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2.3 Linear Functions and Slope­Intercept Form.notebook
2.3 Linear Functions and
Slope-Intercept Form
September 10, 2013
Name: _______________
­A.CED.2: Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales.
What comes to mind when you think of the word SLOPE?
The slope of the line through the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
is given by m = ______ .
Examples: Find the slope of the line between the given points.
1.) (-3,7) and (-2,4)
Sep 8­1:34 PM
2.) (10, 4) and (-4, 6)
3.) (3,1) and (-4,1)
4.) (7,-3) and (7,1)
Sep 8­1:39 PM
2.3 Linear Functions and Slope­Intercept Form.notebook
September 10, 2013
Negative Slope
Falls from left
to right
Zero Slope
Horizontal line
y = #
Positive slope
Rises from left
to right
Undefined slope
Vertical line
x = #
-Linear function:
-Slope-intercept form:
Sep 8­1:40 PM
Examples: Write the equation of the line in slope-intercept
1.) m = 1/5 and the y-intercept is (0,-3)
3.) Passes through the points
(8,5) and (0,7).
Examples: Write the equations in slope-intercept form. Identify
the slope and y-intercept.
4.) 5x - 4y = 16
Sep 8­1:46 PM
2.3 Linear Functions and Slope­Intercept Form.notebook
September 10, 2013
5.) (-3/4)x + (1/2)y = -1
Examples Graph each equation.
6.) y = 2x + 1
7.) 3x + y = -2
Sep 8­2:06 PM
8.) 4x + 5y = 20
9.) x = 2
10.) y + 5 = 0
Sep 8­2:09 PM
2.3 Linear Functions and Slope­Intercept Form.notebook
September 10, 2013
Name: _______________
2.3 Homework
Find the slope between the two points.
1.) (-3,9) and (0,3)
2.) (-2,-1) and (8,-3)
3.) (1,2) and (1,-5)
Write the equation of the line in slope-intercept form.
4.) m = 3, y-intercept is (0,2)
6.) Suppose the equation y = 10x + 12 models the amount of money in your
wallet, where y is the total in dollars and x is the number of weeks from
today. If you graphed the equation, what would the slope represent in the
Sep 8­2:14 PM
Graph. (Make sure the equations are in slope-intercept form before
you graph!)
9.) x - 3 = 0
8.) -2x + y = 5
7.) y = 3x
10.) y = 4
11.) 3y - 2x = -12
12.) 4x + 3y = -6
Sep 8­2:19 PM
2.3 Linear Functions and Slope­Intercept Form.notebook
September 10, 2013
Sep 10­9:39 AM