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Part 1:
The Byzantine and Islamic Empires
1. Who divided Rome into two administrative districts?
2. Who influenced Theodosius I to make Christianity the official state religion?
3. What two major events was Constantine known for?
4. Who was the Byzantine Emperor that recaptured a large part of the old Roman
5. Who captured the capital city of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 resulting with the fall
of the Empire.
6. What is considered Islam’s holiest shrine?
7. What is the second largest religion on earth? Are all members of this religion radical
extremist that want to kill everyone that is not Muslim? .
8. What does the word Islam mean in English? What does the word Muslim mean in
9. Who do the religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism trace their beginnings?
10. What are the two main Islamic sects? Which one is the largest and the smallest? How
are their beliefs different?
11. What is the Muslim word for god?
12. What is the holly book of Islam?
13. Name the Five Pillars of Islam.
14. Define Jihad?
15. The Spread of Islam in Europe was stop at what battle? What country did it take place
16. Who were the Moors of Spain?
Part 2.
Geography of Medieval Europe
Constantine to Charlemagne
The Magyar’s
The Vikings
1. What are the rivers and large bodies of water bodies of water in and around Europe?
2. What are the main mountain ranges in Europe?
3. What leader conquered Rome? Where was he from? Who was the leader of Rome?
What was the year?
4. What three kingdoms were allied with the Ostragoths in Italy?
5. How did the Merovingians find Christianity?
6. Who united all of the Franks and to which dynasty did he belong?
7. What was the role of the Merovingian count?
8. What was important about the Mayor of the Palace?
9. Who was the first Carolingian king?
10. Who stopped the Muslim advance into Europe? What dynasty did he found?
11. How did the Pope and Charlemagne help each other?
12. What were the reforms of Charlemagne?
13. Why did the death of Louis the Pious lead to the end of the Carolingian Empire?
14. What is historically important about Einhard?
15. Where did the Magyars come from?
16. How did the Magyars affect the Kings of Europe?
17. How were the Magyars defeated?
18. How did the church help the Magyars become allies with the Holy Roman Empire?
What did the King of Hungary do to make this possible?
19. Where did the Viking originate?
20. How were the Vikings able to travel and fight throughout Europe?
21. Where did the Vikings attack that seemed so terrible to the English?
22. Although they had been fighting a war, what did King Guthrum’s conversion to
Christianity lead to?
23. What did the Varangian Rus do for a living?
24. Describe what waterways the Varangian traders used to get from their capital at
Lagoda to the Mediterranean? The Caspian Sea?
Part 3:
The Normans
The Church
1. Where did the Normans live?
2. Where did the Normans conquer?
3. What did Charles the Bald ask the nobles to do to defend against the Normans?
4. How did Charles the Simple make peace with the Normans?
5. Harold Godwinson victory over Harald Hardråde marks what point in English history?
6. How did William I change England?
7. What was the name of England’s first census?
8. Norman’s fought as mercenaries for which eastern empire?
9. Which empire did the Normans take Sicily and Southern Italy from?
10. During the First Crusade, what country in Asia Minor did the Normans form?
11. Who is the head of the Catholic Church and who are his advisors?
12. What was the political role of the Church during the Middle Ages?
13. What was the Church’s social role during the Middle Ages?
14. Pepin III and Charlemagne both helped the Church in what way?
15. The German king Otto I granted independence to what states?
16. Who controlled who could be Pope in the 10th century?
17. Which Holy Roman Emperor controlled the Papacy until his death?
18. Who could vote for the pope as the result of the Normans swearing Fealty?
19. Define Fealty
20. What tells you that Pope Gregory VII thought he was more powerful than kings or
21. What was the Investiture Controversy about?
22. What was the Iconoclastic Controversy? And what were the final results of the
23. Who controlled the Popes at Avignon?
24. Who influenced Pope Gregory IX to return to Rome?
25. Which two cities were involved in the Western Schism?
This Part covers these sections:
Religious Orders
The Universities
Science, Philosophy and Literature
1. What were the 4 major religious orders of the medieval Catholic Church?
2.What kind of social services were provided for by monasteries?
3. He is the patron saint of animals, birds, and the environment.
4. What social services did monasteries provide?
5. What is the difference between a monk and a friar?
6. What are the four basic charisms of the Catholic monastic orders?
7. What did Benedict of Nursia support monastic separation from?
8. What are the three most important ideas of the “Rule of St. Benedict?”
9. What did the rule of Saint Augustine emphasize?
10.What was the role of a cathedral school?
11.What were the first medieval universities called?
12.What was necessary to become an abbot, an archbishop, or a cardinal?
13. What is important about an archdiocese? Who is in charge of it?
14. Explain Scholasticism
15. What was particularly important about the method of analysis of Roger Bacon?
16.Compare Saint Basil to Saint Benedict.
17. What did the Abbasids do with paper books?
18. What was the occupation of Rhazes and Avicenna?
19. Al Battani helped to preserve the ideas of which Greek astronomer, mathematician
and geographer?
20. Who influenced Europe’s intellectual, medical, and mathematical thinking in the
middle Ages?
