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VOL. 76, NO. 32 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH NOVEMBER 10, 1971 OxygenIsotopeEvidence forLarge-Scale Interaction between MeteoricGroundWatersandTertiaryGranodiorite Intrusions, WesternCascade Range,Oregon HUGH P. TAYLOR,JR. Division of Geologicaland Planetary Sciences California Institute of Technology,Pasadena 91109 •80 data have been obtained on 7 of the 17 intrusive centersof diorite and granodiorite (Miocene?)that lie along a N-S belt about 50 km west of the High Cascades.Whole-rock $ values (per mil relative to SMOW) in the intrusive stocksare: -[-2.3 to -t-4.9 (South Umpqua River), -0.7 to -t-3.8 (Bohemia mining district), -t-4.3 to -t-4.6 (Vida stock), -0.2 to -t-5.5 (Nimrod stock), --1.7 to -}-0.5 (Detroit stock), -2.1 to -[-0.7 (Laurel Hill stock, Mr. Hood area), and -!-2.9 to -t-5.5 (Shellrock,Columbia River). The volcanic country rocks (mainly andesires)in the vicinity of the intrusions are also depleted in •sO, with $ = -5.6 to -t-4.5. The rocks collected more than 3 stock diameters from an intrusive contact have 'normal' $ values of -[-5.8 to -]-8.2. Approximately 1200 km 2 (8% of the area of the Western Cascades)thus appears to be underlain by propylitically altered igneous rocks that have suffered an average •sO depletion of about 5 to 7 per mil. These $•sOeffectsare similar to thosepreviously discoveredin the Tertiary intrusive centersof westernScotlandand the San Juan Mountains, Colorado.They are typically associated with (1)pervasive epidote and chlorite alteration; (2)'turbid' feldspars;(3)granophyric textures and miarolitic cavities; and (4) young, jointed, flat-lying, volcanic country rocksthat are knowr• to be highly permeable to ground-water flow. Convective circulation of heated ground waters in the vicinity of the stocksmust have occurredthroughout a large part of their crystallization and cooling history. The amounts of H20 involved are estimated to be about equal in volume to that of the exchangedrock. Hence, much so-called 'deuteric' alteration of igneousrocks is probably caused by such meteoric-hydrothermal waters rather than by H•O released during magmatic crystallization. INTRODUCTION at hightemperatures thuscanhavetheir •80/•0 Several recent oxygen isotope studies have ratios loweredby as much as 10 to 15 per rail. In the Skaergaardintrusion, east Greenland, demonstrated that certain epizonal igneous inand at Skye, Mull, and Ardnamurchan in the trusions(i.e., thoseemplacedat relatively shallow Scottish Hebrides,wherethe isotopicphenomena depths in the earth's crust) have interacted were first observed,the igneousrocks that are strongly with meteoric ground waters during their crystallizationand coolinghistory [Taylor, abnormally low in •sO characteristicallydisplay 1968; Taylor and Forester,1971]. The effects of the following geological,petrological,and isosuchinteractions are readily discernedby means topic features: (1) The intrusionsare emplaced of •s0/•60 analyses,because'normal' igneous into young, highly jointed, flat-lying plateau rocksthroughoutthe world have •s0/"0 values lavas that are very permeableto ground-water that are uniformly 6 to l0 per mil heavier than movement.(2) In a givenrock, the feldsparsare mean ocean water, whereas meteoric ground commonly isotopically exchangedto a greater waters are typically 15to 10 per rail lighter than degree than the other coexistingminerals, and oceanwater. Igneousrocks that have exchanged the feldsparsvery commonlyshowa 'clouding'or with large quantities of heated ground waters turbidity (particularly the alkali feldspars). (3) The primary igneouspyroxenesand olivines are almost invariably partially altered to uralitic • Contribution 1996 of the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. Copyright • 1971 by the American Geophysical Union. amphibole,chlorite,Fe-Ti oxides,and/or epidote; locally, this processhas gone to completionand only pseudomorphsof the primary igneous mineralsremain. (4) Granophyric(micrographic) 7855 7856 I-IuG• I ). TAYLOR,JR. intergrowthsof turbid alkali feldsparand quartz are ubiquitous.(5) Miarolitic cavitiesare locally present in the intrusives, andveinsfilledwith 46øEXPLANATION quartz, alkali feldspar, epidote, ohiorite, or sulfidesare very commonin both the intrusives and the surroundingcountry rocks. A goodcasecan be made that these characteristics are wholly or in large part a result of interactions between the rocks and intrusives altered ASHINGTON rocks minXe or Portland •'•':'J Mt. •:•.•,....•,, Hood heated prospect •,,.•:'? _v_. meteoricgroundwaters set into convectivemovement by the heat emanating from the igneous intrusions [Taylor, 1968; Taylor and Epstein, 1968; Taylor and Forester,1971]. Ground waters • ................. :z•??}•{• 6 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... areheatedin thevicinityof theintrusion, and 45ø becauseof lowered density they rise; they are replaced by denser, cooler waters that migrate radially inward toward the intrusive heat source. These heated, low-•SO, meteoric-hydrothermal waters exchangeoxygen with the minerals in the intrusion and in the surrounding country rocks. If enoughlow-•sO water moves through •.:.: ===================== .:.: .:.::.:.::.....::.:: ..:.: .:.::.:.: .•.•........,.......:,....::.:.,. :..:•.• OREGON •:::::::::::::::::::::::::: "'--""•"••..:•"• "• Mt. ';:::?" '"'¾"•:{:•:•%::?::?' ": .... Jefferson :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: the rocks,the •s0/•60 ratios of the rocksare ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ......,...:... .t..%...• markedly lowered. A very useful test of the above hypothesis ========================= ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: wouldbe (1) to pickan isotopically unknown44ø area in which the aforementioned geological and petrologicalfeaturesare knownto be present; (2) to predict that the intrusionsin suchan area should show the low-•SOeffectstypically associated with hydrothermal ground-waterinteraction; and (3) then to isotopicallyanalyzesamples from such an area to check this prediction. Buddington and Callaghan [1936] have describedthe petrologyand geologyof a seriesof dioritic to granodioriticintrusive bodies in the ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::•.'• :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i :?:::t::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: • • ::::::::::::::::::::: ..• ;:.:::. Western Cascade Range,Oregon, andall the 43ø 123 ø 122 ø features outlined above are present at least locally in these intrusions, accordingto their descriptions.These stocksall are intruded into relatively fiat-lying Tertiary volcanic rocks, principally basalts and andesires.Their exact age of emplacementis unknown, but they are thought to have been intruded in the Miocene [Buddingtonand Callaghan, 1936; Peck et al., 1964]. The intrusionsare now exposedas a result of erosion by the westward-flowingrivers of the Cascades.The stocks tend to be arranged Fig. 1. Map of part of western Oregon. The Tertiary volcanic rocks of the Western Cascade Range are indicated by the dark stippled pattern; also shown are the occurrencesof Tertiary diorites and granodiorites,as well •s the areasof propylitic alteration and mineralization that are commonly associatedwith thesemedium-grainedigneousrocks [modified after Peck et al., 1964]. The numbers in clusters within indicate a narrow N-S belt that lies 10 I .... 0 10 I I 20 I I MILES I I I 0 10 20 30 krn the various localities studied in this work' (1) South Umpqua River (Figure 3); (2) Bohemia about 50-60 km west of the Pleistocene and Mining District (Figure 4); (3) Nimrod stock Recent volcanoesof the High Cascades;this (Figure 5); (4) Vida stock; (5) Detroit Reservoir belt extends across the entire width of Oregon (Figure 6); (6) Laurel Hill stock (Figure 7); (7) (Figure 1). The intrusivebodiesrangein greatest Shell Rock intrusion, Columbia River. INTERACTION BETWEEN GROUND WATERS AND INTRUSIONS 7857 dimension from a few meterstoj,4 kin, and Note that fresh, unaltered basaltsand andealthough most are augitc diorites or quartz sires throughout the world typically have very diorite porphyries,someof the larger stocksare uniform 6180 values of -]-5.5 to -]-6.5. If they principally granodiorite or quartz monzonite. have undergonesomeweatheringor low-temperaThe Western Cascades intrusive belt thus ture (•100øC) hydrous alteration, they will appearedto have all the characteristics necessary usually have slightly higher 6 values; also, to make it a worthwhile area on which to do an plutohie granitic rocks generally have 61sOoxygenisotopestudy. It was hoped,first of all, -]-7.0 to -]-9.5 [Taylor, 1968]. Therefore, any that low-x80rocks would be found, and second, igneousrock (intrusiveor volcanic)analyzedin that the distributionof x80/q60ratios would the presentresearchthat has a 61sOless than provide usefulinformationon the nature of the •-5.5 is immediatelysuspectedof having underpostulatedinteractionsbetweenintrusionsand