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US History Finals Review
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. In South Vietnam, a monk set himself on fire to protest
a. the Vietnam War.
b. Western influences in his country.
c. discrimination against Buddhists.
d. extreme religious ceremonies.
2. The purpose of Agent Orange was to
a. destroy the Vietcong’s ability to hide in jungles.
b. cut Vietcong supply lines.
c. infiltrate the Vietcong military.
d. sabotage Vietcong equipment.
3. The Watergate crisis led to new laws intended to limit the power of the executive branch, including the Ethics in
Government Act, the FBI Domestic Security Investigation Guidelines Act, and the
a. SALT I treaty.
b. Federal Campaign Act Amendments.
c. Executive Privilege Guidelines.
d. Special Prosecutor Act.
4. In an effort to increase growth and create more jobs, Kennedy advocated
a. public works programs.
b. raising taxes for the wealthiest Americans.
c. deficit spending.
d. price controls.
5. The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to
a. help Germany form a new government.
b. keep Communist countries weak.
c. punish Germany for its role in World War II.
d. help Western Europe recover from World War II.
6. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 outlawed
a. paying men more than women for the same job.
b. paying farmworkers less than the minimum wage.
c. job discrimination on the basis of gender.
d. the exclusion of Mexican Americans from some professions.
7. President Reagan encouraged and promoted deregulation because he believed that
a. government regulations were excessive and hurt the economy.
b. removing government regulations would increase the prices of goods and services.
c. free trade required effective regulation of major industries.
d. the government must regulate key industries to maintain economic stability.
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8. According to John Kenneth Galbraith, postwar America had an “economy of abundance” because of
a. the new consumer culture.
b. new business techniques and improved technologies.
c. huge numbers of workers returning from the war.
d. the growth of suburbs.
9. The Vietcong used ____________________—troops who blended in with the civilian population and use tactics such
as ambushes and booby traps.
a. the domino theory
b. hawks
c. guerillas
d. untrained fighters
10. Why did Al Gore challenge the Florida state law that set a deadline to certify election results?
a. The U.S. Supreme Court ordered him to challenge the deadline.
b. He wanted a machine recount instead of a hand recount.
c. He thought that the law was wrong and needed to be changed.
d. Not all of the hand recounts could be completed by the deadline.
11. In January 1991, the United Nations went to war in the Persian Gulf for what reason?
a. Saudi Arabia had invaded Kuwait.
b. Kuwait had threatened Saudi Arabia.
c. Iraq had invaded Saudi Arabia.
d. Iraq had invaded Kuwait.
12. In the agreement ending the Cuban missile crisis, Khrushchev promised to remove Soviet missiles from Cuba in
exchange for Kennedy’s public promise
a. not to invade Cuba.
b. to remove American missiles from China on the Soviet border.
c. to stop testing nuclear weapons in the atmosphere.
d. to remove American missiles from Alaska near the Soviet Union.
13. In the early 1970s, long-standing environmental organizations grew rapidly in membership and political influence, and
environmental activists formed new groups such as
a. People United to Save Humanity.
b. the Natural Resources Defense Council.
c. the Silent Spring.
d. the Environmental Protection Agency.
14. Why was Diem’s South Vietnamese government so unpopular?
a. Diem refused to introduce even limited democratic reforms to help the peasants.
b. Diem discriminated against his country’s Buddhist population.
c. Diem was a nationalist, but was not a very capable administrator.
d. Diem dismantled the strategic hamlets, thus uprooting the peasant population.
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15. The Fourteenth Amendment ensures
a. that all defendants have a lawyer.
b. due process of law.
c. that all defendants get a trial by jury.
d. that all defendants be read the Miranda rights.
16. Americans responded quickly to the attacks on September 11, 2001, by
a. ordering cruise missiles to be fired at terrorist camps in Sudan.
b. writing stories in the foreign press to gain sympathy.
c. donating food, money, and supplies.
d. holding demonstrations against their government.
17. At the Potsdam Conference in July 1945, President Harry Truman took a firm stand against heavy reparations and
insisted that
a. the United States had a right to use the atomic bomb.
b. the Soviet’s concerns about security were unreasonable.
c. Europe’s economy had to be rebuilt.
d. Germany’s industry had to be allowed to recover.
18. The economic condition called “stagflation” had its beginnings in the early 1970s, when
a. prices for consumer goods began to fall.
b. manufacturing declined while prices were rising.
c. millions of workers lost their jobs.
d. the increasing cost of goods took a toll on the economy.
