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Honors Physics 2012 Objectives
In physics, SBG on August 10, 2011 at 8:01 AM
Here are my updated objectives for the year. For information on how I use them,
read about conjunctive standards-based grading or check out my SBG cheat sheet.
I limited myself to 5 objectives maximum per model this year.
The italicized parts are not strictly part of the objective. Instead, they are extra
pieces of information to help flesh out what we’re looking to see students do. As
always, feel free to steal/modify/etc.
I teach this class using Modeling Instruction (TM) (MI), and these objectives are
based on my take on that curriculum. Where applicable (and where it varies from
mine), I’ve added in the MI name for each model.
0.1 A I treat vectors and scalars differently and distinguish between the two.
Vectors have a magnitude and a direction.
Scalars only have a magnitude.
0.2 A I can graphically add and subtract vectors.
Add vectors head-to-tail.
Subtract vectors tail-to-tail.
0.3 A I can break a vector into components.
Turn the vector into a right triangle and use trigonometry.
0.4 A I report answers with a reasonable amount of precision, given the measurements provided.
Consider the range of each number and the possible range of your answer when choosing how specifically to report it.
0.5 A I can use a graphical vector construction to calculate 2-D kinematics quantities.
CVPM (Constant Velocity Particle Model)
1.1 A CVPM I can draw and interpret diagrams to represent the motion of an object moving with a constant
Includes position-vs-time graphs, velocity-vs-time graphs, motion maps.
Recognize the features of a diagram that represent constant velocity vs. changing velocity.
Be able to translate from one graph to another or to describe the motion in words based on the graph.
Find the average velocity using the slope of an x-t graph.
Find the change in position using the area beneath a v-t graph.
1.2 B CVPM I differentiate between position, distance, and displacement.
1.3 B CVPM I can solve problems involving average speed and average velocity.
BFPM (Balanced Forces Particle Model, MI’s Unit
4: Free Particle Model)
2.1 A BFPM I can draw a properly labeled free body diagram showing all forces acting on an object.
I can identify surrounding objects interacting with an object, and the forces they exert on the object.
I know when two surfaces must be experiencing a friction interaction.
2.2 A BFPM When given one force, I can describe its N3L force pair.
2.3 A BFPM I can relate balanced/unbalanced forces to an object’s constant/changing motion.
Be able to determine the direction of the net force based on the object’s motion.
2.4 B BFPM I can use N1L to quantitatively determine the forces acting on an object moving at a constant
2.5 B BFPM I can draw a force vector addition diagram for an object experiencing no net force.
CAPM (Constant Acceleration Particle Model, MI’s
Unit 3: Uniformly Accelerating Particle Model)
3.1 A CAPM I can draw and interpret diagrams to represent the motion of an object moving with a changing
Includes position-vs-time graphs, velocity-vs-time graphs, motion maps.
Find the instantaneous or average velocity from the slope of the x-t graph.
Find average acceleration from the slope of a v-t graph.
Find change-in-position from the area beneath a v-t graph.
Find change-in-velocity from the area beneath an a-t graph.
Describe the motion of an object in words based on a motion diagram/graph.
3.2 A CAPM I differentiate between acceleration and velocity.
Also differentiate between velocity and change-in-velocity.
3.3 B CAPM I correctly interpret the meaning of the sign of the acceleration.
The sign of the acceleration matches the sign of the slope on the velocity-vs-time graph.
3.4 B CAPM I can describe the motion of an object in words using the velocity-vs-time graph.
3.5 B CAPM I can solve problems using kinematics concepts.
UBFPM (Unbalanced Forces Particle Model, MI’s
Unit 5: Constant Force Particle Model)
4.1 A UBFPM I use multiple diagrams and graphs to represent objects moving at a changing velocity.
Motion graphs (x-, v-, a-t), motion map, FBD, vector addition diagram, system schema.
4.2 A UBFPM My FBDs look qualitatively accurate (balanced or unbalanced in the correct directions, relative
sizes of forces).