gonehydrothermalexchangewith heatedlow-•SO the waterspresentin the adjacentcountryrocks. meteoric waters. Such phenomenacannot be In particular, it was hoped that the •sO data producedby hydrothermalexchangewith pricould be related to contact metamorphism, mary magmatic ground waters, becausesuch regionalhydrothermalalteration,and the forma- waters have a relatively well-defined 6x80 of tion of associated ore deposits. There are no about -]-6.0 to -]-8.5 [Taylor, 1967]. As is shown in Figure 2, the mid-Tertiary large minesin theseareas,but every one of the intrusive localities has some associated mineraliintrusive igneous rocks and volcanic country zation, notably the Bohemiamining district rocks from the Western Cascades show pro(Figure 1), from which about $1,000,000worth nounced differencesin 6xsOas compared with of gold was removedfrom 1870 to 1940. ANALYTICAL I•ESULTS The •s0/•60 analysesobtainedin this study the fresh volcanic rocks and a single intrusive body (the Husband) from the younger High Cascadesvolcanoes.The latter have perfectly 'normal' 6•s0 values, and arguments will be are all plotted on generalizedgeologicmaps presented belowthat, beforehydrothermalalterpresentedbelow, and the data are also shown graphicallyin Figure 2. They are given as 6, co derined as R•_•mv• _ 1)1000 6 ---( xRstandard L• INCLUSION r• IN BRECCIA co UNALTERED" "• VOLCANICS Z VOLCANIC 02 COUNTRY ROCKS whereR = •s0/•60. The standardis SMOW, • INTRUSIVE standard mean ocean water. Many of the • STOCKS O •80//x60valuesweredeterminedin replicate,and they shouldall be accurateto 4-0.2 per mil. • MEDICINE LAKE On the figures,the numbersin italicsareanalyses O NEWBERRY of volcaniccountry rocks; the other numbers THREE SISTERS representanalysesof the intrusivebodies.Most analysesare of whole-rock samples, whichrepreI,- MT. LASSEN sent 25-mg splitsfrom a 10- to 15-gramsample Z of a hand specimenthat had been crushedand groundto pass100 meshscreen.Mineral separateswerepreparedfor analysisby conventional Ld MT. SHASTA -5 0 +5 -4O ao•8(%o) techniques,exceptthat all quartz separateswere givena final treatmentwith HF to removeany Fig. 2. Comparison of whole-rock•180valuesof tracesof mineralimpurities(principallyfeldspar). Pleistocene and Recent volcanic rocks of the Eastern Oxygenisotopicfractionations amongcoexisting Cascades[Taylor, 1968; H. P. Taylor and I. Carminerals are conveniently reported as AAe, definedas 1000in aAe, wherea•s is •sO/•60in mineralA dividedby •sO/•O in mineralB. To a very closeapproximation,A•s • •a -- •s. michael,unpublisheddata] with data on Tertiary igneousrocksof the WesternCascades.The in- clusionin breccia (• - 4-0.3) is a diorite fragment from •n igneousbrecci• dike in the SW 1/4 of sec. 32, T. 16S.,R. 5E., 15 km due E of Nimrod. Hu• P. TAYLOR, ation, the igneousrocksof the WesternCascades originally had 'normal' /PsOvalues as well. The whole-rock alSO value of a sample of olivine microdiorite,representativeof the north plug of the Husband, a 300-meter-wide body in the Three Sistersarea, is +6.2. This normal alSO value is in keepingwith the fact that this small Pleistocene stock was evidently emplaced at very shallow depths and has apparently not sufferedany hydrothermal alteration [Williams, 1944]. DISCUSSION OF INDIVIDUAL LOCALITIES South UmpquaRiver. The southernmostarea studiedis on the SouthUmpqua River (Figure 1). The generalgeologyof the area and the isotopic results are shown in Figure 3. The section of volcanic country rocks in this area is relatively thin, probablylessthan 1000metersthick; these are Eocene andesiresof the Colestin formation, which unconformablyoverlie the pre-Tertiary basementcomplex[Pecket al., 1964]. Two very small, elongateintrusive bodies of diorite porphyry were sampled.The westernmost body is apparently depleted in •sO by only a small amount (/• = +4.9), but the easternmost intrusive has $ - +2.3 tuffs and andesires of the Little Butte volcanic series[Peck et al., 1964]. Two small stocksless than 3 km in diameter are present,the Champion Creek stock and the Brice Creek stock, together with a large number of much smaller dikes and plugs. The smaller bodies are typically porphyritic augitc quartz dioritesor dacite porphyries,but the largerstocksare principallymediumgrained, equigranular augitc granodiorite. The augires in all these rock types are generally partly alteredto fibrousgreenamphibole,and to a lesserextent to chlorite and epidote. A well-defined 300 to 600 meter-wide contact metamorphicaureolesurroundsthe larger stocks (see Figure 4). The most intensemetamorphic effectsare representedby a tourmalinehornfels, which consistsof black massesof tourmaline, 0.1 to 2 cm in diameter,in a dense,white groundmassof microcrystallinequartz. Other rock types found in the aureole are epidote-tourmaline- miles 5 4 km Tc and must have been depletedin •s0 by about 4 per mil or more. Two samplesof the volcaniccountryrocks,onewithin a few meters of the intrusive contact ($ - +2.0) and the other an inclusionin the diorite porphyry (• = •L3.1), have also been depleted in lsO relative to the country rocks well away from these small intrusives; two samples collected more than I km away have normal $1s0values of +6.7. The low-isOigneousrocksall lie within an area of propylitic alteration (i.e., an epidotechlorite-actinolite zone) outlined by Peck et al. [1964] on their geologicreconnaissance map of the Western Cascades. This area of propylitic alteration is roughly centered on the South Umpqua River intrusives. Bohemiamining district. A considerable number of oxygenisotopedata have been obtained on rocks and minerals in the vicinity of the Bohemia mining district. The $•s0 values are plotted on a generalizedgeologicmap in Figure 4. The geologyof this area has been describedin detail by Buddington and Callaghan [1936], Callaghanand Buddington[1938], and by Lutton [1962].The pile of volcaniccountry rocksin this locality is about 3500 meters thick, principally 5 •* Tc Fig. 3. Generalizedgeologicmap of the South Umpqua River area [after Peck et al., 1964], showing sample localities and whole-rock $1sOvalues obtained in the present study. The italicized numbers represent data on volcanic country rocks or xenoliths, and the other numbersrepresentdata on the intrusive igneousrocks.The diagonaldashed pattern indicates the general area of propylitic alteration. T c, Colestinformation (largelyandesite); Tlt and Tlr, andesitic to rhyodacitic tuffs of the Little Butte volcanic series. INTERACTION BETWEEN GROUND WATERS AND INTRUSIONS *•'? 0• ,,,m,les •• ,,• ,km • +74 /I .co /// .• •o BOHEMIA MINING DISTRICT, Lane County,Oregon -•-•Diontic Intrusive rock EXPLANATION -- ....-"-Boundary ofcontact- [---]Volcanic country rocks I ß Sample Iocahty ! 7859 1280•evalue - /•, • • .... metamorphic aureole ""•• 80•sContours /-• -• -,•.• Area ofpropyhtlc alteration • Fig. 4. Generalized geologic mapof theBohemiaminingdistrict[afterCallaghan andBuddington,1938;andLutton,1962],showing samplelocalitiesandwhole-rock$xsOdata.The largestock at the top of the figureis theBriceCreekstock;the somewhat smallerbodyin the centeris the ChampionCreek stock.The italicizednumbersrepresentdata on volcaniccountryrocksor xenoliths (andesire andbasaltflowsanddacitetuffsof the Little Buttevolcanic series); the other numbers represent dataonthewhole-rock samples of the intrusives exceptthat $ = 0.0F in the ChampionCreekstockrefersto an analysisof an oligoclase feldspar.More detailed•sO/•60 analyses weremadeon 3 samples nearthe centerof the Champion Creekstock.A $•sOvalueof -F1.8wasobtainedon a 0.5-cm-wide, fine-grained, quartz-feldspar-epidote vein cuttingonesample ($ = -0.6a). A $•sOvalueof +2.8 wasobtainedon quartzfroman epidote-bearing veinin the granodiorite that hasa whole-rock $ = -0.4 b.The $xsO valuesof coexisting quartz,oligoclase, andactinolitefromanothersample($ = -0.7 c) aregivenin Table1. Two samples of volcanic rockscollected1.5 and 2.0 milesdownstream(northwest)from the samplelocality ($ = +6.7) in the upperleft cornerof the maphave$xsO valuesof +7.5 and +7.1, respectively. stockhaveessentially normal"$•sO chlorite-magnetite-sericite-(pyrite) hornfelsand Champion tourmaline-specularite-sericite hornfeb.The outer values greater than q-5.5. This includes two part of the aureolegradesinto a zoneof propy- samplesthat lie to the NW of the map area shown litic alteration (shownby the diagonaldashed in Figure 4. Thus in this locality an appreciable patternon Figure4), termedan epidote-chlorite- outcrop area, including both intrusives and (magnetite,pyrite) hornfelsby Buddington and country rocks, exhibits a $xsOlower than Callaghan[1936].The mineralogyof the propy- per mil; the rocksin this area all musthave been litic zoneis described by Pecket al. [1964,p. 41]. loweredin $•s0by at least 4 per rail. The average Sufficient oxygen isotope data have been $•s0 value of 19 samplesof the altered volcanic accumulated on this area to allow us to draw countryrock is q-0.7. A central zone, approxiapproximate $xsOcontoursfor the rocks as mately 5 kin' in area, can be definedin