19. In 1946, what did Winston Churchill describe as an “iron curtain” falling across Eastern Europe?
a. the industrialization of Eastern European nations under the Marshall Plan
b. the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
c. the establishment of pro-Soviet Communist governments in Eastern Europe
d. the adoption of the Declaration of Liberated Europe
20. Who was the first American to orbit Earth?
a. Neil Armstrong
b. John Glenn
c. Alan Shepard
d. Earl Warren
21. The Department of Homeland Security was created to coordinate efforts to
a. fight terrorism.
b. wiretap suspected terrorists.
c. clean up after environmental disasters.
d. fight recessions.
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22. The ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 established
a. the right of all Americans to peaceful protest.
b. the separate-but-equal doctrine.
c. the right of African Americans to vote.
d. the right of all Americans to equal protection under the law.
23. With the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Congress, in effect,
a. declared war on North Vietnam.
b. increased aid to South Vietnam.
c. committed to a limited war only.
d. handed its war powers to the president.
24. Although the counterculture of the 1960s did not achieve its utopian ideals, it had a lasting influence on
a. living arrangements in the United States.
b. practices and rules at large universities.
c. fashion and music in the United States.
d. middle-class, white-collar values.
25. Hurricane Katrina caused large amounts of damage to New Orleans because
a. the storm hit during high tide.
b. the city’s residents had all been evacuated.
c. the city was flooded from an earlier storm.
d. rising waters breached the levees that protected the city.
26. The Civil Rights Act of 1957, the first since Reconstruction, was intended to
a. end discrimination in hiring.
b. end lynching.
c. protect the right of African Americans to vote.
d. protect the right of African Americans to attend desegregated schools.
27. Affirmative action, an approach to civil rights that emerged in the 1970s, called for companies and institutions to
a. hire candidates without regard to race, gender, or national origin.
b. actively recruit African American employees and students.
c. develop and provide diversity training for all employees.
d. establish and meet quotas in hiring African Americans.
28. The American economy grew rapidly in the 1980s for several reasons, including lower taxes that spurred investment
and spending, new technology that created new business opportunities, and
a. increased income for the wealthiest Americans.
b. new methods of retailing that lowered prices.
c. sharp cuts in government spending.
d. new efforts to solve social problems.
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29. The Vietcong’s power continued to increase in part because of
a. the Vietnamese opposition to Diem's government.
b. the Vietnamese distrust of the U.S.
c. the use of terror by South Vietnam.
d. the strong belief in communism.
30. President Reagan began a massive buildup of the U.S. military, in part because he believed that
a. with a stronger military, the United States could defeat the Soviets in a nuclear war.
b. an arms race with the Soviets would reduce the likelihood of nuclear war.
c. massive defense spending would stimulate economic growth in the United States.
d. massive Soviet defense spending would cause the Communist system to collapse.
31. The Vietminh formed initially in Vietnam to
a. create a pro-Western government.
b. win independence from Japan.
c. win independence from France.
d. create a Communist government.
32. Members of the new conservative coalition that had come together by the late 1970s were united by a common belief
a. the United States was stronger than ever before.
b. increased government spending was needed.
c. American society was moving in a positive direction.
d. American society had lost its way.
33. Students involved in the Free Speech Movement at the University of California at Berkeley demonstrated by
a. holding sit-ins and stopping classes.
b. organizing large music festivals.
c. rioting on campus grounds.
d. holding college administrators as hostages.
34. A problem Clinton faced in trying to reduce the federal deficit was
a. entitlement programs.
b. public works programs.
c. schools.
d. the military.
35. In an approach to economic policy that came to be called “Reaganomics,” President Ronald Reagan sought to keep
interest rates high while
a. increasing the amount of money in circulation.
b. cutting spending to reduce the budget deficit.
c. asking Congress to pass a huge tax cut.
d. borrowing heavily to build up the military.
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36. Who wrote the influential book The Other America?
a. Barry Goldwater
b. Michael Harrington
c. Eric Sevareid
d. Earl Warren
37. President Clinton did not submit the Kyoto Protocol to the Senate for ratification because
a. the United States did not want to cut carbon dioxide emissions.
b. most senators were opposed to it.
c. developing nations trying to industrialize would be hurt by the treaty.
d. few nations were going to comply with the emissions reductions proposed.
38. Which of the following statements accurately describes conditions faced by Native Americans in 1970?
a. Average family income for Native Americans and African Americans was about the same.
b. The unemployment rate for Native Americans was much higher than the national average.
c. Nearly 90 percent of all Native Americans lived on reservations.
d. Life expectancy for Native Americans was two years above the national average.
