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Heart Lecture Test Questions – Set 1
Which of the following is not a part of the cardiovascular system:
a. arteries
b. lymph nodes
c. veins
d. blood
e. heart
The cardiovascular system transports:
a. nutrients
b. hormones
c. antibodies
d. metabolic wastes
e. all of the above
Which of the following is not a function of the cardiovascular system:
a. osmotic balance
b. nutrient transport
c. body heat distribution
d. lymph circulation
e. physical integration of other systems
When compared with the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system lacks an equivalent to:
a. veins
b. venules
c. arteries
d. capillaries
e. blood
The heart is:
a. a two-sided pump
b. essentially highly modified blood vessels
c. mostly located to the left of the body's midline
d. located within the mediastinum
e. all of the above
The heart's maximum width:
a. 9 cm
b. 7 cm
c. 12.5 cm
d. 4.5 cm
e. 20 cm
Which of the following heart aspects or surfaces is more to the right:
a. apex
b. base
c. sternocostal
d. pulmonary
e. diaphragmatic
BI-205 – Heart – Set 1
The most inferior heart surface:
a. sternocostal
b. pulmonary
c. base
d. diaphragmatic
e. aortic
Five (5) cm inferior to the left nipple, in the fifth intercostal space, is the position of the heart's:
a. base
b. apex
c. sternocostal surface
d. diaphragmatic surface
e. pulmonary surface
Based on the heart’s position in the body, the most anterior heart chamber is the:
a. left atrium
b. right atrium
c. left ventricle
d. right ventricle
e. apex
The heart wall’s middle layer is:
a. fibrous pericardium
b. serous visceral pericardium
c. serous parietal pericardium
d. myocardium
e. endocardium
The outermost layer of the actual heart wall is the:
a. coronary membrane
b. parietal serous pericardium
c. epicardium (visceral pericardium)
d. endocardium
e. myocardium
The trabeculae carneae are part of which heart wall layer:
a. epicardium
b. myocardium
c. endocardium
d. sub-endocardium
e. sub-epicardium
The function of the trabeculae carneae is:
a. essential part of the ventricular conducting system
b. anchorage of and pull on the chordae tendineae
c. stenosis
d. control of blood turbulence
e. control of semilunar valves
BI-205 – Heart – Set 1
What is between the parietal and visceral serous pericardial layers:
a. fibrous pericardium
b. an air filled space
c. serous fluid
d. cardiac skeleton
e. nothing, since they are not even close to each other
Blood in the right ventricle would be in contact with which heart wall layer:
a. endocardium
b. superficial myocardium
c. deep myocardium
d. epicardium
e. parietal pericardium
The function of papillary muscles is:
a. essential part of the ventricular conducting system
b. anchorage of and pull on chordae tendineae
c. stenosis
d. control of blood turbulence
e. control of semilunar valves
Which heart chamber is the most powerful:
a. right ventricle
b. left ventricle
c. right atrium
d. left atrium
e. none of the above, since they are all equal
The equivalent of the chest or abdominal wall is:
a. fibrous parietal pericardium
b. serous parietal pericardium
c. visceral pericardium
d. endocardium
e. myocardium
Which of the following is not related to the right side of the heart:
a. sino-atrial node
b. pulmonary semilunar valve
c. bicuspid valve
d. venae cavae
e. atrio-ventricular node
Which of the following is not related to the left side of the heart:
a. sino-atrial node
b. pulmonary semilunar valve
c. tricuspid valve
d. atrio-ventricular node
e. all of the above are on the right side
BI-205 – Heart – Set 1
The atrio-ventricular valves are closed:
a. while the ventricles are in diastole
b. when the ventricles are in systole
c. by the movement of blood from atria into ventricles
d. while the atria are in systole
e. at all times
The semilunar valves open when:
a. arterial pressure is lower than the ventricular pressure
b. the ventricles are in diastole
c. the atria are in systole
d. blood within the aorta and pulmonary trunk pass into the ventricles
e. the ventricles are in systole
The wall of the left ventricles receives blood from:
a. anterior descending artery
b. circumflex artery
c. posterior descending artery
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
Semilunar valves close due to:
a. chordae tendineae pulling them downwards while blood is forced against them from
b. a vacuum within the aorta and pulmonary artery
c. the depolarization of the sino-atrial node
d. blood catching in them and blocking the opening back into the ventricles
e. none of the above
Atrio-ventricular valves close due to:
a. a vacuum within the aorta and pulmonary trunk
b. the depolarization of the sino-atrial node
c. blood catching in them and blocking the opening, during ventricular diastole
d. chordae tendineae pulling them downwards while blood is forced against them from
e. contraction of the fibrous parietal pericardium
Which valve controls the opening between the right atrium and right ventricle:
a. bicuspid
b. tricuspid
c. aortic semilunar
d. pulmonary semilunar
e. ductus venosus
What keeps the atrio-ventricular valves closed during ventricular systole:
a. counteracting effects from downward pulling by the papillary muscles on the chordae
tendineae and by blood pushing against the underside
b. counteracting effects from atrial systolic downward pushing while the chordae tendineae
push from the underside
c. blood catching in the underside of the three pouch-like flaps, thus preventing eversion back
up into the atria
d. stenosis of the foramen ovale
e. all of the above
BI-205 – Heart – Set 1
Which valve controls the opening between the left atrium and left ventricle:
a. bicuspid
b. tricuspid
c. aortic semilunar
d. pulmonary semilunar
e. foramen ovale
Which of the following is the valve between the left atrium and left ventricle:
a. left atrio-ventricular
b. left A-V
c. bicuspid
d. mitral
e. all of the above are synonyms