which shownin Figure 4. Note that the $xsOcontour essentiallyall rock types have a $xsOlessthan pattern is very systematicand approximately zero. The axis of this central zone is displaced coincides with the patternof propyliticalteration somewhat asymmetrically to the east of the outlined by Peck et al. [1964]. All the rocks axis of the two major stocks.This asymmetry is collected more than 5 km distant from the most clear cut for the Brice Creek stock, but it 7860 Hua• 1•. TAYLOR,JR. alsoseemsto be a feature of the Champion Creek body. The apparent asymmetry of the e]•aOpattern conceivably is due to the greater abundance of intrusive bodies to the east of the two large stocksthan to the west; suchan outcrop pattern might indicate the presenceof a larger intrusive body at depth. Note that even though the over-all e]•aOpattern is clearly geographically related to the granodioriteand diorite intrusives, except for the central parts of the two large stocks,it seemsto make little differencewhether a sample is from an intrusive body or from the volcanic country rocks. This in itself suggests that much or all of the •aO lowering occurred after crystallizationof the intrusive bodies. Of the intrusive bodies, only the Champion Creek stock has been sampledin any detail. It is relatively uniform in e]•sO,with e]- --0.7 to 0.0 throughout, except for a single sample near the center of the body with •aO = q-1.4. A metamorphosed inclusion of country rock from an agraafire zone near the southern contact is slightly lower in •aO than the host granodiorite (--0.5 versus--0.1). Two late-stage epidotebearing veins that cut the granodiorite are slightly enriched in •0 relative to the granodiorite itself. This is consistent with a lower- temperature origin for the veins, becauseif we assumethat the hydrothermal fluids had a constant e]•sO,a given mineral in equilibrium with thesefluids would have a higher b•sOvalue, the lower the temperature. If we assume that the quartz in the granodiorite(e]qu•rt,. = q-0.6 in the sample with superscript C, Figure 4) was in exchangeequilibrium with H20 at 600øC, the •H20 would be --1.4. The quartz from the epidotevein (• - q-2.8) couldhave crystallized from an aqueousfluid with b•sO = --1.4 at a temperature of 445øC (basedon the quartz-water isotopic geothermometer of Clayton, O'Neil, and Mayeda [O'Neil and Taylor, 1967]). In the one granodiorite sample in which coexistingminerals were analyzed (superscript C), the quartz, feldspar, and uralite are clearly not in exact isotopic equilibrium (Table 1, comparewith data of Taylor and Epstein [1962]). However, this mineral assemblage does not exhibit the profound isotopic disequilibrium typical of low-•aOgranites from Scotland where quartz-feldspar A values of q-4 to q-8 are common [Taylor, 1968; Taylor and Forester, 1971]. It is not certain why the quartz from the Champion Creek granodiorite should be depleted in •sO to about the same extent as the coexisting feldspar; it could be because this quartz is much finer grained than in the Scottish granites, or it could imply either that the granodiorite magma itself became •sO-depletedor that the stock underwentcompleterecrystallization in the presenceof the low-•SOfluids. Grain size clearly must play an important role during interactions between rocks and hot aqueous fluids. This may be the reason why the finegrained inclusion referred to above is lower in •sOthan the host granodiorite. Nimrod stock. The Nimrod stock on the McKenzie River is the largest single intrusive body in the Western Cascades(Figure 5). It is also compositionallyunique in that it is principally a fine-grained, leucocratic,biotite quartz monzonite [Buddingtonand Callaghan, 1936, Figure 5, p. 433]. Subhedraloligoclaseis rimmed, veined, and replaced by interstitial, highly turbid K feldspar. Biotite is the most important marie mineral, and is typically partially altered to chlorite; locally, however, hornblendeis the dominant mafic mineral. Epidote and sericite are rare but ubiquitousalteration products,and small miarolitic cavities lined with epidote are also present. The •sO data obtained on rocks from the Nimrod area are shownin Figure 5. The Nimrod stock has not been mapped in detail, and the outline shown in Figure 5 is only approximate. The total thicknessand generallithology of the flat-lying pile of volcanic country rocks are similar to the situation at the Bohemia mining district. The Nimrod pluton is isotopicallyquite distinct from its surroundingvolcanic country rocks. Except for one sample near the west, contact with $•sO = q-0.1 (in which the marie minerals are completely altered to actinolite, chlorite, and epidote), the whole-rock $•sOvalues in the stock are all greater than -]-2.0. The three most centrally located samples have e]•sO = q-2.8, q-3.6, and q-5.5. The two formersamples, from the same locality, are relatively unaltered hornblendegranite, whereasthe latter is a very freshbiotite quartzmonzonite.There is, however, only a rough correlation between the e]•sOand the degreeof alteration of the mafic minerals, becausethe sample with • = q-2.1 also contains exceedinglyfresh,primary biotite (el = --0.8), INTERACTION BETWEEN GROUND WATERS AND INTRUSIONS 7861 TABLE 1. Comparisonof •80/•60 Analysesof CoexistingMinerals*from Low-•80 IntrusiveBodiesin the Western CascadeRange and the Inner Hebrides, Scotland, with Data on Some Isotopically 'Normal' Plutonic Sample Granitic Rocks from the United •qtz • feld States •amph /kqt z-feld /kfeld-amph Oregon Laurel Hill granodiorite (•W r. -- +0.1) +2.0 --0.1 --1.8 2.1 1.7 +0.5 --3.0 +1.9 +0.2 --2.2 1.7 2.4 +0.6 +6.8 +4.9 --0.5 +1.3i +1.1 --1.4 1.1 5.5i 3.8 0.9 Ardnamurchangranophyre Mull granophyre Creag Strollamusgranite, Skye Loch Ainort granite, Skye -6.0 +3.3 +1.0 +2.9 -6.51 --0.8 - 3.1 --0.5 0.51 4.1 4.1 3.4 Red Hills granite, Skye Maol na Gainmhich granite, Skye +4.5 --0.7 5.2 +5.6 --5.6 11.2 Alta granodiorite Rubidouxleucogranite +10.3 +9.7 +9.9 +8.9 +8.0 +8.8 +6.4 +5.5 +6.2 1.4 1.7 1.1 2.5 2.5 2.6 Bonsall tonalitc San Jose tonalitc +10.3 +9.7 +8.5 +8.0 +6.9 +6.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.4 Big Cliff Dam diorite porphyry (• .... -- --0.3) 3.5 Detroit Reservoir granodiorite (• ..... -- 0.0) Champion Creek granodiorite (&v.r. = --0.7) Nimrod granite (• .... = +2.8) Nimrod granite ($.... ----+2.1) --0.8•: Scotlandõ 'Normal' p!utonic granitic rocksl] ShakeFlat quartz monzonite * qtz, quartz; feld, feldspar; amph, amphibole; w.r., whole rock. I Calculated from whole-rock •sO value by material balance. $ Biotite •sO value. õ Data from Taylor [1968] and Taylor and Forester[]971]. II Data from TaylorandEpstein[1962]and Taylor[1968].All are rocksfrom the SouthernCaliforniaand Sierra Nevada batholiths, except the Alta stock, Wasatch Range, Utah. whereas,in the sample with • = -]-2.3, the biotite is completelydestroyedand replacedby iddingsite, chicrite, magnetite, and epidote. A fine-grainedxenolith of volcanic country rock from the latter locality is even lower in •s0, with • = --0.2. This isotopic difference is somewhatlarger, but is in the same direction as that described above for a xenolith from the Champion Creek stock; again, the much finer grain size and lower quartz content of the xenolith may have renderedit more susceptible to isotopicexchange. All the analyzed volcanic country rocks surrounding the Nimrod stock are considerably lower in •sOthan the stockitself, with • = -]-0.6 to --5.6. Thesesamplescomefrom the propylitically altered zone that envelopsthe stock and extendsapproximately 15 km to the northeast. As onemovesout of this altered zoneto the east, the •80 valuesapparentlystart to go up (i.e., to • = -]-3.0), but two samples1.5 to 3 km west of the pluton, near the western edge of the zone of propy]itic alteration mapped by Pect• et al. [1964], have lower • values (-- 5.6, -- 4.6) than any samples yet found in the entire Western Cascades.Both of these samples come from outcropswhere there has been a very massive developmentof epidote (and chicrite) in segregations and veins. Thus, this is one examplewhere the degree of •s0 depletion correlatesvery well with the developmentof the mineralogical and textural features connected with the hydrothermal alteration. The 'anomalously'lcw •s0 values might be a result of (1) the presenceof another intrusive body at a shallow depth directly underlying these localities (e.g., see I-IuGI-I P. TAYLOR,JR. 7862 250 km*. [Peck et al., 1964]. Nine samples of do basalts and andesires.If the Nimrod pluton initially had •80 = -]-8.5 to-]-9.5 (typical valuesfor a quartz monzonite[Taylor, 1968]), it also must have undergonean over-all •0 depletion of about 6 to ? per mil, as its average •0 is -]-2.7. The central zone, however,would have been loweredby only about 4 per mil, and so, by any model one chooses, the degreeof •0 depletionappearsto progressivelyincreasewest- volcanic ward from the center of the stock. Figure 9), or (2) simply to the vagaries of the 'plumbing system,' whereby these particular rocks happen to be near a major conduit or