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8. Solar System Origins
•  Chemical composition of the galaxy
•  The solar nebula
•  Planetary accretion
•  Extrasolar planets
Our Galaxy’s Chemical Composition
•  Basic physical processes
–  “Big Bang”
produced hydrogen & helium
–  Stellar processes produce heavier elements
•  Observed abundances
–  Hydrogen
–  Helium
–  Others
~71% the mass of the Milky Way
~27% the mass of the Milky Way
~ 2% the mass of the Milky Way
•  Elements as heavy as iron form in stellar interiors
•  Elements heavier than iron form in stellar deaths
•  Implications
–  A supernova “seeded” Solar System development
•  It provided abundant high-mass elements
•  It provided a strong compression mechanism
Solar System Chemical Composition
Coalescence of Planetesimals
Abundance of the Lighter Elements
The Solar Nebula
•  Basic
–  All planets orbit the Sun in the same direction
•  Extremely unlikely by pure chance
•  Basic
–  A slowly-rotating nebula became the Solar System
•  Its rate of rotation increased as its diameter decreased
•  Basic physical process
Note: The Y-axis uses a logarithmic scale
–  Kelvin-Helmholtz contraction
Gravity ⇔ Pressure
•  As a nebula contracts, it rotates faster
–  Conservation of angular momentum
Spinning skater
•  Kinetic energy is converted into heat energy
•  Accretion of mass increases pressure
•  Temperature & pressure enough to initiate nuclear fusion
Conservation of Angular Momentum
Formation of Any Solar System
•  Presence of a nebula (gas & dust cloud)
–  Typically ~ 1.0 light year in diameter
–  Typically ~ 99% gas & ~1% dust
–  Typically ~ 10 kelvins temperature
•  A compression mechanism begins contraction
–  Solar wind from a nearby OB star association
–  Shock wave from a nearby
•  Three prominent forces
–  Gravity
Inversely proportional to d2
•  Tends to make the nebula contract &
–  Pressure
form a star
proportional to TK
•  Tends to make the nebula expand & not form a star
–  Magnetism
Briefly prominent in earliest stages
•  Tends to make the nebula expand & not form a star
More Solar System Formation Stages
The Birth of a Solar System
•  Central protostar forms first, then the planets
–  H begins fusing into He => Solar wind gets strong
–  This quickly blows remaining gas & dust away
•  Circumstellar disks
–  Many are observed in our part of the Milky Way
•  Overwhelming emphasis on stars like our Sun
–  Many appear as new stars with disks of gas & dust
•  Potentially dominant planets
–  Jupiter >2.5 the mass of all other planets combined
–  Many exoplanets are more massive than Jupiter
•  Knowledge is limited by present state of technology
Formation of Planetary Systems
Planetary Accretion
•  Basic physical process
–  Countless tiny particles in nearly identical orbits
–  Extremely high probability of collisions
•  High energy impacts: Particles
move farther apart
•  Low energy impacts: Particles stay gravitationally bound
–  Smaller particles become bigger particles
•  ~109 asteroid-size planetesimals form by accretion
•  ~102 Moon-size
protoplanets form by accretion
•  ~101 planet-size
form by accretion
•  Critical factor
–  Impacts of larger objects generate more heat
•  Terrestrial protoplanets are [almost] completely molten
•  “Chemical” differentiation occurs
–  Lowest density materials rise to the surface
–  Highest density materials sink to the center
Microscopic Electrostatic Accretion
Condensation Temperature
•  Basic physical process
–  Point source radiant energy flux from varies ∝ 1/D2
•  Ten times the distance
One percent the energy flux
–  Any distant star is essentially a point source
•  The concept applies to all forming & existing stars
–  At some distance, it is cold enough for solids to form
•  This distance is relatively close for rocks
–  Much
closer to the Sun than the planet Mercury
•  This distance is relatively far for ices
–  Slightly closer to the Sun than the planet Jupiter
–  This produces two types of planets
•  High density solid planets
•  Low density gaseous planets
Terrestrial planets
Two Different Formation Processes
Condensation In the Solar System
The Center of the Orion Nebula
Mass Loss By a Young Star In Vela
Exoplanet Detection Methods
Extrasolar Planets: 13 Sept. 2002
•  Basic facts
–  No clear consensus regarding a definition
•  Usually only objects <13 MassJup & orbiting stars
–  Objects > 13 MassJup are considered “brown dwarfs”
–  Objects < 13 MassJup are considered anomalies
•  Orbiting a massive object fusing H into He
–  A star in its “normal lifetime”
•  Summary facts
–  88 extrasolar planetary systems
–  101 extrasolar planets
–  11 multiple–planet systems
•  Unusual twist
–  A few “planetary systems” may be “star spots”
Exoplanets Confirmed by 2007
•  18 July 2003
•  Magnetic storms comparable to sunspots on our Sun
Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia
•  27 January 2010
–  117 extrasolar
–  102 extrasolar
planetary systems
–  13 extrasolar multiple–planet systems
–  429
–  363
planetary systems
–  45 multiple planet systems
•  4 July 2005
–  161 extrasolar
–  137 extrasolar
planetary systems
–  18 extrasolar multiple–planet systems
•  19 September 2007
–  252 extrasolar
–  145 extrasolar
planetary systems
–  26 extrasolar multiple–planet systems
Extrasolar Planets: Size Distribution
Most Recent Confirmed Exoplanets
•  29 January 2013
–  863 extrasolar
–  678 extrasolar
planetary systems
–  129 extrasolar multiple–planet systems
–  2,233 unconfirmed
Kepler candidates
Exoplanets: 17 September 2013
Exoplanets: Orbital Distribution
Exoplanets: Star Iron Content
Star Gliese 86: Radial Velocity Data
•  Doppler shift data reveal an extrasolar planet
–  An orbital period of ~ 15.8 days
–  A
Possible First Exoplanet Photo
of ~ 5 . MJupiter
Important Concepts
Galactic chemical composition
–  ~98% hydrogen + helium
–  ~ 2% all other elements
Solar System formation
Solar nebula
Compression mechanism
Gravity, pressure & magnetism
Protostar with circumstellar disk
Planetary accretion
–  Concept of condensation temperature
•  Rock & ices can form
Extrasolar planets
–  863 confirmed
–  2,233 Kepler candidates