the following hormones corrects a hyperglycemic state?
+ Insulin
- Glucagon
- Epinephrine
- Cortisol
Which of the following is not true about water?
- Provides a way to transport nutrients and waste
- Dietary need of approximately 8 cups per day
+ Provides energy
- By-product of cell chemical reactions
Which of the following are substances in plant foods that are not digested in the stomach or small
+ Dietary fiber
- Dextrose
- Disaccharides
- Simple sugars
A kcalorie is a measure of
- sugar and fat in food.
- nutrients in food
- fat in food
+ heat energy
Starch is comprised of hundreds and perhaps thousands of which molecule?
+ Glucose
- Galactose
- Fructose
- Glycerol
What structure prevents food from entering the trachea when you swallow?
- Esophagus
- Tonsils
+ Epiglottis
- Tongue
The muscular contractions that move food through the digestive tract are called
+ peristalsis
- compression
- propulsion
- regurgitation
Which of the following is characteristic of lipids?
- Supply 4,1 kcalories per gram
+ Supply a concentrated form of fuel for the body
- Add structural strength to bones and muscles
+ Solvents of vitamins A, D, E and K
Which of the following contains a rich supply of omega-3 fatty acids?
- Sirloin
- Chicken
- Broccoli
+ Salmon
Which of the following nutrients can directly supply energy for human use?
+ Lipids
- Fiber
- Minerals
- Vitamins
+ Carbohydrates
Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?
- Glucose
- Fructose
- Galactose
+ Lactose
Which of the following carbohydrates is most sweet?
- Glucose
+ Fructose
- Galactose
- Lactose
Which of the following has lowes glycemic index?
- Glucose
+ Fructose
- Galactose
- Lactose
- Sachacrose
Which of the following has lowes glycemic index?
- raisin
- grapes
- bananas
- oranges
+ apples
Which of the following has lowes glycemic index?
- oats
- rice
- corn
- buckwheat
- macaroni
- soybean
Which of the following has lowes glycemic index (<50%)?
- wheat bread
+ rye bread
- honey
- corn
- biscuits
- bananas
+ beans
+ fresh fruits
Which of the following has lowes glycemic index (<50%)?
+ cucumber
+ asparagus
+ avocado
+ cabbage
- potatoes
- carrots
+ parsley,oregano
Most digestion takes place in the
- pancreas
+ small intestine
- large intestine
- stomach
All the following are sources of cholesterol except
+ peanut butter
- turkey meat
- whole milk
- butter
Program of nationwide health-promotion and disease-prevention should be designed to
+ promote healthful lifestyles and reduce preventable death and disability in all population.
- prevent chronic disease.
- eliminate dietary inadequacies and excesses, and to encourage healthful practices.
- disclose dietary practices that best support health.
Nutritive fibers belong to the class of nutrients known as
- minerals
- proteins
- lipids
+ carbohydrates
In which form are most dietary lipids found?
- Monoglycerides
- Sterols
+ Triglycerides
- Phospholipids
Constipation can best be prevented by
- restricting fluids.
- using laxatives.
- engaging in little physical exercise.
+ eating dietary fiber.
What is the major monosaccharide found in the body?
- Fructose
+ Glucose
- Galactose
- Sucrose
Which of the following is true about the way we should eat to achieve good nutritional status?
- Eat only plant products because animal products are bad and generally filled with hormones for animal
- Eat fruits and vegetables because we can get all the nutrients we need from these
+ Eat a wide variety of foods because no single natural food meets all human nutrient needs
- Do the best we can but take supplements to fill in the deficient areas
Which of the following is true about carbohydrate digestion?
- Carbohydrate digestion begins in the stomach
- Saliva production does not influence starch digestion
+ Carbohydrate digestion is assisted by cooking; softens tough skins
- Chewing food does not assist in carbohydrate digestion
The recommended daily dietary allowance for nutrients generally are
+ designed to be adequate for almost all healthy people.
- more than twice the requirements.
- the minimum amounts the average adult male requires.
- designed to prevent deficiency disease in half the population.
Which statement best describes nutrient density?
- Choose a number of different foods within any given food group rather than the "same old thing"
+ Consume foods that have the most nutrition for their kcalories
- Plan your entire day's diet so that you don't overconsume nutrient sources
- Consume a variety of foods from the five major food groups every day
Lactose intolerance is caused by
+ lactase deficiency.
- intestinal bacteria.
- milk bacteria.
- a milk allergy.
The principal features of lactose intolerance is
+ an abdominal bloating and cramps, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, borborygmi and vomiting (particularly
in adolescents)
+ appear one-half to two hours after consumption
+ most lactose-intolerant people can tolerate a certain level of lactose in their diets without ill effects
+ the severity of symptoms typically increases with the amount of lactose consumed
- amount of lactose consumed does not affect the severity of symptoms
- headache, palpitations, nausea
Olga, an elderly woman, needs to limit her kcalorie intake without sacrificing needed nutrients. Keeping
in mind the Food Guide Pyramid, which of the following could she do?
- Eliminate carbohydrate
- Count kcalories and not worry about the food groups
- Eliminate Dairy foods.
+ Carefully select foods rich in nutrients but low in kcalories
Acquiring sufficient vitamin B12 from the diet may be a problem to vegans because
- phytic acid in vegetable proteins may inhibit its absorption.
+ it is only found in animal products.
- they lack the R-protein in the stomach.
- deficiency may result from high intakes of legumes.
The major chloride source in the diet is
- milk
+ salt
- nuts
- cheese
Which statement about vitamins is true?
- Are inorganic
- Directly supply energy
+ Help regulate chemical reactions in the body
- Cannot be stored by the body
Which of the following is not an essential amino acid in human nutrition?
+ Proline
- Phenylalanine
- Valine
- Threonine
- Tryptophan
- Methionine
- Leucine
- Isoleucine
- Lysine
If the diet is lacking an essential amino acid, what will be the course of action?
- Body cells will synthesize it
- Health will not be affected as long as other nutrients are adequate
+ Protein synthesis will be limited
- Proteins will be made but they will lack that particular amino acid
Which of the following vitamins has been helpful in large doses as a treatment for acne?
Beta-carotene is
- one form of vitamin A.
- one form of vitamin E.
+ a precursor to vitamin A.
- a precursor to vitamin E.
Which fat-soluble vitamins are most toxic if consumed in excess amount over long periods of times?
? The B vitamins generally function as
- coenzymes
- emulsifiers
+ antioxidants
- reducing agents
Vitamin A deficiency in which the retina cannot adjust to low amounts of light
+Night blindness
The causes of the rickets in children except
- Deficiency of calcium and phosphorus
- deficiency of vitamin D in the body
- accumulation of strontium
+ iron deficiency
Most vitamin A is stored in the
- adipose tissue.
+ liver
- small intestine.
- kidneys
In ________ , the bones fail to calcify normally, causing growth retardation and skeletal abnormalities in
- rachitic rosary
- osteomalacia
- osteoporosis
+ rickets
Which of the following is a precursor for vitamin A?
- retinoic acid
- retinol
- retinal
+ beta-carotene
This vitamin, when consumed during pregnancy, can help prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida.
- B6
- Niacin
- Riboflavin
+ Folic Acid
The fortification of maize meal with ________in South Africa was followed
by a 40% reduction in spina bifida, a serious deformation of the neural tube in new-born babies.
- retinol
- ascorbic acid
- nicotonamide
+ folic acid
? What of following about Folic Acid is truth
+ large quantity is found in the beef liver
+ it is synthesized in the intestine
- in large quantity is found in citrus fruits, apples and pears
+ destroyed by heat processing of products
Niacin is necessary to prevent the disease
- pernicious anemia.