fracture systemand thus have suffereda greater degreeof exchangewith a larger volume of the meteoric-hydrothermM fluids. The propylitic alteration zone that extends NE of the Nimrod stock covers an area of about rocks collected from this area have an average whole-rock 6•80 of --1.3. If we assume that these effects originally extended over a vertical distance of 1.5 km, this implies that about 400 km• of rock mu•t have undergone an over-M1 •80 depletion of at least 6 or 7 per rail. The average 6•s0 of the Nimrod stock is about 4 per mil higher than in these altered volcanics, but this does not necessarilyimply that the stockhas suffereda smaller•sOdepletion. Calculation of the amount of 6•sO-loweringsuffered by a granitic pluton is difficult because fresh, unaltered granitic rocks throughout the world showa greater primary 6•s0 variation than 0 • 0 4 i I 2 miles i i i i 2 5 ¾ida intrusive body. Two samples were ana- lyzed from a small diorite body at Vida, 11 km west (downstream)from the Nimrod stock (see Figure 1). These samplesare much lessdepleted in •0 than the Nimrod samples (6 = -]-4.6, -]-4.3), in keeping with the much smaller size of the Vida intrusive. Thus, this locality is more analogousto the SouthUmpqua River occurrence in having a higher 6•80, smallerintrusivebodies, and much smallerarea of propylitic alteration. Detroit Reservoir. Compared with the locali- ties discussed above,the •s0/•60 data from the Detroit Reservoir area (Figure 6) do not show 3 i • km ß Tit / Tsa........... Fig. 5. Generalizedgeologicmap of the areasurrounding the Nimrod stockon the McKenzie River [after Pecket al., 1964],showingsamplelocalitiesand whole-rock6tsOdata obtainedin the presentstudy.Tsa, Sardineformation(largelyandesires); Qtv, Plioceneto Quaternaryandesires andbasalts;othernotationsimilarto that in Figures3 and4. tsO/t60ratiosof coexisting minerals from two samplesof the Nimrod granite (6 = +2.1 • and +2.8 b) are given in Table 1. 6tsO = +0.3 was obtained on a diorite inclusionin a small breccia dike 15 km due east of the Nimrod stock. INTERACTIONBETWEENGROUNDWATERSAND INTRUSIONS ?S63 Tsa ......... e¾$.2 North$ontiorn •River MILL CITY Tso miles •km Fig. 6. Generalizedgeologicmap of the Mill City-Detroit Reservoirarea [after Pecket al., 1964],showingsamplelocalitiesand wH,l•-r,eb •80 data obtainedin the presentstudy.The notationis similarto that in Figures3, 4, and 5. •80/•O analysesof coexisting mineralsfrom samples of the DetroitReservoirgranodiorite (• = 0.0•) andthe Big Cliff Dam dioriteporphyry (• = -0.3 •) are given in Table 1. sucha goodcorrelationwith the area of propylitic alteration mapped by Pecl• et al. [1964]. In large part, this may be becausethe geology is much more complicatedthan is shown on Figure 6, but it shouldalso be remarked that, on the basisof petrographicstudiesin this work, the western boundary of propylitic alteration should be extended at least 2 km farther down the North Santiam River. In addition, in the easternmostpart of Figure 6 the rocks just to the north of the Detroit Reservoir are only confinesof the pluton has 8•sO = --1.7. The central granodioritesample containsoligoclase phenocrysts(8 = DL-0.2)embeddedin a matrix of interstitial fine-grainedturbid alkali feldspar and quartz ((] = DL-1.9),much of it •n micrographicintergrowths. Actinoliticamphibole(8 = --2.2) is the only important mafic mineral present. Chlorite and epidote are minor accessories.This area thus appearsto be somewhat analogousto the Bohemiamining district in the size,complexity,and nature of the granodiorite intrusivespresent,and also in the fact that the weakly altered. The area of interestis centered on the Sardine syncline, and this area thus 8•sOvalues of the intrusives and the surrounding representsby far the thickest pile of volcanic country rocks are almost indistinguishable.It rocks of any area studiedin the presentwork. does differ, however, in that the isotopically There are at least 5500 meters of volcanics, analyzed traverse shownin Figure 6 represents cappedby andesiresof the Miocene Sardine only a very small part of a much larger area of propylitic alteration that extends more than formation [Pecl•et al., 1964]. Two samplesof porphyriticgranodioritewere 15 km to the NE and about 30 km to the SW of analyzedfrom the stockat the west end of the the Detroit Reservoir [Peclcet al., 1964, and Detroit Reservoir,one from near the center of Figure 1]. Another, much smaller intrusive body was the pluton (• - 0.0) and one collected3 meters inward from the east contact (• = +0.5); the sampledat Big Cliff Dam about 5 km NW of latter contact is steepand very sharp.In addi- the Detroit stock. This diorite porphyry is tion, a metavolcanicscreenwithin the mapped intenselyalteredto epidoteand chlorite,contains 7864 I-IuG• P. TAYLOR, JR. andesinephenocrysts(5 = -]-0.5) and actinolite Pliocene, approximately 7 m.y. ago[Wise,1969], (• = -- 3.0), andhasa whole-rock•1sO= -- 0.3, and is thus probablyconsiderably youngerthan slightly lower than in the immediatelyadjacent the other intrusivcs of the Western Cascades. volcanic country rocks. All the volcanic rocks The stockis principallymadeup of porphyritic betweenthe Detroit granodioriteand the Big granodioriteand quartz monzonitc,but known Cliff dioriteporphyryhavenegative•1sOvalues, variantsincludequartz diorite and granophyre. ranging from --0.4 to --1.6. About 3 km west Actinolite and turbid K feldsparare present of the Big Cliff body, however,the •1•O values throughout,and chloriteand epidoteare genof the volcanicsattain essentially'normal' values erally presentin minor amount. of -]-5.8, and from there on west the • values The oxygenisotopedata are shownin Figure7. are all 'normal' (seeFigure 6). Note that the two sampleslowestin lSO(both The average whole-rock • value of all the samplesshownin the easternhalf of Figure 6 is • = -]-0.1. If this characterizes the entire 50-kin-long area of propylitic alteration, a with $ = --2.1) werecollectednearthe margins of the stock,whereasthe more centrallylocated specimenis more than 2 per rail heavier. However, another samplenear the westernmargin terrane at least 500 kin'- in extent must have has $ = +0.7, so the 180 distribution is not a undergonean over-all 1•O depletion of about simple function of position within the intrusion. 6 per rail. Consideringthe relatively small amount of Laurel Hill stock,Mr. Hood area. The Laurel alteration that the stock has undergone,the Hill stock, studied by Wise [1969], may not $1sOvalues are remarkablylow. In fact, the properly belong to the intrusive belt of the two sampleswith $1s0 = --2.1 representthe Western Cascades, but it is included here most 1sO-depleted intrusive samplesyet found becauseit exhibitsthe texturalandmincralogical anywherein Oregon.We can only speculateas characteristicsalready described.This stock, to why this shouldbe so, but two featuresare about 2.5 km•-in area, lies just SW of Mr. Hood worth considering: (1) The stockmay in fact be and is in fact partially coveredby Mr. Hood appreciablylarger than is indicatedby its outvolcanics (Figure 7). It was eraplacedin the crop pattern on Figure 7. Wise [1969] believes .:"• I:::::::l Iluvium and Mt. Hood Volcanics Laurel Hill and Pliocene Basalts Still Creek Intrusions and Andesires Fig. 7. Generalizedgeologic map of the LaurelHill and Still Creekstocks[after Wise,1969], showingsamplelocalitiesand whole-rock•1sOdata obtainedin the presentstudy. •sO/160data on coexisting mineralsin a samplefrom the centerof the LaurelHill stock(• = q-0.1) aregivenin Table 1. INTERACTION BETWEEN GROUND WATERS ANDINTRUSIONS the Laurel Hill stock to be connectedat depth 7865 all indicatethat theseassemblages recrystallized to the elongateStill Creek stockshownat the in near isotopicequilibrium. The Nimrodquartzmonzonite exhibitsvalues bottomof Figure 7;if it is, this intrusivebody (3.8,5.5) that aremuchlargerthan wouldbe the largestof its kind in the Cascades, of Aqt•-fem considerably larger than the Nimrod stock.It those observed in the Oregon granodiorites might thereforehave had a correspondingly(Table 1). These data clearly indicate nonlargereffecton the meteorichydrothermalcon- attainmentof isotopicequilibrium,and imply with vectionpatternin the surrounding countryrocks. that the feldsparcontinuedto exchange fluidsevenafter the (2) The LaurelHill stockpresentlyoutcropsat the low-•80hydrothermal a higherelevationand lies farther north than •80/•60 ratios of the coexistingquartz was 'frozenin.' Notethattheseabnormally any of the intrusivesdescribedabove.Both essentially situationswould favor ground waters of lower largeA valuesin the Nimrodgranitealsogo lSOcontent,becausethe 81sOof rain and snow hand in hand with whole-rock 8•80 values that tends to decreasewith both increasingelevation are largerthan in other intrusiverocksfrom and latitude [Epsteinand Mayeda,1953; Fried- Oregon.Even thoughthere has over-allbeen man et al., 1964; Craig,1961].Also,the climate markedlyless •80 depletionin the Nimrod oftheNimrodfeldspars in the Pliocenemay have been coolerthan in