Download Second Grade Spelling - Stellar Elementary School

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Dear Parents,
We will be using the Spell to Excel Spelling Program this year. This program
focuses on two basic instructional approaches: word study and word walls. Word study
and word wall activities will help students learn spelling generalizations and patterns that
they can apply to spell new words. Spell to Excel will include the following types of
1) Word study will require students to learn common spelling patterns. As students learn
these patterns, they will be able to apply them to new words.
2) Students will learn spelling strategies to help them spell unfamiliar words.
3) We will also establish “no excuse” words. Students will be expected to learn these
words and use them correctly in all of their writing. These “no excuse” words will be
memorized because they are common words which often do not follow a pattern.
4) The word wall will be used to help students identify spelling patterns and to use as a
resource for their daily writing.
The goal is to learn the generalizations, not memorize lists of words. Students’
spelling grades will be assessed through mastery of the spelling patterns in their daily
writing and not through a score on their weekly test. The focus of assessment is on
learning the pattern and applying it to independent writing and other words. A spelling list
will be sent home each week and you are encouraged to work with your child in learning the
pattern of the word. Your child will be tested on the words sent home as well as other
words with the same pattern in order to assess how well the child has learned the
pattern and applied it to new words. For example, the list sent home might include (rake,
snake, and bake) the child will also be tested on the words (lake, take, and make).
Here are some ways you can help your child with spelling at home:
Help your child choose a practice activity off the Second Grade Homework Menu. *Plan
for your child to spend 5 – 10 minutes on this activity each night.
Read books to your child, including song books, alphabet books, and rhymes. As you read,
have your child follow along, looking at the words.
Ask to see your child’s weekly spelling words, and then ask about the similarities or
patterns of the words.
Dictate the weekly words to your child and have him or her tell you the pattern.
Talk about the tricky parts of words.
Help your child notice letter patterns or how words are alike and different.
Show pride in your child’s attempts by noticing what is right about the words, not just
what is wrong.
Play word games such as Boggle, Scrabble, Wheel of Fortune, etc.
Encourage writing at home for real reasons – letters, notes, lists, etc.
Your support is very important. If you have any questions about our spelling program, feel
free to contact me.
Pamela Maloney
Dear 2nd Grade Parent(s),
Much of the first weeks of school are
dedicated to establishing routines and
reviewing material from 1st grade. The first five
weeks of Spelling review short vowel sounds. I
like to take advantage of the easier spelling
review to learn 2nd grade routines and
expectations for our spelling work this year.
Because of this, I will not take grades on the first
three weeks of tests. The words are not terribly
challenging and I want them to become
comfortable and familiar with our spelling
program. Please take a moment to read the
information on the back of this page to
understand the way we approach spelling.
Thank you for your involvement in your child’s
education and your support.
Kindest Regards,
Pamela Maloney
Spelling Week 1 (Short /a/):
Spelling Tests are on Wednesday (or the day before if there’s no school)
No grade will be taken on our first three Spelling Tests.
Spelling Test Grading Procedures:
The Spelling Test has two parts:
1. The given list of words
2. Words that share the pattern of the given words
Each word is worth two points:
1. Presence of the given pattern (Example- short /i/ vowel)
2. Entire word spelled correctly
Word (kit)
Spelled (kite)*
Score (-2)
Word (spill)
Spelled (spil)
Score (-1)
*The presence of a final /e/ indicates a long vowel pattern.
Good Handwriting ensures clear spelling.
Capital letters never occur in the middle of a word and only at the
beginning of Proper Nouns.
Letter reversals count if they can be confused with a different letter.