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Ancient Rome Study Guide Name:______________________ GEOGRAPHY: TECHNOLOGY: These are some of the inventions and ideas that the Romans used to make life easier. ● Aqueducts were used to carry water into the city. ● Sewer systems carried waste water out of the city. ● Cement was invented to help create buildings, structures and roads. ● Arches were a form of architecture that was used to create stronger structures. ● Roads were built to increase communication in the Empire, increase trade and as a means of transportation of the army. ● Army weapons such as the gladius, pilum, and armour helped protect the Roman army conquer other regions. GOVERNMENT/POLITICS The idea of a ​
(representative democracy) was put in place after the patricians overthrew the Etruscans kings that were ruling Italy at the time. It is the type of government that is the basis for our government in the United States. How is the Roman government similar to the United State’s government? ● both have a checks and balance system ● both have/had legislative, executive and judicial branches ● both had a senate ● both had a legal code (Rome­Twelve Tables/U.S. Constitution) ● both had/have judges that oversee or oversaw the courts ● executive branches had veto power ● legislative branch is the law­making branch JULIUS CAESAR: Julius Caesar was an important general and politician of Rome. These are examples of the impact he had on Rome. ● created the Roman calendar which is very similar to our calendar. ● expanded the Roman territory ● resolved economic issues such as debt (cancelled interest payments due beginning of 49BC) ● made the dealings of the Roman senate public ● his leadership ● led to the decline of the Republic and the beginning of the Empire SOCIAL STRUCTURE: ● Patricians were the wealthy landowners. They were involved in politics such as being senators and consuls or magistrates. ● Plebeians were the common folk or middle class. They revolted when they didn’t have much say in government. When the Roman empire expanded more plebeians had to fight in the army. They could fight in wars but not vote. ● Slaves were at the bottom of the social structure. PLACES: Colosseum was an important entertainment place in Rome. If you wanted to see a Roman naval battle reenacted, you could visit the Colosseum. But, the main attraction was gladiatorial games where slaves or criminals would be fighting against each other. Also, you could see man fight beast. Circus Maximus was the place to go to watch a chariot race. These races consisted of four teams of three racing 7 laps around the track. The Forum was the main marketplace in Rome. You could buy or sell items, listen to an orator (speaker) discuss politics. Around the Forum would be important buildings such as temples, banks, and a bathhouse. GREECE VS ROME Rome and Greece had some similarities and differences. BOTH: ● sculptures were a part of both cultures ● they both had a form of democracy ● they both believed in multiple gods/just used different names ● they both had a marketplace that was the center of the happenings of the city ● built empires ● had a Mediterranean climate and similar terrain ● traders ● used columns in their architecture * Other answers could be acceptable DIFFERENCES: ● Greece had the agora and Rome had the forum ● Greece’s famous building was the Parthenon and Rome’s was the Colosseum ● Greek shipbuilders and Roman road builders ● Greece architecture is square or rectangular and Rome architecture more rounded ● Greek architecture embraced columns Rome’s architecture consisted of domes and arches and columns ● Greek sculptures are more “god­like” and Roman statues are more realistic. *Other answers could be acceptable