Download I. The Republic Expands A. Intro 1. 300 BCE:​Rome takes over all

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The Republic Expands
A. Intro
1. 300 BCE:​ Rome takes over all of Italy.
2. Carthage also wants to expand: so basically​ Rome vs. Carthage.
3. This leads to a series of Wars called the ​Punic Wars​.
a) Why? Carthage people were part of the Phoenicians, were culturally
Phoenician. So Punic is another name for them.
B. How did they fight the war?
1. The whole series of wars is fought using “​Defensive Wars​” - Rome keeps
claiming that Carthage is attacking. Not true though - Carthage had previously
controlled (Sicily). They attacked us, so we MUST attack them.
C. First Punic War
1. Over Sicily.
2. Rome takes over Sicily.
D. Second Punic War
1. Carthage feels the need to take revenge.
2. Rome has one advantage: uses the Roman Legion.
a) Use a phalanx - but are called Legions.
(1) 500-600 men
(2) Use short swords, javelins, shields.
3. Hannibal - king of Carthage decides to go into Rome a different way.
a) Thinks he can break the Roman Legions.
b) From Africa - he uses elephants.
4. He is initially very successful, but he runs into a problem. As he is crossing
through the Alps, the elephants start to die because of the cold weather.
Hannibal has his army in Northern Italy, and he spends the next 15 years
wandering around Italy. Makes small attacks. In a stalemate.
5. But, the Romans can’t gather their men together unless Hannibal is in one
place (he wasn’t).
6. 204 BCE: Rome sends an army by ship to North Africa (Carthage). By the time
Hannibal gets to North Italy, the Romans attack and win.
7. Place conditions on Carthage:
a) Carthage can’t allly
b) Tribute
c) Small army restrictions
3rd Punic War
1. Carthage Puts up a new army - Carthage is destroyed.
2. Rome becomes the dominant power in the western mediterranean.
Q: How did the Punic Wars have unintended consequences for the Roman Republic?
-The senators and the Generals in the army receive the land.
- Used slaves to farm
-Gives Rome a lot of land
- Price of food goes down.
- more supply
- Most of the poor in italy are small farmers --> make less money
- can’t afford to keep their farms. sell them to the senators. senators gain more - Start raising prices jobs don't pay as much as the poor move to rome
- Move to rome - poor get poorer.
- need money --> get it from the army by joining army. get paid and some loot. - people became loyal
to the generals.
A. 134 Tiberius Gerocchus
a. Becomes a tribune - represents the poor - wants to limit how much land someone
b. can have, how many sheep, how many cows.
c. Go to temple to speak against him, senate leads mob to his house, kills him and
B. 122 - Gaius gracchus does the same thing and senate kills him too. 90s and late 80s --> Gaius
Marius vs Sulla
a. Gaius - pro poor Sulla - against poor
b. Fight a civil war, armies to occupy rome.
C. 73 BCE Spartacus
a. Leads a slave revolt. Gladiator slave revolt.
b. Beats many armies, big + small.
D. Crassus - takes over Roman army - kills 1/10 men. Defeats Spartacus Late 60s - Cataline senator - lead conspiracy against cicero (consul), Fails to rebel.
a. Shows how loyalty is to people with the money
b. Rome is in turmoil
Three people to fix rome - First Triumvirate
1. (free roman men and senators - 3 names. Middle name is clan. Large family.
Last name - close family. First name chosen.
B. Marcus Licinius Crassus - richest man in Rome.
1. Loans Caesar money
C. Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus “Pompey” - best general in Rome.
1. Married Caesar’s daughter.
D. Gaius Julius Caesar - oldest family in rome, most popular in rome, “Bread in Circuses”.
E. These three men hold Rome together for around 10 years, but it starts falling apart.
1. Crassus dies trying to take more wealth. Debt Caesar owes goes away.
2. Caesar’s daughter, Pompeius’ wife dies.
3. 47: Pompey convinces senate that Caesar is too powerful, so Caesar should be
ordered back to Rome and he should leave behind his army.
a) Caesar is frightened by this proposal. Goes to Rubicon River with his
army and in doing so starts a civil war in Rome.