granite,the8•80lowering the Miocene;this alsowouldtend to produce musthavebeensimilarto that of the granodiorite surface waters of lower lS0 content. Shellrock intrusion,ColumbiaRiver. The intrusive body at ShellrockMountain on the ColumbiaRiver (seeFigure1) cutsthe Miocene feldsparsshownin Table 1. CONCLUSIONS Comparison withotherareasof low-•80igneous toisotopic equilibrium ColumbiaRiver basaltand alsomay not properly rocks. The closeapproach by coexisting minerals in thegranodiobelongto the WesternCascadeintrusivebelt. exhibited This porphyriticaugite-hypersthene diorite is rites from Oregonis not commonlyfound in much less altered than the plutons described other rocks that are known to have suffered alteration. In above,all the mineralsbeingfreshexceptthe intense meteoric-hydrothermal datacanbe compared with hypersthene, whichis partlyreplaced by uralite. Table1, the Oregon data from somegraniticintrusions Two whole-rock samples of this body were analogous [Taylor, analyzedfor •sO, one of whichis essentially from Skye,Mull, and Ardnamurchan 1971].In the latter normal(8 = -•5.5) andthe otheronlyslightly 1968;TaylorandForester, wecommonly observe Aq•_fe•d fractionadepleted(8 = •-2.9). Theserelativelyhigh samples a 8•80 values are in keeping with the general tionsof 4 to 10 per mil. This clearlyrepresents absenceof hydrothermalalterationeffectsin this body. nonequilibrium situationproduced because the feldspar exchanged muchmoreextensively with •80 Fractionationsamongcoexistingminerals. the low 180fluidsthan did the quartz. In addi- to observe 8180values Only a few sets of coexistingmineralswere tion,it is not uncommon of --4 to --6 in the intrusive igneous rocksof analyzedfor 180in the presentstudy,asis shown the Hebrides, whereas in Oregon the only in Table 1. The analysesof the granodiorites intrusive whole-rock 8180 values less than --1 are remarkable,however,in their similarity. are found in the Laurel Hill stock. The quartz,feldspar,and actinoliticamphibole What are the reasonsfor the discrepancies from a sampleof ChampionCreekgranodiorite, betweenthe Oregonrocks and the Scottish LaurelHill granodiorite, and Detroit Reservoir rocks?More work is needed,but the following granodiorite eachhavevery similar8180values. featuresare suggestedfor consideration in This is somewhat coincidental, since the 3 sampleschosenjust happento have similar subsequent detailedstudies: 1. The mostlikely explanationof the differ- whole-rock8180values.Nonetheless,the isotopic encesin A valuesis that the finer-grainednature similarities,together with the fact that the of the quartzin theOregon rocks(muchof it as made it more susceptible to measuredvalues of /•qtz-feldand /•feld-amr•h are micropegmatite) similar to values obtained on 'normal' igneous exchange. Quartz is much lessabundantin than in rocks[Taylorand Epstein,1962;Taylor,1968], thesequartzdioritesand granodiorites 7866 Huex• P. TAYLOR,JR. the quartz-bearing Scottish intrusives, most of which are true granites in which the quartz is much coarsergrained. Also, in certain instances, very fine-grained micropegmatite quartz from Scotland has also been exchangeddown to very low •sO values, as is shownby the data on an Ardnamurchan granophyre given in Table 1. The most conclusiveevidence on this point, however,is given by the large valuesof from the Nimrod granite. This body contains quartz that is both coarser grained and more abundant than in any of the granodioriteslisted in Table 1, and the quartz-feldsparfractionations of 3.8 to 5.5 are similar to those observed in several granitesfrom Skye and Mull. 2. The Oregon magmas conceivably might have undergonea more pronounced•sOdepletion before solidification than the Scottish ring intrusions, and they almost certainly were involved in a much less complicated intrusive history. In the Scottish Hebrides there was long period of successiveigneous intrusion, alternating with explosive volcanic activity, that probably involved a complex overlapping of meteoric-hydrothermM convection systems; this would favor non-equilibriumphenomena. 3. The hydrothermal fluids in Scotland and Oregon may have differed chemically. For example, Taylor and Forester[1971] suggestthat Pb and Sr isotopic compositionsof the Skye rocks may have been drastically affectedby the meteoric hydrothermal activity. This in turn suggeststhat the Scottishhydrothermalsolutions were carrying various materials in solution, perhapsabundant NaC1, KC1, CaC12,etc. Such alkali-chloride solutions have an enormously greater potential of exchanging•sO and cartons with feldsparsthan does relatively pure O'Neil and Taylor [1967]have shownthat, during cation exchangewith feldsparsin hydrothermal solutions, the oxygen isotopes are always exchanged as well. In almost all cases, the Skye and Mull feldsparsand whole rocks have undergonea greaterover-all depletionin •sOthan have their counterpartsin Oregon. All of these considerationssuggestthat in Oregon we may be dealing with meteoric-hydrothermal solutions that have not picked up appreciable alkali chloridesin solution,and thus that the effect of differential exchangein coexistingfeldspar and quartz is much less pronounced.This is reasonable in terms of the geologyalso, becausethe ground waters at Skye and Mull certainly penetratedthe Mesozoicand Precambriansandstone sections,as well as the overlyingplateau lavas, whereas,at the presentlevels of exposure in Oregon, they have only passed through volcanics.It is probable that the former are a much more likely source of saline solutions (evaporites and/or ancientbrine)thanthe latter. The only chemicalconstituentsthat definitely seem to have been carried by the meteorichydrothermal solutionsin the Oregonintrusive belt are the boron and fluorine necessary to explain the widespread tourmalinization, for example,in the Bohemia mining district [Buddingtonand Callaghan,1936]. The volcanicsand the intrusives are probably an adequate source of B and F. It will be interesting to check these ideas further by looking at the compositionsof fluid inclusionsin minerals from the respective areas. 4. There is evidence that in Oregon we are dealingwith much broaderhydrothermalalteration systemsthan those that surroundedthe Scottishintrusions.If the oxygenisotopiceffects are spread out over a much larger volume of country rock, we might a priori expect that, other things being equal, the over-all •80 depletion would have to be correspondinglyweaker. Although the 3-dimensional shapes of the Oregon stocks are not very well known, if we were to make the assumption that like the Scottish intrusionsthey are roughly cylindrical with steep or near-vertical contacts,the •80depletedzonessurrounding the Oregonintrusives are truly remarkable in their areal extent (Figure 1). This is well shownin Figure 8, where the whole-rock 5•sO results are plotted as a function of distance from the intrusive contact. In order to take into account the fact that the larger intrusionsshouldin generalbe surrounded by correspondingly largermeteoric-hydrothermal convection systems, the distances are plotted in units of stock diameter. Note that the low-•sO country-rockzonesin the Oregonlocalitiesextend outward at least 2.5 to 3.0 stock diameters away from the intrusive contact. However, in Scotland the meager data available suggestthat these effects are confined to within about 0.5 'stock' diameter [Taylor and Forester,1971]. The numbers for Scotland are perhaps somewhat misleading,becausethe diametersof the Scottish 'stocks' are assumed to be those of an entire II•TERACTION BETWEEl• GROUND WATERS Al•D INTRUSIONS 7867 +9 +8 +7 +6 -- ß ß ß ß............ 5=5.5%ø +5 +4 .-. ß o•' +2" •o +4• • O, ßß I• ß (•018values of volcanic country ß •, rocks, Western Cascade Range, ;•e•, • o -3 -- • • -4•-- •:• • 0 Oregon •) I • 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 •0 4• •2 Distance from nearest intrusive contact(in units of stock diameter) Fig. 8. Plot of whole-rock•180 values of volcanic country rocksfrom the Western Cascade Range versusdistancefrom the closestintrusive contact (in units of stock diameter). At distances greater than 3.0 stock diameters, the i•lsOvalues are essentially 'normal.' plutoniccomplexrather than any singleintrusion within the complex.However, even if we consider only the diameter of a single igneous center rather than the entire complex, the low-•SO aureolesin Oregonare muchbroader,particularly the ones surrounding the Nimrod and Detroit localities(Figure 1). We can only speculate as to the reason for dippinguppercontacts.That this is actuallythe casefor the ChampionCreekstock(seeFigure 4) is suggestedby the myriad small intrusionsto the east of the stock and the indication that the eastern contact dips gently eastward, roughly concordant with the surrounding strata [Bud- dingtonand Callaghan,1936, p. 426]. Also, the Detroit Reservoir stock (Figure 6) has an essenthese differences in the relative sizes of the tially fiat upper contact at about 600 meters aureolesin the two regions.Obviously,a possible altitude [Pecket al., 1964, p. 39]. effect