- beriberi
+ pellagra
- scurvy
Vitamin E functions as a(n)
+ antioxidant
- hormone
- coenzyme
- enzyme
The childhood disease rickets is due to a deficiency.
+ Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin K
Water constitutes ______ percent of body weight.
+ 55-65
- 10-20
- 25-45
- 75-95
Which of the following statements does not describe the role of minerals in the body?
- They make possible the transfer of nerve impulses
+ They provide 4 kcalories per gram
- They help maintain water balance
- They are constituents of important body compounds
The nitrogen from amino acid breakdown is
- stored in the liver
+ converted to urea
- converted to fat.
- oxidised to carbohydrate.
Dietary fiber may play a key role in the prevention of which cancer
+ colon
- small intestine
- stomach
- urogenital system
- lungs
The nutrient essential for synthesis of several blood clotting factors is
An important role of vitamin K is the synthesis of
- alpha-tocopherol
- rhodopsin
- retinol
+ prothrombin
All of the following can lower your blood sugar EXCEPT:
- losing excess weight
- exercise
+ taking a chromium supplement
- eating fewer refined carbs
- eating more beans
Which of the following foods is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids?
+ fatty fish
- beaf meat
- milk
- grain
A suboptimal intake of chromium in individuals may be linked to
+ impaired glucose tolerance.
- elevated blood pressure.
- elevated calcitriol levels.
- lowered serum cholesterol levels.
Scurvy can be prevented with adequate intakes of
- Niacin
+ Vitamin C
- Thiamin
- Riboflavin
The nutrient that prevents beriberi is
- vitamin B-12.
- niacin.
- riboflavin.
+ thiamin.
Biotin absorption is inhibited by
- phytate.
- oxalate.
+ avidin.
- copper.
Intestinal bacteria can make this B vitamin in adequate amounts to meet human needs.
- Folate
- Vitamin B-6
- Pantothenic acid
+ Biotin
A deficiency of vitamin B-6 can result in depression, headaches, and confusion. These occur because of
- hemoglobin synthesis.
- glucose metabolism.
+ neurotransmitter synthesis.
- myelin synthesis.
The best vitamin B-6 food sources include
- enriched breads and cereals
- milk and dairy products.
+ meat, fish, and poultry.
- deep yellow/orange fruits and vegetables.
A pantothenic acid deficiency
+ is very unlikely because of its widespread availability.
- is very likely.
- occurs commonly in children.
- occurs commonly in the elderly.
Liver and lung damage of chromium toxicity can occur from
+ exposure to industrial waste.
- daily consumption of egg yolks.
- daily consumption of beef liver.
- All of these choices are correct.
The best food source of iron is
- whole wheat bread.
- egg yolk.
- raisins.
+ liver.
Thiamin is distributed in small amounts in many foods. A nutrient-dense source of thiamin is
- milk.
+ pork.
- whole grain cereals.
- dark green vegetables.
Functions of choline include all of the following except
+ red blood cell synthesis.
- neurotransmitter synthesis.
- component of cell membranes.
- homocysteine metabolism.
Older adults may require a supplemental source of vitamin B-12 because
- low intake of vitamin C impairs vitamin B-12 absorption.
+ decreased production of intrinsic factor decreases vitamin B-12 absorption.
- increased hydrochloric acid production decreases vitamin B-12 absorption.
- high fiber intake binds vitamin B-12.
Generally, good folate sources are
- fruits.
+ green leafy vegetables.
- milk and dairy products.
- poultry
The best vitamin B-6 food sources include
- enriched breads and cereals
- milk and dairy products.
+ meat, fish, and poultry.
- deep yellow/orange fruits and vegetables
Which of the following techniques is best for preserving the vitamin content of cooked broccoli?
- Boiling to tenderness
- Addition of baking soda
+ Steaming until crisp-tender
- Deep frying
Which of the following are the best thiamin sources?
+ Pork, whole grains, enriched cereals, legumes
- Root vegetables, cheddar-type cheese, deep yellow/orange fruits and vegetables
- Ham, vegetables of the cabbage family, whole grains
- Milk, beef, deep yellow/orange fruits and vegetables
Some niacin is formed in the body from
- phenylalanine.
- tyrosine.
+ tryptophan.
- lysine.
Which of the following is the best food source of riboflavin?
+ Milk
- Lean ham
- Carrots
- Sunflower oil
Milk is a poor source of
- calcium.
- iron and calcium.
+ iron and vitamin C.
- vitamin A and protein.
Pellagra is characterized by all the following except
+ dysphagia.
- diarrhea.
- dementia.
- dermatitis.
A disorder that causes increased iron absorption leading to organ toxicity is
+ hemochromatosis.
- hemolysis.
- pellagra.
- anemia.
Which of the following is a good chromium source?
- Cherries
+ Whole grains
- Enriched, refined grains
- Drinking water
Which of the following terms describes psychological influences that encourage us to find and eat food?
+ Appetite
- Hunger
- Satiety
- Obsession
A warning sign or symptom of alcohol poisoning is
+ semiconsciousness or unconsciousness.
- rapid breathing.
- skin that is hot to the touch.
- insomnia.
Which of the following does not regulate body processes?
- Proteins
+ Carbohydrates
- Water
- Vitamins
Which of the following is not true about water?
+ Provides energy
- Provides a way to transport nutrients and waste
- By-product of cell chemical reactions
- Dietary need of approximately 1,8 l per day
Michael visits a doctor because she feels tired most of the time, is easily distracted, and feels chilled. As
part of her examination, Missy has blood drawn to be tested for concentrations of nutrients and their
by-products. This part of the examination is the
- anthropometric assessment.
- physical examination.
+ biochemical evaluation.
- clinical examination.
? What healthy range of BMI
+ 18,5-25,0
- 16,5-20,0
-< 16,0
-> 25,0
-< 18,5
- 25,0-26,5
One would be likely to see positive protein balance in all of the following conditions except
- recovery from surgery.
- growth.
+ starvation.
- pregnancy.
Which of following about vitamin D is truth
+ is unique among the vitamins because it can be formed in the body by skin exposure to the sun
+ the nutrient that can be considered both a vitamin and a hormone is
- can help prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida
+ Efficient deposition of calcium and phosphorus in bones
+ prevents osteoporosis
The nutrient that can be considered both a vitamin and a hormone is
- Vitamin A
+ Vitamin D
- Niacin
- Vitamin E.
Which of the following statements regarding fluoride is false?
- Fish and most teas contain appreciable amounts of natural fluoride.
- Where fluoride is lacking, dental decay is common.
+ Fluoride found naturally in drinking water makes bones weaker.
- Drinking water is usually the best source of fluoride.
Which of the following statements about iron recommendations is false?
+ The usual diet provides about 7 to 9 milligrams of iron for every 1000 kcalories.
- Women in their reproductive years need 18 milligrams a day.
- The recommended daily intake of iron for men is 10 milligrams per day.
- Vegetarians need 1.8 times as much iron as an omnivore.
Which of the following statements regarding iron deficiency is false?
- All of these statements are false.
+ During the first stage of iron deficiency, the iron-carrying protein transferring increases which is an
adaptation that enhances iron absorption.
- Measures of serum ferritin are most valuable in assessing iron status in the second stage of iron
- The third stage of iron deficiency occurs when the lack of iron limits myoglobin production.
Of the following groups, which is not at high risk for iron deficiency?
- women in their reproductive years
- infants and young children
- men in their reproductive years
+ pregnant women
- teenagers
Which of the following bodily functions does copper play a role?
- synthesize serotonin
+ none of these choices
- hemoglobin destruction
- defend against oxidative stress
- activate histamine
Chromium is an essential mineral that participates in ________ metabolism.
- protein
- fat and protein
- alcohol
+ carbohydrate and fat
- alcohol and fat
- carbohydrate
- fat
Without adequate iron, energy metabolism in the cells falters. Which of the following is not a resulting
symptom of inadequate iron?