21. Who is known as Europe’s first professional woman writer?
22. What genre of literature did Marie de France write?
23. What was “Natural Law” according to Saint Thomas Aquinas?
24. What Empire did Marco Polo write about?
25. What was the purpose of hagiographies?
26. Describe what was Beowulf ?
27. What makes the Song of Roland historically significant?
28. Who is the Nibelungenlied written about?
29. What did Troubadours do?
30. Describe Courtly Love
31. What did Geoffrey Chaucer write?
32. From what two social classes are Tristan and Iseult from?
This student worksheet covers these sections:
Art and Architecture
Feudalism, Commerce, and Law
1. What were the main time periods of medieval art?
2. Why is The Bayeux Tapestry more than an interesting needlework?
3. What distinguishes Gothic Art?
4. What one word can be used to describe Romanesque architecture?
5. What was Gothic architecture designed to make a person feel?
6. The Feudal system was a set of relationships between which groups?
7. Why do Islamic artist not paint pictures of Allah?
8. What was the obligation of serfs and freemen to the lord under manoralism?
9. How can a feudal system can be described?
10. What institution surrounded all of Feudal society?
11. What was the relationship between a vassal and a lord?
12. Who were the warrior class of the nobility?
13. What was the code of ethics for knights called?
14. What was the land given by a lord to a vassal called?
15. Describe a serf.
16. What occupations did Freemen have?
17 What did guilds control?
18. Who administered a diocese?
19. Who supervised a parish?
20.What was the difference in manufacturing in England, France, and Italy?
21. What was the duty of a jury under Henry II?
22. What would a person have to walk across during the trial by fire?
23. What did the Magna Carta protect?
24. What does Habeas Corpus protect an individual from?
25. Who did the Curia Regis advise?
26. What can people do when assembled in Parliament?
27. Explain inheritance of property regarding women under the Brehon laws.
This Part covers these sections:
Medieval Castles
Medieval Warfare
The Crusades
1. What were four uses of a castle?
2. What is a motte-and-bailey?
3. Describe the large skilled workforce needed to construct castles.
4. What was used to protect the entrances to many medieval castles?
5. How did a battlement help soldiers to defend the castle?
6. What could be raised or lowered to protect a castle entrance?
7. Where did the stone come from for the White Tower of the Tower of London?
8. According to the plan for the Tower of London, what three kinds of spaces were given
to the queen?
9. What two improvements did Henry III make to the Tower of London?
10. Edward I made what kind of defensive improvement to the Tower of London?
11. What were the two major changes to warfare in medieval times?
12. What technology revolutionized the use of horses in the military?
13. What was a knight?
14. What made the crossbow effective against knights?
15. What defensive technique was used by foot soldiers against cavalry and charging
16. What was the difference between a Jack of plate and plate mail?
17. List three kind of siege engines used to attack castle walls.
18. Why were cannons used in sieges?
19. Why did navies use Greek fire?
20. What were four medieval fighting ships?
21. What two major powers fought during the Hundred Years’ War?
22 What did the Hundred Years’ War do to the government of England?
23. What resulted from the efforts of Joan of Arc?
24. What was the struggle for the thrown of England between the York and Lancaster
families called?
War of the Roses
11. Who called for a crusade at the Council of Clairmont?
12. Where did the crusading armies join forces before heading for Jerusalem?
13. Who fought in the first crusade?
14. Who was the first Christian king of Jerusalem?
15. What name was given to all of the Crusader states?
16. Who defeated the armies of the crusader states at the Battle of Hattin?
17. What was the cause of the second crusade?
18. What agreement did King Richard of England make with Saladin after the third
19. What event happened to Constantinople during the fourth crusade?
20. List the Christian states who joined in the fifth crusade.
21. How did the sixth and ninth crusades end?
22. How did the seventh and eight crusades end?
23. How did The Knights Hospitaller begin?
24. What was the role of the Knights Templar?
25. The Medieval Teutonic Knights controlled territory in what modern day countries?
26. What Islamic dynasty based in Egypt defeated the last crusader state?
This Part covers these sections:
The Reconquista
Medieval Jewish Life
Black death and Famine
Social Consequences of the Black Death
1. Define the Reconquista.
2. Which two Muslim groups conquered the Iberian Peninsula from the Visigoths?
3. Where was the capital of the Umayyad dynasty during the Reconquista?
4. What was distinctive about Cordoba?
5. Which two Christian kingdoms united against the Muslims?
6. In what year did the Reconquista end?
7. What was the Sicut Judaeis Non?
8. From what countries were Jews expelled?
9. For what two reasons were Jews killed during the Black Death?
10. What would The Ordinances of the Jews, 1194 be used for?
11. What were typical Jewish livelihoods during the Middle Ages?
12. How did the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba treat Jews?
13. Describe Maimonides.
14. What happened to agricultural production during the medieval warm period?
15. What happened for three years during the “Little Ice Age”?
16. According to the chart of European population, the actual population of Europe
declined by how many million people during the Black Death?
17. What were two social affects of the Great Famine of 1315-1317?
18. What causes Black Death?
19. Why was Caffa an important city?
20. How did the Tatars spread the Black Death into Caffa?
21. How did the plague move through Europe on ships?
22. In general, what was the path of the Plague through Europe?
23. What kind of goods were carried on trade ships from China?
24. What was important about the cities were first infected by the Black Death?
25. Define scapegoat.
26. What term is used for organized mass murder of Jews in medieval Europe?
27. Which populations were most seriously killed off during the Black Death?
28. What new right did the Catholic Church grant women because of the Black Death?
29. What did serfs do during the Black Death?
30. What did economic pressures from the Black Death and the Hundred Years’ War
cause peasants to do?
31. Some historians believe that the Black Death helped bring about which new era?