of importanceis the one pointed out above, A possiblemodelof the meteoric-hydrothermal namely, that the Scottish plutonic centers are alterationsystem. Several aspectsof meteoriclargely composed of a number of small ring hydrothermalalteration systemsassociatedwith intrusions emplaced in successionover a long epizonal igneousintrusionshave been discussed interval of time. Thus at any one point in time by Sheppardet al. [1969]and Taylor and Forester the accompanyingmeteoric-hydrothermalsystem [1971] and will not be repeated here. However, some of the unique features exhibited by the might also be relatively small. Superpositionof many such small systems over an extended Oregon bodies are worth considering.A hypoperiod of intrusive activity would explain two features of the isotope data: (a) the relatively thetical compositestock that incorporatesmost smaller sectionin Figure 9. The stock acts as a gigantic 'heat engine' that produces a complex pattern of convective circulation in the adjacent local ground waters. The compositestock shownin Figure 9 was areal extent of the low-•SO aureoles in Scotland,and (b) the fact that even though they are relativelysmallerin size,the actual magnitude of the •sO depletion (particularly in feldspars) is much greater in Scotland. Another feasible explanation of the data is that the present outcrop areas of the Oregon intrusionsonly representthe erodedtops of large, broad intrusionswith relatively gentle,outward- of these features is shown in vertical cross constructed as follows: a. The stockis shownwith irregular, outwarddipping contactsin part for the reasonsgiven in paragraph4 above.Almost all the intrusivesin 7868 ttu6• the Western P. TAYLOR,JR. Cascades are associated with num- diameterswide, even ignoringthe amountsnecessary to heat the large volumes of ground water. This calculation is compatible with what is actually observed in the Scottish Hebrides intrusions, but it is totally at odds with the Oregon data. Therefore, the Oregon intrusions either broaden considerably with depth, as indicatedin Figure 9, or the propylitic alteration 200øC(e.g., from about 50øCto 250øC),then zones are underlain by numerous igneous inwith a specificheat of 0.25 cal/g, approximately trusions that do not outcrop at the present erous,small satellitic dikes and plugs, which are probably offshootsof the larger pluton. The clearestevidencefavoring this concept,however, is given by a simple heat-balance calculation. If the propylitically altered zone is considered to have been producedby an averagerise in the temperature of the country rocks of only about erosion level. 50 cal/g of heat must be addedthroughoutthe b. In light of the above considerations,it is perhapsreasonablethat, the greater the outcrop at a temperature of 950øC,themaximumamount area of an intrusive body, the greater the depth of heat that can be obtained during crystalliza- of emplacementof that part of the body. This tion and coolingto 400øCis only 220 cal/g (this would mean that the Nimrod pluton would includesabout80 cal/g to take into accountthe represent the most deeply eroded pluton and latent heat of crystallization).Thus a cylindrical the South Umpqua River intrusions the least stock only containsenoughheat to producean deeply eroded. It was on this basis that the propylitically altered zones. If we assume a cylindrical magma body initially entirely liquid alteration various aureole at most about 0.6 to 0.7 stock 0 2 lOOO \X horizontal HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (km) 6 8 10 12 4 So. umFquo R. / \ sections 14 I•- were constructed 16 \ .... "x\ 500 2000 5000 lOOO 400O ' / Cho•mp•on Cgek_/ ,, Derroll '• • , ' • e o•. •._ •.*' 1500 5000 .,xx ,, •'• 6000 / / / 7000 8000 •' "x... . '-',,'•' •" / '-' ( .... _x . ,q) '; •,.-g"',.>""• _• \ Br•ce Creek ' 2000 \ '• --• \ \ 2500 X 9000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (miles) Fig. 9. A vertical crosssection through a compositehypothetical granodiorite stock in the Western CascadeRange. The depths below the land surface are only rough estimates, but the horizontal distanceshave been scaled off the maps in Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6. The horizontal wavy lines indicate approximate east-westsections(looking north) through the South Umpqua River, Detroit, and Nimrod localities, and approximate SE-NW sections (looking SW) through the Brice Creek and Champion Creek stocksin the Bohemia Mining District. The whole-rock •sO data on Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6 have been transformed into a seriesof •sO contoursto indicate the varying degreesof •sOdepletion sufferedby rocks in the vicinity of the stock. Arrows indicate the radial inward flow of ground waters toward the intrusive stock, the rise of the heated, low-density H•.O, and plausible convective circulations of these fluids through the margins of the stock and in the adjacent volcanic country rocks.Certain stratigraphic units in the volcanicpile are probably muchmorepermeablethan others.These'aquifers'mightlargelycontroltheconvectivecirculation. INTERACTION BETWEEN GROUND WATERS AND INTRUSIONS through the compositestock shownin Figure 9. In supportof the arrangementshownin Figure9, wealsonotethat: (1) The Nimrod stockpresently crops out at the lowest elevation of any of the intrusivebodies,only 275 metersabovesealevel, in the middle of one of the largest and most deeplydissectedcanyonsin the WesternCascade Range. (2) The Brite Creek and Champion Creek stocksare only 2 km apart horizontally, but the samplesof the former were collectedat an altitude of about 700 meters, whereasthose of the latter are from an elevation of 900 meters (see Figure 4). (3) The South Umpqua diorite bodies intrude by far the thinnest section of volcanic rocks of any of the localities studied. (4) The Detroit Reservoir and Big Cliff Dam bodies intrude by far the thickest volcanic section,and these bodiespresentlycrop out at 7869 volcanic rocks are inherently much more susceptible to isotopic exchange than the stock becauseof their finer grain size, this does not necessarilymean that less H20 moved through the periphery of the stock than through the contact metamorphic aureole. In fact, in the caseof the Champion Creek and Detroit stocks, very low •sO values are characteristic of large parts of the intrusive bodies.However, it is also clear from Figure 9 that, as one moves inward into the stock,at somepoint the relative amounts of HaO circulatingthrough the rocksmust begin to fall off sharply.The relatively high •sO values in the central parts of the Champion Creek, Brice Creek, and Nimrod stocks are clear evidence of this effect. The most probable explanation of the above phenomenonis that the hydrothermalconvection altitudes of 450 to 600 meters. system begins operating in the country rocks c. The relative elevations of the various immediatelyuponintrusion(and perhapsreaches localitiesshownon Figure9 are probablyreason- its maximum importanceat this time), whereas ably well placed,but the actual depthsassigned as long as the stockis partly molten, no fractures are obviously largely guesswork.Nonetheless, or joints can form and thus no convective the various intrusiveshave textures and grain circulationof H20 can be set up insidethe body. sizesthat are plausiblefor the assigneddepths. By the time the center of the stock has solidified The relatively equigranular, medium-grained enough to fracture, the 'heat engine' is itself granodioritesand granitesmust have formed at much smaller and the convection system is depthsof at least 1 or 2 kin, particularly when beginningto turn itself off. Also, as a result of it is rememberedthat thesebodiesundoubtedly mineral depositionalong the hydrothermal concrystallizedabnormally rapidly becauseof the duits,many of the routesof accessfor the aqueous rapid cooling and heat loss brought about by fluids are partially sealedoff by this time. large-scale interactionswith the circulatingmeteIt goeswithout saying that heat-flow calculaoric ground waters. tions that only involve solutionsof the simple d. If the generalshapeand assigneddepthsof heat conductionequation [e.g., Jaeger,1961] are the hypothetical stock shown in Figure 9 are totally useless in this type of environment. acceptable, the rest of the diagram follows Essentially all the heat is removed through directly from the •sOdata shownin Figures3, 4, heating and convectionof the circulatingground 5, and 6. The convective circulation of the meteoric ground waters in the vicinity of the stockis only schematic,however,and is probably much more complicatedthan shown. Note that the volumeof altered, •sO-depleted countryrock is about 30 times as large as the volumeof the stockitself, demandingthat important quantities of ground water circulate and exchangewith a heat sourceat even greater depths than those shown on Figure 9. The width of the alteration zone obviously cannot continue to increase at a constantrate with depth. Figure 9 showsthat the maximum •O depletion of the rocks occurs at the stock contact or in