+ apathy
- fatigue
- headaches
- weakness
- increase in body heat
Which of the following is not an example of a functional food?
- garlic
+ all of these choices are functional foods
- cranberries
- green tea
- calcium-fortified orange juice
Which of the following statements regarding trace mineral interactions is true?
- All of these choices.
- A selenium deficiency halts the activation of the iodine-containing thyroid hormones.
- A slight manganese overload may aggravate an iron deficiency.
+ Iron deficiency makes the body more vulnerable to lead poisoning.
The following factors will decrease non-heme iron absorption EXCEPT:
- Large amounts of tea or coffee consumed with a meal (the polyphenols bind the iron).
- Excess consumption of high fiber foods or bran supplements (the phytates in such foods inhibit
- High intake of calcium - take your calcium supplement at a different time from your iron supplement.
+ Source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - i.e., oranges, grapefruits, tomatoes, broccoli and strawberries
HEME iron is found only in
+ meat, fish and poultry
- fruits, vegetables, dried beans
- nuts
- grain products.
Healthy, light-skinned individuals can make sufficient vitamin D to meet the body's needs with about
________ of sun exposure on their face, arms, and hands 2 or 3 times per week.
+ 15 minutes
- 60 minutes
- 90 minutes
- 120 minutes
Vitamin D is involved in the regulation of body levels of
- cholesterol.
+ calcium.
- prothrombin.
- potassium.
The most likely cause of a vitamin A toxicity would be
- consuming large amounts of dark green and yellow vegetables.
- eating sautéed liver and onions twice a week.
+ consuming high levels of vitamin A supplements.
- drinking carrot juice twice a day.
As calcitriol, vitamin D functions in calcium and bone metabolism by
- reducing calcium excretion by the kidney.
- regulating calcium and phosphorus absorption through the intestinal wall.
- regulating the levels of calcium and phosphorus in bones.
+ All of these choices are accurate.
A reliable food source of vitamin D is
- yellow-orange colored fruits.
- dark green leafy vegetables.
- whole grain breads.
+ fortified milk.
The most nutrient-dense sources of vitamin E are
- refined grains and cereal products.
- orange-colored fruits.
+ vegetable oils.
- animal fats.
A nutrient synthesized by bacteria in the large intestine is vitamin
Vitamin K deficiency is most likely to result from
- insufficient sunlight.
- kidney disease.
- insufficient intake of diary products.
+ antibiotic therapy.
The most nutrient-dense food sources of vitamin K are
+ green leafy vegetables.
- whole grain breads and cereals.
- nuts and seeds.
- oysters and shellfish
The nutrients added to enriched grains typically include
- all of the B vitamins.
- vitamin C, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and zinc.
+ thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, and iron.
- vitamin B-6, folic acid, vitamin B-12, and iron.
The best sources of thiamin in the average diet are
+ pork products, whole or enriched grains and cereals, and legumes.
- root vegetables and cheddar-type cheese.
- whole grains and fresh fruit.
- ham and vegetables of the cabbage family.
Which of the following foods represents the most nutrient-dense source of riboflavin?
+ low-fat milk
- applesauce
- whole wheat bread
- green leafy vegetables
To protect riboflavin from destruction by sunlight, milk and milk products are packaged in
- clear glass bottles.
+ paper and opaque plastic cartons.
- clear plastic bottles and cartons.
- any kind of container.
Important contributors to niacin intake in the diet are
+ poultry, meat, and fish.
- citrus fruits, kiwi, and bananas.
- milk, cheese, and yogurt.
- spinach, kale, and broccoli .
Good sources of folate include
- enriched cereals and grains.
- leafy green vegetables.
- oranges.
- dried beans.
+ All of these choices are accurate.
Vitamin B-12 is supplied mostly in
- fruits and vegetables.
- cereal grains.
+ foods of animal origin.
- None of these answers are correct.
Persons who smoke have an increased need for
- vitamin B-12.
+ vitamin C.
- folate.
- biotin
Vitamin B-12 is found in which of the following foods?
- orange juice
- dark green leafy vegetables
- seed oils
+ chicken
The body's temperature regulation mechanism depends on
- drinking enough water to remove heat by way of the urine.
+ water within the body absorbing heat energy, and on the evaporation of perspiration removing heat
- water being delivered to the lungs, where the heat energy will be exhaled as water vapor.
- excretion of body wastes.
A loss of 1-2% of body weight in fluids will cause a person to
+ experience thirst.
- experience a decline in muscle strength and endurance.
- experience decreased heat tolerance and weakness.
- lapse into coma and die.
Factors that can contribute to an increased risk of high blood pressure include
- advanced age.
- BMI over 30.
- type 2 diabetes.
+ All of these choices are accurate.
The most nutrient-dense food source of calcium with high bioavailability is
- leafy green vegetables.
- fish fillets.
+ milk and dairy products.
- cereal grains.
Assuming that milk is the only source of dietary calcium, how much milk must an adolescent drink every
day to meet the RDA for calcium?
- 2 cups
- 3 cups
- 4 cups
+ 5 cups
The two life stage groups with the highest RDAs for calcium are _________ and _________.
- children; adolescents
- infants; children
+ adolescents; adults over age 50
- infants; adolescents
The richest sources of iron in the diet are
- fruits and vegetables.
- nuts and seeds.
+ meats and seafood.
- breads and pastries.
Excess intake of zinc supplements can reduce absorption of
- selenium.
- calcium.
+ copper.
- iodine.
Which type of dietary iron is most efficiently absorbed?
- non-heme iron
- elemental iron
+ heme iron
- All these forms of iron are absorbed equally.
Which of the following factors increases iron absorption?
- high intakes of zinc
- high stores of iron
- low gastric acidity
+ increased need for iron
Which of the following foods is a good source of non-heme iron?
- eggs
+ spinach
- grilled chicken
- clams
Iron-deficiency anemia often causes symptoms of
+ fatigue.
- night blindness.
- dental decay.
- dermatitis.
Which group of foods would provide the most bioavailable zinc?
- refined breads and cereals
+ oysters and other seafood
- spinach and leafy greens
- black-eyed peas and lentils
Which of the following has been associated with a decreased risk of cancer?
- low intakes of calcium
- high intakes of nitrates
+ adequate intake of vitamin D
- low intakes of lycopene
Which of the following contribute to increased risk of cancer?
- viruses
- radiation
- dietary fat
+ All of these factors may increase cancer risk.
If you wanted to add significant quantities of vitamins and minerals to your diet from the food you eat, a
good choice would be
- a doughnut made with enriched white flour.
+ a fortified breakfast cereal such as Total Raisin Bran.
- a banana.
- apple juice.
Lowering blood pressure is associated with which of the following minerals?
- Potassium
+ Sodium
- Chloride
- Cadmium
A goiter may form as a consequence of an inadequate intake of
- sodium
- magnesium
+ iodide
- copper
This mineral can be protective for the teeth when introduced into the water supply; however it can
cause tooth mottling when consumed in high quantities.
+ Fluoride
- Selenium
- Iron
- Copper
Cooking an egg alters its appearance due to
+ denaturation
- esterification.
- detoxification.
- emulsification.
Which of the following is true about the absorption, transport, and storage of fat-soluble vitamins?
- They are not stored to any great extent
+ After absorption, they are transported in the bloodstream to body cells and or stored in the liver and
fatty tissue
- They enter the bloodstream directly after absorption
- Fat in the digestive contents is not important for their absorption
An essential amino acid
- can be synthesized if there is a nitrogen source.
+ cannot be synthesized by humans in sufficient amounts or at all and therefore must be included in the
- can be synthesized if caloric intake is adequate.
- can be formed from semiessential amino acids.