4.3 B UBFPM I can solve problems using Newton’s 2nd Law (Fnet = ma).
4.4 B UBFPM I can draw a force vector addition diagram for an object experiencing a net force.
COMM (Conservation of Momentum Model, MI’s
Unit 9: Impulsive Force Model)
5.1 A COMM I can calculate the momentum of and the impulse on an object (or system) with direction and
proper units.
5.2 A COMM I can draw and analyze momentum bar charts for 1-D interactions (IF charts).
Know the difference between momentum and velocity (and which is conserved in a collision… hint: it is momentum, not
Identify when the impulse on a system is zero or non-zero.
5.3 A COMM I treat momentum as a vector quantity.
5.4 B COMM I can explain a situation in words using momentum concepts.
5.5 B COMM I can use the conservation of momentum to solve 2-D problems.
Use a graphical vector construction or double IF charts (momentum components).
PMPM (Projectile Motion Particle Model, MI’s
Unit 6: 2-D Particle Models)
6.1 B PMPM I can solve problems involving objects experiencing projectile motion.
Identify when an object is in free fall (the only force acting on it is F g).
Use CVPM for x-direction motion, CAPM for y-direction motion of a projectile.
6.2 B PMPM I can accurately represent a projectile in multiple ways (graphs, diagrams, etc).
Draw separate x- and y- position, velocity, acceleration graphs for the projectile.
ETM (Energy Transfer Model, MI’s Unit 7: Energy)
7.1 A ETM I can use words, diagrams, pie charts, and bar graphs (LOLs) to represent the way the flavor and
total amount of energy in a system changes (or doesn’t change).
7.2 A ETM I identify when the total energy of a system is changing or not changing, and I can identify the
reason for the change.
Differentiate between when energy is stored in a system and energy is transferred into or out of a system.
7.3 B ETM I identify thermal energy as the random motion of the tiny particles of a substance.
7.4 B ETM I can use the relationship between the force applied to an object and the displacement of the object
to calculate the work done on that object.
I can calculate the work done when the force and the displacement are not in the same direction.
I can calculate the work done by a particular force as well as the net work done to an object or system.
I can find the change in energy for an object by calculating the area under an F-displacement graph.
7.5 B ETM I can use the conservation of energy to solve problems, starting from my fundamental principle.
I can identify multiple snapshots (states) to analyze for a system in a given situation.
I can define different systems for the same situation, and I can represent the energy and how it changes (or doesn’t
change) for each system definition.
OPM (Oscillating Particle Model, Part of the MI
Waves materials, or the Linear Binding Force
8.1 B OPM I can draw/interpret motion, force, and energy graphs for an oscillating particle.
8.2 B OPM I can identify simple harmonic motion and relate it to a linear restoring force.
CFPM (Central Force Particle Model, MI’s Unit 8,
of the same name and including Uniform Circular
9.1 A CFPM I can calculate the magnitude and direction of the acceleration for a particle experiencing UCM.
The direction of the acceleration and net force should be toward the center of the circle if the object is in UCM.
9.2 B CFPM I can use Newton’s 2nd Law to solve problems for a particle experiencing UCM.
I can use N2L in component form to solve problems for a particle experiencing UCM.
9.3 B CFPM I can use the Universal Law of Gravitation to solve problems.
9.4 B CFPM I can use the conservation of energy to calculate the escape velocity for an object.
COMM 2 (Conservation of Momentum Model, Part
10.1 A COMM I can determine whether or not a collision was elastic by analyzing the motion information.
10.2 A COMM I can qualitatively represent the energy stored before and after any collision.
10.3 B COMM I can solve a problem involving a collision or explosion by employing two fundamental
We’re planning to do some CASTLE (modeling version) work after the first 10 units. This is a change in our
curriculum, so we haven’t completely finalized what we’re doing yet. I will update this page when we have set
our objectives for the last couple months of the school year. So, watch this space. But not too closely. It won’t
happen that quickly. Go do other fun things for a while.