the adjacent countryrocks.Inasmuchas the waters. OnthebasisofmanyD/H and•sO/•øO analyses of modern geothermalwaters from a variety of areas, Harmon Craig has shown that all hotspring waters are at least 95% of surfacederivation [e.g., White, 1968]. Thus the model shown in Figure 9 may apply equally as well to many present meteoric-hydrothermalsystems.One of the major difficultiesin interpretingsuchsystems has been the problem of heat transfer between the heat source(i.e., the intrusion) and the H20. This is generally shown as occurringby simple heat conduction[White, 1968, Figure 3]. On the basisof the data in the presentstudy, the heattransfer problem can probably be adequately 7870 HUGH P. TAYLOR,JR. explainedby migration of the H20 directly into the heat sourceitself. The heat exchangethereby occursthrough intimate physicalcontactbetween the t:[20 and the igneousintrusion. As well as direct heat and nO exchangewith the solidified intrusive body, some diffusion of meteoricH20 into the magma undoubtedlytakes place. The augRe diorite and granodiorite magmas in the Western Cascadeswere undoubtedly undersaturated in H20 at the time of intrusion and would thus act as a 'sink' for any mobile H20 available in the local environment. This would producesomenO depletion,but we know that most of the 8nO lowering in the Nimrod stock, for example,occurredafter crystallization, because the feldspar exchanged much more extensively with the aqueous fluids than did coexisting quartz in the same hand specimen (seeTable 1). Amounts of H•O involved in the meteorichydrothermalsystems. We know the initial 8nO values of the volcanic country rocks before hydrothermal alteration with a high degree of accuracy:+6.5 4- 1.0 per mil. However, the initial 8nO of the ground waters before heating by the Western Cascades intrusions is more difficult to fix. They almost certainly must have had 8nO values between about --5 and --15, becausethese are typical for present-day fresh surface waters throughout the world (excluding the arctic regions,oceanicislands,and extremely high elevations). A closer estimate can perhaps be made on the basis of D/H analysesof OHbearing minerals in the Oregon intrusive bodies. H. P. Taylor, Jr., and S. Epstein (unpublished manuscript, 1971) have shown that 4 actinolites and chlorites from these bodies have 8D = --85 to --100 per mil (relative to SMOW). If we assume a 8D fractionation of about 30 per mil between H•O and these minerals, which is a reasonablevalue at •500øC (T. Suzuoki and S. Epstein, unpublishedmanuscript, 1971), the 8D valuesof thesemeteoric-hydrothermalwaters must have been about --55 to --70. Inasmuch as enormousamountsof H20 are involved, these 8D values must also be identical to those of the original, cool ground waters. Using the meteoric water equation •iD = 88•s0 --[- 10 [Craig, 1961] we obtain estimated initial valuesof --8 to --10 for theseground waters. A reasonablechoicefor the original •inOvalue of the meteoric ground water is therefore --9. However, several processescan continuously operate to modify this •i value before the water enters the hydrothermal exchangesystem (isotopic exchange with the surrounding rocks, mixing with magmatic or connatewaters, etc.). Therefore it is important to considerhow much such processesmight modify the 8nO values of the ground waters. Marine connatewaters initially have •inO• 0 and primary magmatic waters have •inO•--_+6 to -4-8;thus additionof either type of H20 would enrich the ground water in nO. Effects of exchange with the surrounding rocks are more difficult to evaluate becausesuch processesare very sensitive to both temperature and time at temperatures of 50ø to 200øC.In all subsequent discussions, we shallmake the reasonable approxi- mationthat •irock and l•plagioclase(Anao ) are essentially identical at equilibrium so that we can utilize the feldspar-water isotope geothermometer of O'Neil and Taylor [1967]. The applicable equation is then •rock-- •H,O• 2.68(10øT -2) -- 3.53 (T in øK) This means that, at temperatures less than about100øC,smallamounts of waterin exchange equilibrium with isotopically 'normal' volcanic rocks can attain 8nO values less than --9. How- ever, rates of exchangeare so low at such tem- peraturesthat this is probably not an important process,particularly whenlarge amountsof water are involved. In light of the above considerations, it is not necessaryto consider initial •iw=te,values lower than --12 or higher than --3, and it is felt that a •iw=ter • --9 is by far the most likely. These resultsare incorporatedin Figure 10, where for variousvaluesof 8w=te r we plot 8•o• as a function of the water/rock ratio calculatedon the basis of the simplest possible closed system model (e.g.,Table 2, and Sheppardet al. [1060,p. 770]). The data in Figure 10 indicate that as a practical matter it is impossibleto explain the lowest-nO volcanic rock at Nimrod with a 8w•te•= --6 much lessthan with a 8w•t•, = --3. Absurdlyhighwater/rockratios(>>10)wouldbe required,assumingany reasonabletemperature lower than 600øC.Even for •iw=t• = --9, a INTERACTION BETWEEN GROUNd) WATERS aN•) INTRUSIONS z¸ +a "%..?¾.:.. 3 -6• 0.1 7871 - rock (Nimrod)" ....................... • J 0.2 0.3 0.4 WATER/ROCK 0.6 0.8 q.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 80 •0.0 RATIO (ATOM % OXYGEN) Fig. 10. Plot of whole-rock•so of the volcaniccountryrocksof the WesternCascadeRange versus the calculated ratio of the amount of meteoric-hydrothermalwater to the amount of exchanged,•sO-depletedvolcanic rock (log scale). It shouldbe rememberedthat this is an integrated water/rock ratio, in that it refersto the total amount of water that has migrated through and exchangedwith the rocks.The 4 diagonalbandsrepresent4 different •so valuesof the initial groundwater enteringthe exchangesystem (•wa,•r = --12, --9, --6, and --3). The upper and lower limits on eachband are calculatedon the basisof isotopicequilibriumbetweenrock and water at 400øC and 600øC, respectively.Most of the country rocksin the vicinity of the igneous intrusionswereprobablyheatedto suchtemperatures.However,if a lowertemperatureof 300øC were chosenfor a particular band, the upper limit of that band would lie approximatelyin the middle of the next overlyingband, and correspondingly greater amountsof water would thus be necessaryto producea given •so depletionin a rock. The horizontal lines indicate the average •sO valuesof the volcaniccountryrocksin 4 differentlocalitiesstudiedin the presentwork, as well as the •so value of the most •sO-depletedrock found in Oregon (from the Nimrod area). The band for •wat•r= --9 is thought to closelyapproximateconditionsin the Western Cascade meteoric-hydrothermalexchangesystems,and under thesecircumstancesthe averagewater/rock ratios for the variouslocalitieswould be given by the crosses in the •w•t• = -9 band. If initial /iw•,• values of -6 or greater are chosen,it is impossibleto explain the low-•so rock from Nimrod with any reasonablewater/rock ratio (i.e., <10). relativelyhigh water/rock ratio of about 6.0 is terns in the Western required (Figure 10). Using this /•w•e• and the average/•'sOvaluesof the volcaniccountryrocks at variouslocalitiesin the Western Cascades,we areas, we must have had interaction between roughly equal amounts of water and rock (expressedas atomic per cent oxygen). Note that about 8% of the area of the Western Cascadesis probably underlain by rocks that have beendepletedin •sOby about 5 to 6 per rail; obtainthe averagewater/rockratios shownin Figure 10 and Table 2. It is of interest that the smallestintrusions(South Umpqua River) are associatedwith the smallestwater/rock ratio, Cascades. In most of the therefore, at least in this region, such low-•SO whereas the reverse effect is observed for the igneousrocks cannot be consideredto be uncom- large Nimrod stock. Figure 10 also clearly demonstratesthat the lower the temperature of mon. The developmentof such large-scale•sO depletion requires a total volume of water of at least 2000 km 3. If this water was suppliedfrom a drainagebasin« the area of the presentWestern Cascades,and if we assumean annual rainfall of 75 cm (30 inches), of which only 5% ultimately is added to the deep ground-water circulation hydrothermalalteration,the larger the water/ rock ratio necessaryto producea given/•ro•k. Table 3 presents some approximate calculations of the total amounts of H20 involved in various meteoric-hydrothermalalteration sys- 7872 HuG• P. TAYLOR,JR. TABLE 2. Calculated 'Temperatures'* of Iso- undergone appreciable •s0 enrichment through topic Exchange between H20 and the Volcanic exchangewith the heated rocks through which Country Rocks, Assuminga Simple Closed-System it has passed.It is probablyat presentimpossible Model (see text) and Constant Water/Rock Ratios of 0.8 and 1.0 to separate these two effects. (Under these conditions, the f•sO contours in the The variations in r]•s0in the volcanic country country rocks in Figures 4 and 9 also represent rocks are perhaps more amenable to analysis. isotherms) Temperature, øC f.