Nonessential amino acids
-Amino acids that, when consumed, spare the need to use an essential amino acid for their synthesis.
They can be called conditionally essential amino acids
+Amino acids that can be synthesized by a healthy body in sufficient amounts; there are 11 nonessential
amino acids. Another name for this term is dispensable amino acids
-The amino acids that cannot be synthesized by humans in sufficient amounts or at all and therefore
must be included in the diet; there are nine of these.
-The essential amino acid in lowest concentration in a food or diet relative to body needs
High-quality (complete) proteins
+ Dietary proteins that contain ample amounts of all essential amino acids.
- Dietary proteins that containe all amino acids
- A group of amino acids bonded together, from 500 to 1000.
- A group of amino acids bonded together, from 1000 to 2000.
? A rich source of vitamin E is
+ corn oil
- prime rib
- orange
- chicken breast
Which statement by the patient indicates a good understanding of food sources for vitamin E? A good
source of vitamin E is:
- beef
- fish
- lard
+ nuts
What disease is caused by a thiamin deficiency?
- Kwashiorkor
- Pellagra
- Scurvy
+ Beriberi
What is magnesium's primary function?
- It is important in hemoglobin synthesis
- It maintains mucus production in the digestive tract
+ It is important for nerve and heart function
- It acts as the carrier for calcium absorption
Which of the following is converted to vitamin A in the body?
- Cholesterol
- Phenylanine
- Retinol
+ Carotene
A dental hygienist remembers the main role of vitamin E is to:
+ protect cell membranes
- help the blood clot
- enhance calcium absorption
- inhibit white blood cell oxidation
Excessive amounts of ____ can inhibit phosphorous absorption.
- protein
- carbohydrate
+ calcium
- sodas
Enter the physical unit, which is determined by the illumination:
What is the main method of studying natural illumination in the room:
- Calculated
What are the instruments for measuring illumination:
-UV meter
Enter the index that is not used in geometrical method of estimation illumination?
+Coefficient of daylight factor
-Coefficient of deepening
-Angle of opening
-Light quotient
-Angle of dip
Enter the indices of the light-technical mastery assessment method of daylight factor:
-Angle of dip
-Coefficient of deepening
-Angle of opening
-Light quotient
+Coefficient of daylight factor
What should be the ratio of daylight for residential:
-Daylight factor: 10-15 %
-Daylight factor: 5-10 %
-Daylight factor: 2-5 %
+Daylight factor: 0.5-1 %
-Daylight factor: 0.1-2 %
What are the standards of light factor coefficient for residential:
-Light quotient: 1:10 - 1:15
+Light quotient: 1:6 - 1:8
-Light quotient: 1:2 - 1:4
-Light quotient: 1:3 - 1:5
-Light quotient: 1:8 - 1:12
In order to evaluate illumination for residentials a light quotient is estimated. For example, in
residentials illumination is sufficient, if LQ is 1:6 - 1:8. What is the ratio:
+The ratio of surface area of glazed windows to floor area;
-The ratio-level internal illumination to the outside;
-The ratio of window area to floor area;
-The ratio of the square of glazed windows to the area of the working surface;
-The ratio of working area to floor area
What indices can give a comprehensive assessment of daylight quotient in the classroom with the size of
4.0 x 12.0 m, with three windows (size 1.8 x 2.2 m each), the top end of which is at a distance of 2.5 m
from the floor.
+Light quotient, angle of deepening, angle of dip
-Coefficient of daylight factor, angle of dip
-Light quotient, angle of deepening
-Angle of dip, angle of deepening
-Light quotient, angle of deepening, coefficient of daylight factor
-The study of hygienic learning environment in a technical high school was necessary to evaluate the
visual mode of students enrolled from 9.00 to 15.00. What is the index of daylight factor will be the
most informed and adequate:
+Coefficient of daylight factor
-Presence-sharing (upper side) illumination
-Light quotient
-The depth of the study room
-Time of room insolation
Give sanitary characteristics parameters of daylight factor in the ward of therapeutic department:
-Light quotient (LQ) = 1/2 - 1/3 of coefficient of daylight factor (CDF) - 2%
-Light quotient (LQ) = 1/4 - 1/5 of coefficient of daylight factor (CDF) - 2.5%
-Light quotient (LQ) = 1/7 - 1/8 of coefficient of daylight factor (CDF) - 0.5%
-Light quotient (LQ) = 1/8 - 1/10 of coefficient of daylight factor (CDF) - 3%
+Light quotient (LQ) = 1/5 - 1/6 of coefficient of daylight factor (CDF) - not less than 1%
Enter the regulations of specific power of fluorescent lamps for artificial illumination in classrooms:
-Power power of 36 W/m2
-Power density of 28 W/m2
+Power density of 24 W/m2
-Power power of 20 W/m2
-Power density of 16 W/m2
What are the specifications of artificial lighting of classrooms incandescent lamps:
-Incandescent lamps of 100 lux
+Incandescent lamps of 150 lux
-Incandescent lamps of 500 lux
-Incandescent lamps of 1000 lux
-Incandescent lamps of 2000 lux
Enter the physical units that characterize lighting, except:
What are the main research method of artificial lighting in the room:
-Linear method
What disease is most likely caused by insufficient lighting:
-Decreased appetite
Define a parameter that is not included in the concept of industrial microclimate:
+Content of toxic chemicals
-Day temperature
-Air velocity
Determine the type of industrial microclimate, which is not included in the classification of types of
industrial microclimate:
-Uncomfortable cooling
-Uncomfortable heating
Enter the instruments which are used to measure air temperature, except:
-Mercury thermometer
-Laser Thermometer
-Alcohol thermometer
Enter the instruments which are used to measure humidity, except:
-August psychrometer
-Assman psychrometer
Microclimate is characterized by the following parameters, except:
+Radiation background
-Temperature regimen
-Air velocity
-Radiation temperature
Enter the standards of air temperature in the residential:
-The average temperature is +15 - +18 ° C
-The average temperature is +25 - +30 ° C
+The average temperature is +18 - +20 ° C
-The average temperature is +12 - +24 ° C
-The average temperature is +22 - +26 ° C
Enter the standard of optimum humidity in the residential:
-Optimal is 10-90%
+Optimal is 40-60%
-Optimal is 30-70%
-Optimal is 20-80%
-Optimal is 50%
Enter the standards of relative humidity in the residential:
-Relative humidity is 20-40%
-Relative humidity is 30-59%
+Relative humidity is 40-60%
-Relative humidity is 60-80%
-Relative humidity is 70-90%
Enter the standards of air velocity in the residential:
-Air velocity is 0-0,1 m / s
-Air velocity is 0,1-0,19 m / s
+Air velocity is 0.2-0.3 m / s
-Air velocity is 0.3-0.4 m / s
-Air velocity is 0.6-0.7 m / s
Enter hygienic requirements for the microclimatic conditions of a hospital ward:
+Air temperature is 18-20° C, relative humidity is 40-60%, air velocity is 0.2-0.3 m / s
-Air temperature is 24-26° C, relative humidity is 30-50%, air velocity is 0.01-0.02 m / s
-Air temperature is 14-16° C, relative humidity is 50-70%, air velocity is 0,03-0,05 m / s
-Air temperature is 16-18° C, relative humidity is 30-80%, air velocity is 0.3-0.5 m / s
-Air temperature is 14-16 ° C, relative humidity is 20-70%, air velocity is 0.5-0.7 m / s
On determination the microclimatic parameters of doctor’s consulting room in the winter there was
estimated that: air temperature was 20° C, relative humidity was 71%, air velocity was 0.1 m/s, the
vertical temperature gradient was 2.5? C, horizontal - 2? C. What index does not correspond to hygienic
-Air temperature
-Air velocity
+Relative humidity
-Vertical air temperature gradient
-Horizontal air temperature gradient
On investigation of microclimatic conditions of the ward it was estimated that area was 6 m2, the
average air temperature was 16° C, relative humidity was 72%, air velocity was 0.35 m/s, the coefficient
of daylight factor - 0.88%, the light quotient - 1:5. Give hygienic assessment of the ward microclimate:
+Uncomfortable of cooling type
-Uncomfortable, with high humidity
-Uncomfortable of heating type
-Uncomfortable, with significant variations in main parameters
The major factors that constitute the climate are the following, except:
+Air temperature, air humidity and air velocity
-Geographic latitude and longitude
-Landscape conditions
-Specifications of air circulation
-Proximity to the seas and oceans
The major factors that characterize the climate are the following, except:
-Air temperature, humidity and air velocity
+Geographic latitude and longitude
-Wind rose
-Index of forecast instability
-The depth of soil freezing
The factors that form the weather are the following, except:
-The level of solar radiation
-Features of landscape conditions
-Features of circulation of air masses
The anthropogenic factors that form the weather are the following, except:
-Creating of artificial reservoirs
+The level of solar radiation
-Air pollution
-Destruction of forests
The factors that characterize the weather are the following, except:
+Landscape conditions
-The chemical composition of the surface air
-Heliophysical elements
-Meteorological factors
-Geophysical elements
-Electric state of the atmosphere
-Synoptic factors
Enter the indices of clean air estimation in hospital ward except:
-Air acidity
+The number of inorganic substances in 1 m3
-Content of carbon dioxide
-Content of dust
-The number of microorganisms in 1 m3
Enter the property of atmospheric air of the ward that does not correspond to hygienic requirements:
-Carbon dioxide is up to 0.1%
+Carbon dioxide is up to 0.5%
-Air acidity is up to 6 mg 02/m3
-Bacterial contamination - until 3500 in the summer and 5000 in the winter bacteria in 1 m3 of air
In the dressing room of the surgery unit there was revealed a total bacterial contamination of the air
before the beginning of work. What number of microbes should be in this case?