39. For much of the twentieth century, ethnic Mexicans in California and the U.S. Southwest were segregated into barrios
and also faced
a. expanding opportunities.
b. laws banning bilingualism.
c. illegal immigration.
d. employment discrimination.
40. The federal government’s termination policy, launched after World War II, was intended to
a. end inner-city poverty by replacing slums with new high-rise buildings.
b. end the dependence of poor Americans on government aid.
c. bring Native Americans into mainstream society.
d. offer Mexican laborers temporary work on American farms.
41. In the 2000 presidential campaign, both Al Gore and George W. Bush promised to
a. improve public education and lower the cost of health care for everyone.
b. cut taxes and improve public education
c. pass legislation to protect the environment.
d. defend the country against terrorist attacks
42. In the period after NAFTA passed,
a. American workers shifted to less skilled industrial jobs.
b. unemployment rose in the United States.
c. wages fell in the United States.
d. American workers shifted to more skilled jobs or to the service industry.
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43. President Clinton spent much of his time during the second term on
a. foreign policy matters.
b. passing tax cuts.
c. health care reform.
d. increasing federal deficits.
44. After World War II, the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act—popularly called the GI Bill—made it possible for many
returning soldiers to
a. move into the nation’s urban centers.
b. buy homes.
c. find blue-collar jobs.
d. make careers in the military.
45. The House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach President Nixon in the summer of 1974, just days after the
a. ordered the Watergate break-in.
b. fired the special prosecutor investigating Watergate.
c. blocked release of the Watergate tapes.
d. turned over the Watergate tapes.
46. The Environmental Protection Agency sets and enforces pollution standards, promotes research, and
a. identifies endangered species and sets procedures for protecting them.
b. uses DDT to protect crops from insects.
c. organizes citizens in grassroots movements.
d. coordinates antipollution activities with state and local governments.
47. To prevent developing nations from allying themselves with the Soviet Union or falling to Communist uprisings,
President Eisenhower decided to use
a. covert operations.
b. massive retaliation.
c. economic aid.
d. economic embargoes.
48. In the document known as the Long Telegram, U.S. diplomat George Kennan expressed his opinion that the Soviet
Union had major economic and political weaknesses and proposed a policy of
a. confrontation with the Soviets.
b. containment of Soviet expansion.
c. providing aid to European nations.
d. engaging in covert operations.
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49. Members of CORE used ____________________, a form of protest first used by union workers in the 1930s, to
desegregate restaurants
a. bus boycotts
b. sit-ins
c. lockouts
d. freedom marches
50. Robert Kennedy tried to help African Americans register to vote by
a. directing the news media to cover the marches in the South.
b. proposing a voting rights bill to Congress.
c. sending U.S. Marshals to voting booths in the South.
d. having the Justice Department file lawsuits throughout the South.
51. To push for better wages and working conditions for farmworkers, César Chávez organized a successful
a. sit-down strike.
b. national boycott on grapes.
c. advertising and publicity campaign.
d. march on Washington.
52. Senator Joseph McCarthy created the media frenzy that began his anti-Communist witch hunt by
a. claiming he had a list of Communists employed by the U.S. State Department.
b. saying that there were spies in the U.S. army.
c. urging the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) to hold hearings.
d. accusing Alger Hiss of being a Soviet spy.
53. Suburbs accounted for about 85 percent of new home construction in the 1950s, and many people believed suburbs
a. a better life.
b. the GI Bill.
c. homes closer to their jobs.
d. a departure from traditional values.
54. Beginning in the 1950s, large numbers of Puerto Ricans and immigrants from ____________________ arrived in the
United States.
a. Spain
b. Panama
c. Venezuela
d. Cuba
55. Which act granted a pardon to undocumented immigrants already living in the United States?
a. McCarran-Walter Act of 1952
b. Immigration Act of 1965
c. Refugee Act of 1980
d. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
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56. In 1967 Thurgood Marshall became the first African American to
a. attend an all-white school.
b. serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
c. earn a law degree.
d. be voted into Congress.
57. President Richard Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, both believed that
____________________ would lead to establishing positive relations with the United States’ Cold War enemies.
a. engagement and negotiation
b. abandoning the war in Vietnam
c. prosecuting militant antiwar protesters
d. increased manufacture of strategic arms
58. China became an important factor in world trade because
a. increased trade would keep it isolated from the world community.
b. its huge population offered a potential market for American goods.
c. Communist ideology prevented any trade with the West.
d. it had suppressed trade protests in Tiananmen Square.