-ook The outwardincreasein r]•s0in the propylitically altered zones cannot, of course,be due to the water having been abnormally enrichedin xs0 due to exchange. Just the reverse would be expected.There is, however,probablya tendency w/r = 0.8 w/r = 1.0 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 115 ø 140 ø 175 ø 215 ø 275 ø 110 ø 135 ø 165 ø 200 ø 245 ø for somewhatlarger water/rock ratios to be +1 360 ø 305 ø 0 --1 --2 505 ø 845 ø • 395 ø 540 ø 875 ø exchange rates are so much slower. Second, because of radial inward migration of water * Calculated assumingthat frock• •plagioclase(Anao), utilizing the following equation' frock -- 6.5 --9 -- (frock -- •) = w/r = 0.8 or 1.0 where 6.5 is the original fx80 of the unaltered volcanic rocks, --9 is assumed to be the original fx80 of the meteoric ground waters, and A is the x80 fractionation between rock and water; A = 2.68(106T-•-) -- 3.53, where T is in øK [O'Neil and Taylor, 1967]. found in the vicinity of the stock margins.First, at temperaturesbelow 100øC the effective water/rockratiois very small,because isotopic toward the igneousintrusion, the water/rock ratio would be expectedto progressivelyincrease toward the stock because,assumingcylindrical geometry, the rock volume decreasesinward as the squareof the distance.However, throughout the zones of upward streaming or convective circulation, the water/rock ratio should be roughly constant. If the water/rock ratio is in fact roughly constant throughout an appreciablevolume of rock, the r]•s0contoursin the rocks should also representapproximateisotherms,as is indicated in Table 2 for two differentwater/rock ratios, 0.8 and 1.0. Thus the increase in r]•s0 outward system, it would require only about 7000 years to produce the observed effects. In particular, note that in young volcanic terranes most of the local rainfall quickly migrates down into the jointed rocks, very little moving off immediately as surfacerunoff. Obviously the period of intrusion, crystallization, and cooling of the Oregon plutonic bodies extended over a much longer time period than 7000 years. In fact, even today many hot springs are found throughout the Western Cascades, though they generally tend to occur somewhat to the east of the axis of mid-Tertiary intrusions shown in Figure 1. Temperature gradients in the hydrothermal alteration aureole. It is clear that the inward increasein b•sOin the hypothetical stock shown in Figure9 is dueto progressively smallerwater/ rock ratios as one moves into the stock. Also, it is in part a result of the fact that by the time the H•.O gets well into the stock it has already from the stock would be principally due to falling temperatures as one moves away from the heat source. In the region between the contoursr]rook - -[-6 and-[-4, wherethe water/ rock ratio is likely to be relatively smaller, it can be shown that the calculated temperatures are not stronglydependenton the water/rock ratio. For example,at •rock= +4:, the calculated 'temperatures'are 235øC and 195øC, respectively, for water/rock ratios of 0.4 and 0.6 (comparewith data in Table 2). For (•rock> +4:, the temperature differences are practically negligible. It is probably going to be difficult to directly apply oxygen isotope geothermometry to coexisting minerals in the propylitic alteration zones becauseof the general lack of attainment of isotopicequilibrium (see Table 1). Therefore, we must have recourse to indirect methods like those shownin Table 2. In fact, however,for a water/rock ratio of 0.8 or 1.0 (which from INTERACTION BETWEEN GROUND WATERS AND INTRUSIONS 7873 Figure 9 and Table 3 seemto be typical values in the Western Cascades),theseindirect methods give very reasonable temperatures. The horizontal temperature gradient outward from the Champion stock (Figure 4) would, on the basis All the above occurrencesare, however, of that low-•sOigneousrocks are nowhere near so rare as was once thought. Areas of at least 1000 km 2 in Oregon and 1000 km 2 in the Scottish Hebrides are apparently underlain by rockswith •sO - --6 to -]-4. Very extensive areas of igneousbodies that have interacted with super- Cretaceousor Tertiary age; very little work has been done to try to identify low-•SOigneous rocksof pre-Cretaceousage. The only definitely known occurrencesare singlesamplesof the late of sucha calculation,fall off from about 550øC Precambrian SeychellesIsland granite [Taylor, in the peripheryof the stock to about 110øC 1968] and the Mesozoicring-dike complexin the at the b = •-6 contour. This correspondsto an Ossipee Mountains, New Hampshire (H. P. averagedropof about100ø/kmto the westand Taylor, unpublisheddata, 1971). Inasmuchas we 70ø/km to the east of the stock,the gradient are dealing with phenomenathat take place in becoming less steep away from the intrusive shallow parts of the earth's crust, it would be body. expectedthat becauseof erosionand burial by Occurrences of low-•SOigneousrocks. The data younger rocks the older occurrenceswould be in the present study and that given by Taylor much less common. It is neverthelessvery im[1968] and Taylor and Forester [1971] indicate portant to searchfor and identify Precambrian low-•sO rocks also occur in the San Juan Moun- tains, Colorado(H. P. Taylor and R. W. Forester, unpublisheddata, 1971). They also have been found in parts of the Boulder batholith (S. M. F. Sheppard and H. P. Taylor, Jr., unpublished manuscript, 1971), the Skaergaard intrusion in Greenland [Taylor and Epstein, 1962], and in the Corona micropegmatitegranite of the Southern California batholith (H. P. Taylor, unpublished data, 1971). ficial waters,becausethe b•sOand bD valuesof such waters are determined in large part by the bD and b•sO values of the oceans that existed at the time of intrusion. Thus, this may be a way to trace the variation of b•sOand bD in ocean waters and rain waters through geologic time. This method could have some great advantages compared with the utilization of sedimentarymaterialslike chertsand carbonates to obtain data on the isotopic evolution of the ancient oceans[e.g., Perry, 1967]. The principal advantage is that one would be dealing with much more coarsely crystalline rocks which have an enormouslybetter chanceof preserving TABLE 3. Data on the Propylitically Altered Areas of the Western Cascade Range, and Calculated Amounts of H20 Involved in the Various Meteoric-Hydrothermal Alteration Systems Vertical Area Avg. •so c.r.* Area, km2 Extent, meterst Volume of Altered Rock, Water/Rock km 3 Ratio :• Volume of H20, km3õ South Umpqua River Bohemia district •- 3.0 •-0.7 25 75 400-1000 1000-3000 10-25 75-225 0.35 0.7 5-13 75-225 Nimrod - 1.3 250 1500-3500 375-875 1.2 650-1500 Detroit Reservoir •-0.1 500 1500-5000 750-2500 0.8 900-3000 =0.0 = 1200 --0.8 -- 2000-4500 Entire Western Cascades (15,000 km •) -- 1500-3000 -- 1800-3600 * Average •180 of samples of the propylitically altered volcanic country rocks (for the South Umpqua River area, the average includesthe •sO analysesof the small intrusive bodies; see Figure 3). I Assumedvertical distance (in meters) over which the low-xsOalteration effectsprobably extend; this is estimated from the areal extent of the alteration zone and from the thicknessof the volcanic pile in the given locality [after Peck at el., 1964]. $ The calculated water/rock ratio (in terms of atomic per cent oxygen) as given in Figure 10, assuming that the H•O has an initial •O • --9. õ Approximate volume of meteoric ground water involved in each hydrothermal alteration syslem, assumingthe density of the tt•O is 1.0 g/cm s. Note that these are minimum values becauseit was probable that isotopicequilibrium was not invariably attained between the rocks and the It•O. 7874 HUGH •P. TAYLOR,JR. their 180/160(andD/H?) ratiosthroughgeologic Oregon, U.S. Geol. SurveyProf. Pap. JJ9, 56 pp., 1964. time. Also, the time coordinatecan in theorybe Perry, E. C., The oxygen isotope chemistry of exactlyfixed, becausethe originalisotopicinterancient cherts, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 3, 62-66, action with ground waters had to occur during 1967. Sheppard,S. M. F., R. L. Nielsen, and H. P. Taylor, crystallizationand coolingof the pluton. A clcnowledgments. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation, grant GA12945. Discussionswith A. F. Buddington, R. W. Forester, and D. E. White have been helpful. E. M. Taylor kindly providedtwo of the samplesanalyzed in this study, and P. Yanagisawa did much of the laboratory work. REFERENCES Buddington, A. F., and E. Callaghan, Dioritic intrusive rocksand contactmetamorphismin the Cascade Range in Oregon, Amer. J. Sci., 31, 421-449, 1936. Callaghan, E., and A. F. Buddington, Metalliferous mineral depositsof the CascadeRange in Oregon, U.S. Geol.Surv. Bull., 893, 141 pp., 1938. Craig, H., Isotopic variations in meteoric waters, Science,133, 1702-1703, 1961. Epstein, S., and T. Mayeda, Variation of content of waters from natural sources,Geochim. Cosmochim.Acta, J, 213-224, 1953. Friedman, I., A. C. 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