-Up to 1000
-Up to 2000
-Up to 300
-Up to 1500
On laboratory investigation of the air quality of the ward in the summer, there was estimated that
bacterial contamination numbered 4000 cells/m3, hemolytic streptococcus - 25 CFU/m3, content of
carbon dioxide - 0.1%. Assess the degree of purity of air.
+Satisfactorily clean
-Very clean
-To much contaminated
Name three main external sources of air pollution in residential:
+Urban transport
-The processes of human life activity
+Ineffective cleaning of industrial plants
-Room dust
-Variations in atmospheric pressure
-The processes of manufacturing
-The use of pesticides in agriculture
+Polymer and synthetic building materials
-Use of pesticides
Name the types of ventilation according to the way the air enters the residential, except:
-Artificial ventilation
-Artificial tidal
-Artificial tidal ventilation
What are two indices of artificial ventilation efficiency:
+Multiplicity of air exchange
-Correlation of coefficient
-Aeration coefficient
-Light quotient
-Coefficient of deepening
+The concentration of carbon dioxide
-Oxygen concentration
-Concentration of inert gases
-Thermal being
Enter the indices of performance ventilation of premises largest concentrations of carbon dioxide:
-Satisfactory - the concentration of carbon dioxide is less than 0.1%
-Satisfactory - the concentration of carbon dioxide is 0.1%
-Permissible - the concentration of carbon dioxide is more than 0.15%
+Permissible - concentration of carbon dioxide is less than 0.1%
-Permissible - the concentration of carbon dioxide is 0.15%
The major hygienic parameters that characterizing the quality of ventilation, except:
-Air cube
-Volume of ventilation
-Multiplicity of air exchange
-The concentration of carbon dioxide
+Concentration of oxygen
Road traffic controller complained of headache, dizziness, insomnia, loss of memory and attention,
shortness of breath, pain in the heart. The lab test revealed increased content of carboxyhemoglobin.
What factor of the environment is most likely to cause the changes in the body:
-Carbon dioxide.
+Carbon monoxide.
-Nitrigen oxide.
-Nitrogen dioxide
-3.4- benzopyrene
Enter the major types sources of water supply, except:
+Mineral Water
-Surface water
-Atmospheric water
The types of groundwater are the following, except:
-Surface water
-Interstratal -pressure water
+Interstratal mixed water
-Interstratal non-pressure water
The components of plumbing system are the following, except:
-Facilities for water intake
+Septic tank
-Pumping plant to lift water
-Cleaning facilities
-Water network
The main functions that water plays in human life are the following, except:
-Sports and recreation
Hygienic requirements that are imposed to drinking water are the following, except:
-The water must have perfect physical and organoleptic qualities
+The water must be of certain temperature
-The water must have optimal chemical composition
-The water must not contain pathogens
-The water must not contain radioactive and toxic chemicals
Enumerate the diseases that can be transmitted through the water, except:
+Diseases caused by physical properties of water
-Bacterial Infectious
-Viral Diseases
-Protozoal disease
Bacterial infectious that can be transmitted through the water are the following, except:
-Typhoid fever
-Viral infectious that can be transmitted through the water are the following, except:
-Viral Hepatitis
-Adenoviral infection
-Enteroviral infection
Enumerate the organoleptic properties of drinking water, except:
-Transparency is not less than 30 cm
+Transparency is not more than 30 cm
-Odor - to 2 points
-Taste to 2 points
-Color up to 20°
Enumerate the bacteriological properties of drinking water quality, except:
-Coli-titer - not less than 300 ml
+Coli-titer - not more than 300 ml
-Coli-index - not more than 3
-Microbial number - not more than 100
Name the major ways to improve the quality of drinking water, except:
The main types of water chlorination are the following, except:
-Chlorination of ammonization
-Chlorination with adequate doses
+Chlorination with residual doses
-Double chlorination
Enumerate the indices of manhole water in epidemiological terms:
-Sulfates – not more than 500 mg / l
-Chloride - not more than 350 mg / l
-Bacterial index: coli-titer of 300, coli-index of 3, microbial number of 100
+Bacteriological indices: coli-titer of 100, coli-index of 10, microbial count of 300-400
-Hardness of water - not more than 7 mEq / L
Enumerate the indices of reliability standards of drinking water disinfection performed by chlorination:
+Residual chlorine - 0.3-0.5 mg / l
-Residual Chlorine - 0.1 - 0.29 mg / l
-Sulfates – not more than 500 mg / l
-Hardness of water - not more than 7 mEq / L
-Dry residue – not more than 7 mg / l
Name the chemicals that are used for chlorination, except:
-Gas and liquid chlorine
-Calcium and sodium hypochloride
-Bleaching powder
+Sodium chloride
The population, who take water from wells complained that the water had high turbidity, color,
unpleasant astringent taste, opalescent, spoils the taste of tea, when washing clothes gives it a yellowish
tint and leaves rust stains. Such properties of water purchased from:
-Iron concentration of 0.1 - 0.3 mg / l
-Chloride concentration of 30 - 50 mg / l
-Chloride concentration of 500 mg / l
-Sulfate concentration of 250 mg / l
+Excess iron concentration more than 1 mg / l
What values of microbiological safety of drinking water supplied centrally allow to use water without
harm to people’s health:
+Microbial number is not more than 100 in 1 ml, and coli-index is less than 3
-Microbial number is 150 in 1 ml, and coli-index is 4 in 1 l
-Microbial number is 100 in 1 ml, and coli-index is 5 in 1 liter
-Microbial, number is 200 in 1 ml, and coli-index is 6 in 1 liter
-Microbial number is 300 in 1 ml, coli-index is 10 in 1 liter.