59. The collapse of the Soviet Union’s economy that began in the late 1980s was caused by
a. revolutions in Eastern Europe and the destruction of the Berlin Wall.
b. inefficient central planning and huge expenditures in the arms race.
c. Boris Yeltsin’s outlawing of the Communist Party in Russia.
d. President Reagan’s policies of “trickle-down” economics.
60. For President Dwight D. Eisenhower, “dynamic conservatism” meant a policy approach that balanced economic
conservatism with
a. an escalation of the Korean War.
b. increases in government aid to American businesses.
c. a program to spend more on schools and public housing.
d. activism in areas that would benefit the country.
61. The informal relationship between the military and the defense industry that some people believe influences
government policy, particularly military spending, is known as
a. an iron curtain.
b. a subversion.
c. a military-industrial complex.
d. massive retaliation.
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62. The 1950s saw major advances in science, including medical breakthroughs that led to improved treatments for
cancer, polio, and
a. pneumonia.
b. Alzheimer’s disease.
c. influenza.
d. heart disease.
63. The post-World War II Red Scare began in 1945, when a clerk in the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa, Canada, defected and
a. started Project Venona in an attempt to crack the Soviet spy code.
b. urged the U.S. government to establish a loyalty review program and pass the McCarran Act.
c. turned over documents proving that Soviets were trying to infiltrate the U.S. government.
d. testified before the U.S. Congress that there were Communists in Hollywood.
64. Issued in 1962, the Port Huron Statement expressed the views of the
a. Students for a Democratic Society.
b. Free Speech Movement.
c. United Farm Workers.
d. National Organization for Women.
65. Although most Americans in the 1950s assumed that the country’s prosperity provided everyone with a comfortable
existence, at least one in five Americans
a. did not have access to medical care.
b. struggled against discrimination.
c. lived in crowded housing projects.
d. lived below the poverty line.
66. The ____________________ called for free elections to unite North Vietnam and South Vietnam under a single
a. War Powers Act
b. Geneva Accords
c. Camp David Accords
d. Pentagon Papers
67. In 2003 _____________________ took command of peacekeeping efforts in Afghanistan.
a. the UN
b. the United States
c. Iraq
68. One advantage President Johnson had––that Kennedy did not––in getting the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed was his
a. close relationships with civil rights leaders.
b. intimate knowledge of how Congress worked.
c. willingness to appoint minorities to his cabinet.
d. ability to convince minorities to vote.
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69. A day camp for children with developmental disabilities, known as Camp Shriver, was the beginning of an effort that
later grew into the
a. Special Olympics.
b. New Frontier.
c. Great Society.
d. War on Poverty.
70. The “axis of evil” was comprised of
a. North Korea, Syria, and Russia.
b. Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.
c. Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.
d. Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
71. The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
a. made several changes to U.S. immigration law.
b. called for building a fence between Mexico and the United States.
c. made it harder to deport undocumented aliens.
d. reduced the penalties for smuggling people into the United States.
72. The United Nations was officially organized in 1945 with a Security Council responsible for international peace and
security. The Security Council could ask its members to
a. take military action to uphold a UN resolution
b. negotiate agreements on trade and development.
c. contain Communist expansion.
d. choose members for the General Assembly.
73. In response to Communist aggression in Greece and Turkey, President Truman outlined a policy known as the
__________________________, which pledged the United States to fight the spread of communism worldwide.
a. Truman Doctrine
b. Berlin Airlift
c. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
d. Marshall Plan
74. A key factor that enabled the U.S. economy to continue to grow after World War II was
a. inflation and higher prices.
b. increased consumer spending.
c. expansion of the labor market.
d. government intervention.
75. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., believed the way to end segregation was through
a. separation from white society.
b. riots and vandalism.
c. nonviolent passive resistance.
d. economic self-improvement.
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76. Dr. King selected Selma, Alabama, for a protest march because
a. violence against Freedom Riders in Selma had been well documented.
b. most African American residents were not registered to vote.
c. opposition to school desegregation was particularly intense in Selma.
d. African Americans were a majority of the population.
77. Which of the following developments helped revitalize the women’s movement in the early 1960s?
a. creation of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women
b. the postwar baby boom of the 1950s
c. adoption of the woman suffrage amendment
d. the debate over the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment
78. In Little Rock, Arkansas, the governor tried to prevent African American students from entering a white high school
a. redrawing the school district.
b. hiring the Ku Klux Klan.
c. closing the school.
d. deploying the National Guard.
79. Those who opposed the United States joining the World Trade Organization worried that
a. a lack of copyright protection would destroy the American entertainment industry.
b. the United States would have to accept rulings in trade disputes that might hurt the economy.
c. no new markets would be opened to American products.
d. the United States would be banned from APEC.