A group of residents were examined and observed with common symptoms: dark yellow pigmentation
of tooth enamel, diffuse osteoporosis of skeleton, ossification of ligaments and joints, functional
disorders of CNS. The excess of what microcomponent in the food or water can cause this condition:
During the laboratory analysis of drinking water from an artesian well it was established that
transparency was 50 cm; color - 20 °; turbidity - 0.5 mg / l; smell and taste - 1 point; total hardness - 12.5
mEq / L; fluorine content - 1.5 mg / l; acidity - 0.7 mg / l; coli- index - 2; microbial count - 10. What
method of cleaning among the mentioned above has to be used in order to improve the quality of
drinking water:
A group of Ukrainian tourists are visiting Malaysia. According to WHO the country has got a high
incidence of communicable diseases, including water transmission. What way of disinfection of
individual water supplies should be recommended to the tourists:
Indicate the basic forms of sanitary monitoring:
+Preventive and current
-State and departmental
-permanent and periodic
-examination and laboratory investigation
Which of risk factors is the most important in creating public health:
+life style
-human biology, endogenous factors
-level of public health care development
-Cultural and ethnic particularities
The destruction of the ozone layer of earth's atmosphere for a man is the most dangerous because of:
+increased incidence of skin cancer
-loss of forests
-reduction of soil fertility
-Elevation of air temperature
Sources of centralized drinking water supply is selected in the following order:
+interstratal pressure waters, interstratal nonpressure waters, ground waters, surface waters
-groundwaters, interstratal pressure waters, interstratal free-flow waters, surface waters
-Interstratal pressure waters, interstratal free-flow waters, surface waters, ground waters
-surface waters, groundwater, interstratal pressure waters, interstratal non-pressure waters
What is the leading factor at choosing a method of treatment of industrial waste waters:
+composition and properties of sewage, their amount
-mode of water output
-none of these factors
-diagram of the sewage facility and the necessary degree of its purification
Admission to landfills for the disposal and dumping of toxic industrial waste is subject to all but:
+Radioactive Waste
-oil products that are not the subject to regeneration
-industrial waste of 1 and 2 hazard types
-industrial waste of all classes of hazard for which the methods of disposal have not been established
Joint collection and disposal of solid household and industrial waste:
+is not allowed
-potential for industrial waste and hazard of class II
-potential for industrial waste of III and IV hazard class
-possible for IV hazard class
-possible for non-toxic industrial waste
Is it allowed to burn fallen leaves in residential buildings, public gardens and parks:
+it is not allowed
-permitted, under certain conditions
In what period of time after closing dump of solid wastes can it be recultivated and built up with
residential and public buildings:
-in 5 years
-in 10 years
-in 15 years
-in 25 years
What is the hygienic value of the content of helminthosis eggs in the soil:
+it is a direct index of fecal contamination of soil
-it indicates "clean soil"
-it indicates "old" organic contamination
-it indicates "fresh" organic contamination
-indirect index of soil contamination
Soil contamination and inhibition processes of mineralization processes are indicated by:
+increased content of organic nitrogen, carbon and ammonia
-presence of chlorides, nitrates and lack of them
-reduction of organic carbon and nitrogen
-increase of organic nitrogen, lack of organic carbon
-increasing nitrogen and carbon, the absence of ammonia
What anthropogenic environmental factors influence the public health:
+all of the mentioned above
-all the answers are wrong
-all of these factors, except biological one
What natural environmental factors influence the public health:
-all of these factors, except biological one
-No correct answer
+all of these factors
What is meant by "adverse weather conditions":
+connection of meteorological factor parameters that contribute to the increase of the ground-level
concentrations of pollutants
+weather conditions that prevent the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere
+combination of temperature inversions and "dangerous" wind speed
-weather conditions that can impair self-purification processes of air contaminants
At what height is the maximum surface concentration of air pollution determined:
+2 m
-1.5 m
-1 m
What metrics lay at the basis of regulation of air quality in populated areas:
-DRO-set for each enterprise object
+MAC pollutants in the atmospheric air
-background concentrations of pollutants in the air
-MSW-set for enterprise, object
-MPC-air working area
Area (radius) of air pollution depends primarily on:
-temperature emission
-chemical composition of emission
-meteorological conditions
+height of emission sources
-terrain object location
Enter the main impurities entering the atmosphere from emissions of vehicles:
-carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia
-hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, benzpyrene
+nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide
-aldehydes, photo oxidants
What source of air pollution is the greatest risk to human health:
-Antibiotic factories
+tobacco smoking
Which group of chemical compounds is a major cause of ozone holes in the atmosphere:
-oxides of lead
-Carbon monoxide
-oxides of sulfur
+ftouride carbons
What index influences the concentration of contaminants in the surface atmospheric layer:
+mass ejection
-dispersed composition
-time of ejection
Which of the measures to combat air pollution concerns the development of SST, SNIP SanPiN,
standards and other official documents:
Turbidity of drinking water is:
-organoleptic index
-epidemiological index
-sanitary chemical index
+organoleptic, but of epidemiological significance
-organoleptic, but of sanitary significance
Drinking water containing volatile halogen compounds has:
-teratogenic effect
-allergenic effect
+carcinogenic and mutagenic
-teratogenic and allergenic effect
To secured ground waters the following respond:
-artesian water
-interstratal pressure water
-those having no hydraulic connection with surface waters
+pressure and non-pressure waters with solid waterproof for all zones of sanitary protection
-with coast protection zone
A characteristic feature of artesian water which distinguishes them from other waters is:
-Low temperature
-high salinity
+constant chemical composition
-reliable and secure quality
-use without purification
Drinking water with high hardness can cause:
-diseases of musculoskeletal system
+urinary disease and cholelithiasis, increased hydrophilicity of tissues
-diseases of blood and blood-forming organs
Is it possible to lay sewage pipelines on the ground in residential areas:
-as a rule, yes
-as an exclusion, yes
Which of the following figures shows soil contamination with manure:
-bacteria that nitrified
+thermophilic bacteria
-E. coli
-Clostridium perfringens
What value of coli-titer describes soil as "too much contaminated":
What minimum titer of Clostridium perfringens describes the soil as "clean":
Household waste of what type is the most dangerous in epidemiological terms:
-from the house
+from MPI if infectious profile
-from the canteen
-from the hostel
-from the bath
MPC of chemicals in the soil is the maximum number of chemical substances in mg / kg of completely
dry soil that:
-does not cause any changes in the body
-does not affect the self-cleaning ability of the soil
-is not captured by the senses
-does not cause feeling of malaise
+does not cause any changes in the body, is not captured by the senses, does not affect the self-cleaning
ability of the soil
In agricultural sewage farms it is prohibited to cultivate:
+vegetables, melons, berries, grapes
-shrub species
-fodder crops
In what period of time after the last burial can sanitary protection zone of the cemetery be reduced?