80. The Bush administration claimed that procedures regarding the treatment of prisoners specified in the Geneva
Convention did not apply to terrorists because
a. they were not part of any nation's armed forces.
b. the Geneva Convention did not apply to prisoners held on military bases.
c. their actions outweighed their right to human treatment.
d. they were not charged with a crime.
81. The process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected is called
a. free trade.
b. internationalism.
c. democratization.
d. globalization.
82. As cable television spread across the country in the late 1970s and 1980s, many of the new networks that appeared
specialized in one type of broadcasting or
a. focused on specific audiences.
b. broadcast music videos.
c. sold low-cost programs via satellite.
d. promoted specific businesses.
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83. During the 1960 election campaign, television aired its first
a. presidential speech.
b. results of the election.
c. presidential debate.
d. political commentary.
84. President Harry Truman’s legislative agenda included expanding Social Security, increasing the minimum wage, and
promoting employment through federal spending and investment, as well as
a. ending government price and rent controls.
b. a federal highway bill.
c. a broad civil rights bill.
d. abolishing the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
85. While liberals generally believe that the government should help disadvantaged Americans through social programs,
many conservatives believe that social problems can be solved through
a. government welfare programs.
b. limiting the power of big business.
c. limiting the power of the wealthy.
d. religious faith and private efforts.
86. Who overthrew the Diem government in 1963?
a. a group of Buddhist monks
b. a group of Vietnamese generals
c. the Vietcong
d. the U.S. government
87. Latino organizations formed in the 1960s included the United Farm Workers, the Mexican American Youth
Organization, and
a. the Bracero program.
b. La Raza Unida.
c. the League of United Latin American Citizens.
d. Students for a Democratic Society.
88. Which nation allowed the United States to attack Iraq from its territory in 2003?
a. Kuwait
b. Turkey
c. Saudi Arabia
d. Iran
89. The Equal Rights Amendment failed to become part of the Constitution because
a. the American public voted against ratification.
b. not enough states ratified the amendment by a deadline.
c. opposition by conservative groups blocked passage.
d. Congress did not pass the amendment.
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90. A main reason President Johnson refused to order a full-scale invasion of North Vietnam was his fear that it would
a. bring China into the war.
b. horrify the American public, ruining him politically.
c. result in the loss of American lives.
d. strengthen the North Vietnamese will to fight.
91. Kennedy was unable to pass many of his domestic programs because
a. the Democrats held only a small majority in the Senate.
b. Republicans controlled the most influential committees in Congress.
c. the Republicans held a large majority in the House of Representatives.
d. many Democrats in Congress believed the New Frontier was too expensive.
92. Reapportionment as required by the Warren Court shifted more political power to
a. Southern whites.
b. poor rural farmers.
c. corporations.
d. African Americans.
93. The Southern Manifesto encouraged white Southerners to
a. obey local law enforcement.
b. march against civil rights.
c. embrace desegregation.
d. defy the Supreme Court.
94. The central message of H. Ross Perot’s 1992 presidential campaign was the need to
a. end deficit spending.
b. increase government regulation.
c. cut taxes for the middle class.
d. increase taxes on wealthy Americans.
95. In the 1950s, many Americans stereotyped young people who favored unconventional clothing and hairstyles as
a. members of minority groups.
b. unpatriotic.
c. juvenile delinquents.
d. victims of discrimination.
96. The crisis in Iran that undermined Jimmy Carter’s presidency began in November 1979, when
a. the Shah, a monarch supported by the United States, was forced to flee the country.
b. militants stormed the American embassy in Tehran and took 52 Americans hostage.
c. religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini declared an Islamic republic in Iran.
d. Carter helped broker a historic peace treaty known as the Camp David Accords.
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97. Détente began when President Nixon
a. signed the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty.
b. announced his policy of New Federalism.
c. set out to improve relations with China's communist government.
d. attended an American-Soviet summit.
98. A UN resolution set a deadline for Iraq to take several actions including
a. giving weapons inspectors more time to find evidence of a weapons program.
b. surrendering Osama bin Laden to the United States.
c. readmitting weapons inspectors and declaring its weapons of mass destruction.
d. surrendering Saddam Hussein to be tried for crimes against humanity.
99. The Dayton Accords was an agreement intended to bring peace to
a. Afghanistan.
b. Kosovo.
c. Haiti.
d. Bosnia.
100. The purpose of the Warren Commission was to investigate
a. the relationship between Cuba and the Soviet Union.
b. allegations of a conspiracy in Kennedy’s assassination.
c. the result of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
d. who was responsible for the Bay of Pigs.
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