-5 years
-10 years
-15 years
-20 years
+25 years
-30 years
What pesticides are considered to be the most persistent in the environment:
-mercury organic
+Chlorine organic
-Phosphorous fertilizer
-Derivatives of urea
Which value of carbon dioxide characterizes satisfactory air purity of residential and public buildings:
+not more than 0.1%
-not more than 0.07%
-more than 0.1%
-0.07% or less
-none of these values
Enter the normative duration of continuous insolation of residential hostel in Ukraine from the 22 of
March to the 22 of September:
-not rated
+at least 2.5 hours a day
-at least 2 hours a day
-at least 3 hours a day
The target value of the light ratio for living rooms is:
+from 1:8 to 1:5.5
-at least 1:8
-not more than 1:8
-not more than 1:5.5
Indicate the location of a point in the living room, for which there are established standards of CDF:
-on the floor near the back wall
+1 m from the rear wall
-at the floor level
-the window at floor level
-at a distance of 1.5 m from the rear wall
-0.5 m from the floor near the back wall
What ventilation system is provided in the residential hostel:
What ventilation system is provided in the shower, laundry, drying of the hostel:
Choosing the ventilation system for residential and public buildings depends on:
+desired multiplicity of air exchange
-content of dust
-volume of oxidation
-bacteriological parameters
Which room should every block in the dormitory have:
-a living room, a shower
+a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen
-a living room, a study room
Daylight factor is defined by the formula:
-(E ext.: E ext.) multiplied by 100%
+(E ext.: E Ext.) multiplied by 100%
-(E standards.: E Ext.) multiplied by 100%
-(E ext.: E standards.) multiplied by 100%
-Not rated
On which floor should the aid station, isolation box and buffet be located in the dormitory:
+on the first
-the second
-on any floor
-on the top floor
What determines the intensity of solar radiation:
-light climate
-climatic area
-light zone
+latitude, season and day time
Sanitary protection zone for the objects that are the sources of air emissions, noise, vibration,
electromagnetic fields is designed for:
-use of territory to expand facility
+reduction of adverse environmental impacts
-greening and beautification of the zone
-object allocation of similar technology and capacity
Protecting the public from exposure to electromagnetic fields is ensured by establishing:
-zone of sanitary protection
+buffer zone
-zone of restrictions
-zone of observations
-noise protection screens
Permissible height of the shallow water in the capital building is:
-0.5 m
-1 m
+2 m
-1.5 m
-3 m
What specific gravity of green areas for different purposes should be within the housing area:
+at least 25%
-at least 30%
-not less than 40%
-at least 50%
What is the principle used in planting settlements at their construction:
-planting new greenery
+maximum preservation of existing green spaces
-according to the architectural and spatial composition
-according to local conditions
Can sanitary protection zone serve as a reserve area for industrial enterprises:
+absolutely no
-yes, under certain circumstances
What are the factors that determine the particular climatic conditions in urban development:
+air pollution, changes in heat
-reduction of wind speed
-reduction of solar radiation
What information gathering method is preferable to study housing conditions of medical
students during training period?
Materials selection
Directed selection method
A 5 tons milk batch was sampled. The laboratory analysis revealed: fat content - 2%, specific
density - 1,04 g/cm3, acidity - 21 ?Т, reductase taste-positive. What way of the product using ?
To sell and to inform consumers about unsatisfactory milk quality
To use for animal feeding
Technical utilization
Technological processing
To sell without limitations
To return product to the manufacturer
A sample of milk was taken for testing from a 3 ton milk batch. Lab analysis showed the
following: fat content 3,5%, specific density- 1,027 g/cm3, acidity 22 ?C, reductase taste
negative. What way the product is to be used in? What would you advise?
To sell and to inform consumers about unsatisfactory milk quality
To use for animal feeding
Technical utilization
Technological processing
To sell without limitations
To return product to the manufacturer
The student has the following devices: Geiger's counter, Ebert's counter, Krotov's apparatus,
Mischuk's device . What device can he use to assess air germ pollution?
Krotov's apparatus
Ebert's counter
Geiger's counter
Mischuk's device
Patient with hyperthyroidism is in the two-place hospital ward of therapeutic department. The
area of the ward is 18 m2, height is 3 m, ventilation rate is 2,5/h. Air temperature is 22 ?С, relative
humidity is 45%, velocity of air movement is 0,03 m/sec, lighting coefficient is 1/6. Assess hygienic
conditions in the ward.
Discomfortable microclimate
Non-effective ventilation
Poor natural lighting
Favorable conditions
Student lives in the flat of modern house with a completed set of sanitary equipment (WC,
bath, shower, local water heater). What minimal norm of water consumption per day?
160-200 L/day
10-15 L/day
50-100 L/day
300-400 L/day
500 -600 L/day
What juice should be included in a diet for patients with gastric ulcer to decrease gastric
secretion, accelerate reparation of mucous membrane, and decrease irritation of receptor apparatus of
the stomach?
Potato, carrot
Apple, birch and apple
Cabbage, cabbage and carrot
Celery, parsley
Laboratory assessment of sanitary indexes of soil on the territory of future school show the
soil is high contaminated according to the coli- titer, and low contaminated according to the
anaerobe- titer. This is an indicators of
Fresh fecal contamination
Low intensity of soil self-purification
Old fecal contamination
Continuous supply of organic pollutants into the soil
Insufficient insolation and aeration of soil
Bacterial analysis of air in a residential premises in winter period
revealed total number of microorganisms in 1 m3 of air was 7200.
What permissible number of microorganisms in the air characterized as "pure" (CFU/m3 )?
Up to 4000
Up to 2500
Up to 1500
Up to 5500
Up to 7000
What maximal permissible concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of residential premises?
Daily food intake of adult person contains: proteins - 16% of energy value of
daily diet, fats - 25%, carbohydrates - 59%. Evaluate composition of daily food intake:
Deficiency of carbohydrates
Excess of proteins
deficiency of fats
Deficiency of carbohydrates
Excess of carbohydrates
Nutrient content correspond to the recommended norms
A patient who has been consuming refined foodstuffs for a long time complains of weight loss,
headache, fatigue, depression, insomnia, irritability, irregular heart rate. Objectively: muscles asthenia,
pain and cramps in the gastrocnemius muscles, during walking the patient at first lands on his heel ,
then on the external edge of foot. Cardiovascular system - tachycardia, hypoxia, dystrophic changes of
myocardium. There are also gastrointestinal disorders. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Hypovitaminosis B1
Hypovitaminosis B2
Hypovitaminosis B12
Hypovitaminosis B6
Hypovitaminosis PP
A patient who had eaten mushrooms in the morning was delivered at night to the infectious department
of hospital. The disease develops rapidly. The patient complains for stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting,
thirst, headache and dizziness. He died in the third day of disease. What mushrooms most likely caused
Deadly amanita
Fly agarics
What kind of water supply source is most favorable from hygienic point of view?
Artesian water
Spring water
River water
Rain water
Soil water
Which of the following illnesses is most commonly linked to raw meat, unpasteurized dairy products,
and ready-to-eat foods like hot dogs, deli meats, and soft cheeses such as brie?- Bacillus cereus
- Clostridium botulinum
- Clostridium perfringens
+ Listeria monocytogenes
All of the following are characteristic of cholesterol except
- it is converted to bile.
+ it is an essential nutrient
- it is used for making estrogen and testosterone.
- it is incorporated into cell membranes.
The body energy that can be stored in almost unlimited amounts is
- glycogen
- protein
+ triglyceride
- glucose
Where does digestion begin?
- Small intestine
+ Mouth
- Stomach
- Esophagus
If a fat contains mostly saturated fatty acids, it is likely to be
+ solid at room temperature.
- soft at room temperature.
- rancid at room temperature.
- liquid at room temperature.
When looking at the ingredient label of a bottled spaghetti sauce, you see that olive oil is the second
ingredient. This means that
+ olive oil is the second ingredient by weight
- olive oil is the second ingredient by alphabetical listing.
- oil is the second ingredient by amount present in the sauce.
- olive oil is just one of the ingredients present in the sauce.
The function of thick mucus in the stomach is to
+ protect stomach cells from acid and enzymes
- promote fat digestion.
- activate stomach enzymes.
- keep the stomach bacteria-free.
To be transported throughout the body, fats are packaged in structures called
+ lipoproteins
- tryglycerides
- phospholipids
- micelles
Which of the following is a major source of lactose?
+ Buttermilk
- Broccoli
- Honey
- Bread
A saturated fatty acid contains
+ no double bonds
- 2 to 12 double bonds.
- 14 to 24 double bonds.
- one double bond
Which of the following hormones corrects a hyperglycemic state?
+ Insulin
- Glucagon
- Epinephrine
- Cortisol
Which of the following is not true about water?
- Provides a way to transport nutrients and waste
- Dietary need of approximately 8 cups per day
+ Provides energy
- By-product of cell chemical reactions
Which of the following are substances in plant foods that are not digested in the stomach or small
+ Dietary fiber
- Dextrose
- Disaccharides
- Simple sugars
A kcalorie is a measure of
- sugar and fat in food.
- nutrients in food
- fat in food
+ heat energy
Starch is comprised of hundreds and perhaps thousands of which molecule?
+ Glucose
- Galactose
- Fructose
- Glycerol
What structure prevents food from entering the trachea when you swallow?
- Esophagus
- Tonsils
+ Epiglottis
- Tongue
The muscular contractions that move food through the digestive tract are called
+ peristalsis
- compression
- propulsion
- regurgitation
Which of the following is characteristic of lipids?
- Supply 4,1 kcalories per gram
+ Supply a concentrated form of fuel for the body
- Add structural strength to bones and muscles
+ Solvents of vitamins A, D, E and K
Which of the following contains a rich supply of omega-3 fatty acids?
- Sirloin
- Chicken
- Broccoli
+ Salmon
Which of the following nutrients can directly supply energy for human use?
+ Lipids
- Fiber
- Minerals
- Vitamins
+ Carbohydrates
Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?
- Glucose
- Fructose
- Galactose
+ Lactose
Which of the following carbohydrates is most sweet?
- Glucose
+ Fructose
- Galactose
- Lactose
Which of the following has lowes glycemic index?
- Glucose
+ Fructose
- Galactose
- Lactose
- Sachacrose
Which of the following has lowes glycemic index?
- raisin
- grapes
- bananas
- oranges
+ apples
Which of the following has lowes glycemic index?
- oats
- rice
- corn
- buckwheat
- macaroni
- soybean
Which of the following has lowes glycemic index (<50%)?
- wheat bread
+ rye bread
- honey
- corn
- biscuits
- bananas
+ beans
+ fresh fruits
Which of the following has lowes glycemic index (<50%)?
+ cucumber
+ asparagus
+ avocado
+ cabbage
- potatoes
- carrots
+ parsley,oregano
Most digestion takes place in the
- pancreas
+ small intestine
- large intestine
- stomach
All the following are sources of cholesterol except
+ peanut butter
- turkey meat
- whole milk
- butter
Program of nation wide health-promotion and disease-prevention should be designed to
+ promote healthful lifestyles and reduce preventable death and disability in all population.
- prevent chronic disease.
- eliminate dietary inadequacies and excesses, and to encourage healthful practices.
- disclose dietary practices that best support health.
Nutritive fibers belong to the class of nutrients known as
- minerals
- proteins
- lipids
+ carbohydrates
In which form are most dietary lipids found?
- Monoglycerides
- Sterols
+ Triglycerides
- Phospholipids
Constipation can best be prevented by
- restricting fluids.
- using laxatives.
- engaging in little physical exercise.
+ eating dietary fiber.
What is the major monosaccharide found in the body?
- Fructose
+ Glucose
- Galactose
- Sucrose
Which of the following is true about the way we should eat to achieve good nutritional status?
- Eat only plant products because animal products are bad and generally filled with hormones for animal
- Eat fruits and vegetables because we can get all the nutrients we need from these
+ Eat a wide variety of foods because no single natural food meets all human nutrient needs
- Do the best we can but take supplements to fill in the deficient areas
Which of the following is true about carbohydrate digestion?
- Carbohydrate digestion begins in the stomach
- Saliva production does not influence starch digestion
+ Carbohydrate digestion is assisted by cooking; softens tough skins
- Chewing food does not assist in carbohydrate digestion
The recommended daily dietary allowance for nutrients generally are
+ designed to be adequate for almost all healthy people.
- more than twice the requirements.
- the minimum amounts the average adult male requires.
- designed to prevent deficiency disease in half the population.
Which statement best describes nutrient density?
- Choose a number of different foods within any given food group rather than the "same old thing"
+ Consume foods that have the most nutrition for their kcalories
- Plan your entire day's diet so that you don't overconsume nutrient sources
- Consume a variety of foods from the five major food groups every day
Lactose intolerance is caused by
+ lactase deficiency.
- intestinal bacteria.
- milk bacteria.
- a milk allergy.
The principal features of lactose intolerance is
+ an abdominal bloating and cramps, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, borborygmi and vomiting (particularly
in adolescents)
+ appear one-half to two hours after consumption
+ most lactose-intolerant people can tolerate a certain level of lactose in their diets without ill effects
+ the severity of symptoms typically increases with the amount of lactose consumed
- amount of lactose consumed does not affect the severity of symptoms
- headache, palpitations, nausea
Olga, an elderly woman, needs to limit her kcalorie intake without sacrificing needed nutrients. Keeping
in mind the Food Guide Pyramid, which of the following could she do?
- Eliminate carbohydrate
- Count kcalories and not worry about the food groups
- Eliminate Dairy foods.
+ Carefully select foods rich in nutrients but low in kcalories
Acquiring sufficient vitamin B12 from the diet may be a problem to vegans because
- phytic acid in vegetable proteins may inhibit its absorption.
+ it is only found in animal products.
- they lack the R-protein in the stomach.
- deficiency may result from high intakes of legumes.
The major chloride source in the diet is
- milk
+ salt
- nuts
- cheese
Which statement about vitamins is true?
- Are inorganic
- Directly supply energy
+ Help regulate chemical reactions in the body
- Cannot be stored by the body
Which of the following is not an essential amino acid in human nutrition?
+ Proline
- Phenylalanine
- Valine
- Threonine
- Tryptophan
- Methionine
- Leucine
- Isoleucine
- Lysine
If the diet is lacking an essential amino acid, what will be the course of action?
- Body cells will synthesize it
- Health will not be affected as long as other nutrients are adequate
+ Protein synthesis will be limited
- Proteins will be made but they will lack that particular amino acid
Which of the following vitamins has been helpful in large doses as a treatment for acne?
Beta-carotene is
- one form of vitamin A.
- one form of vitamin E.
+ a precursor to vitamin A.
- a precursor to vitamin E.
Which fat-soluble vitamins are most toxic if consumed in excess amount over long periods of times?
? The B vitamins generally function as
- coenzymes
- emulsifiers
+ antioxidants
- reducing agents
Vitamin A deficiency in which the retina cannot adjust to low amounts of light
+Night blindness
The causes of the rickets in children except
- Deficiency of calcium and phosphorus
- deficiency of vitamin D in the body
- accumulation of strontium
+ iron deficiency
Most vitamin A is stored in the
- adipose tissue.
+ liver
- small intestine.
- kidneys
In ________ , the bones fail to calcify normally, causing growth retardation and skeletal abnormalities in
- rachitic rosary
- osteomalacia
- osteoporosis
+ rickets
Which of the following is a precursor for vitamin A?
- retinoic acid
- retinol
- retinal
+ beta-carotene
This vitamin, when consumed during pregnancy, can help prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida.
- B6
- Niacin
- Riboflavin
+ Folic Acid
The fortification of maize meal with ________in South Africa was followed
by a 40% reduction in spina bifida, a serious deformation of the neural tube in new-born babies.
- retinol
- ascorbic acid
- nicotonamide
+ folic acid
? What of following about Folic Acid is truth
+ large quantity is found in the beef liver
+ it is synthesized in the intestine
- in large quantity is found in citrus fruits, apples and pears
+ destroyed by heat processing of products
Niacin is necessary to prevent the disease
- pernicious anemia.
- beriberi
+ pellagra
- scurvy
Vitamin E functions as a(n)
+ antioxidant
- hormone
- coenzyme
- enzyme
The childhood disease rickets is due to a deficiency.
+ Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin K
Water constitutes ______ percent of body weight.
+ 55-65
- 10-20
- 25-45
- 75-95