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Do you have both viruses & bacteria
Titanium 5 + PH-M
Single-vaccine solution protects against
BRD-causing viruses & bacteria at every stage of production
M. haemolytica • P. multocida
BVD (1 & 2) • IBR • PI3 • BRSV
Titanium 5 + PH-M delivers a broad immune response against the bacteria and viruses most associated
with bovine respiratory disease (BRD) in a single vaccine for cattle as young as 2 months of age.1-4
Managing the BRD complex — enhance immunity;
reduce exposure to disease
The BRD Complex
The many factors affecting a calf’s ability to contract BRD can be grouped into
three categories that interact with one another: the infectious pathogens, the
environment and the status of the calf. While some of these factors are within
our control, many are not.
That’s why your veterinarian uses best management practices and preventive
measures, including vaccinations, to enhance the animal’s immune system.
Disease prevention can best be described as a two-pronged approach:
• Increase the animal’s ability to overcome disease challenges through
vaccination, which builds a stronger immune system
• Lower the level of exposure to disease through best management practices —
this is especially critical during stressful events (e.g., weaning,
transporting, commingling)
• climate
• air
• management
• immune system
• nutrition
• stress
• bacteria
• viruses
• toxins
Viruses and bacteria — a powerful one-two punch on the immune system
While respiratory viruses can cause BRD on their own, they also can compromise the immune
system that normally protects cattle against bacteria, allowing bacteria to attack their host and
cause severe cases of BRD.
• When cattle are exposed to respiratory viruses — such as bovine viral diarrhea (BVD),
parainfluenza3 (PI3), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and bovine respiratory syncytial
virus (BRSV) — their immune system can be weakened
• Once the immune system is compromised, bacteria including Mannheimia haemolytica and
Pasteurella multocida can more easily go deeper into the respiratory tract where they
cause disease
• When bacterial pathogens reach the lungs, they are a major cause of severe BRD, causing
increased morbidity, mortality, and labor and treatment costs
BRD is still your No. 1 profit robber
• BRD accounts for 75 percent of feedlot morbidity, and
50 to 75 percent of mortality, costing the industry an
estimated $800 to $900 million annually5-8
• BRD-related factors also contribute to a reduction in
average daily gain by as much as 0.3 to 0.5 lbs9,10
• And what about subclinical cases? One study
showed that 68 percent of untreated calves had
pulmonary lesions at slaughter, demonstrating that
a significant number of animals never diagnosed
with BRD do, in fact, suffer from some degree of
respiratory disease11
Helping your cattle overcome the one-two punch of
viruses and bacteria requires a vaccine solution
that provides a broad immune response against the
bacteria and viruses most associated with BRD.
Do you have
viruses &
Titanium 5 + PH-M
Titanium 5 + PH-M — the convenience and flexibility of a single
vaccine that protects against BRD-causing viruses and bacteria
•Protects against the
respiratory viruses and
bacteria most associated
with BRD
Protects against the two bacteria most associated with BRD:1
• Mannheimia haemolytica — the bacterium most frequently isolated from lungs
of cattle with BRD
• Pasteurella multocida — an important cause of bacterial pneumonia
•Offers the convenience of
a single vaccine at every
stage of production
Also protects against five important virus strains:2,3
• BVD, types 1 and 2
• PI3
Approved for use in cattle 2 months of age and older, Titanium 5 + PH-M is flexible
enough to be incorporated into virtually any vaccine protocol. Producers should work
with their veterinarian to determine the best way to incorporate Titanium 5 + PH-M. As a
general guide, it fits well in branding and/or preconditioning vaccine protocols, as well as
in arrival programs for stocker and feedyard operations.
•Contains a researchproven M. haemolytica
leukotoxoid and other
antigens to stimulate
an immune response to
BRD-causing viruses
and bacteria
•Includes a low-reactive,
water-soluble adjuvant,
and is proven safe for
cattle as young as
2 months of age
•Its low-volume,
administration meets
Beef Quality Assurance
(BQA) guidelines
Titanium 5 + PH-M — proven effective and
safe at every stage of production
Evaluated under U.S. Department of Agriculture requirements,
Titanium 5 + PH-M was proven safe and effective for cattle at all
stages of production, with no interference between the viral and
bacterial components of the vaccine. Research comparing
vaccinated calves to controls after infection with M. haemolytica
showed Titanium 5 + PH-M:1
• Reduced lung lesions* by 82 percent (P < 0.01)
• Reduced clinical signs of infection significantly (P < 0.01)
Learn more about
Titanium 5 + PH-M —
the new single-vaccine solution
that’s approved for cattle as
young as 2 months of age.
*Mitigated fraction: the effect of a vaccine in reducing severity of disease.
Figure 1. M. Haemolytica Challenge Study Survival Rate1
Survival Rate
Group 1: PH-M
Group 2: Titanium 5 + PH-M
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Studies also showed Titanium 5 + PH-M:
• Provided the same viral protection (BVD, types 1 and 2, IBR,
PI3, BRSV) as Titanium 52,3
• Protected against severe clinical signs of BRD1-3
• Resulted in no adverse events beyond minimal injection-site
Figure 2. Titanium 5 + PH-M Safety Study Injection-Site Evaluation4
Injection-site swelling measurements
<1.5 cm
1.5 - 5 cm
>5 cm
Percent of animals
Day 21
Day 25-27
Milliken, G. A. 2013. Mannheimia haemolytica efficacy studies demonstrating the absence
of excessive interference of Titanium products with the Mannheimia haemolytica-Pasteurella
multocida bacterin-toxoid.
Demonstration of the compatibility of components between APHIS product codes 1181.20
(Establishment 213) and G935.04 (Establishment 315) APHIS product code 45B9.20. Study
No. 2010-01 Rev. 1.
Efficacy study for BRSV fraction to demonstrate compatibility of the BRSV component in
APHIS product code: 45B9.20 (unlicensed). Study No. 2011-05 Rev. 1.
Porter, M. 2011. Field safety evaluation of bovine rhinotracheitis-virus diarrheaparainfluenza3-respiratory syncytial virus vaccine, modified live virus, APHIS product code
1181.20 (establishment 213) in combination with Mannheimia haemolytica-Pasteurella
multocida bacterin-toxoid, APHIS product code: G935.04 (establishment 315). Protocol No.
2011-01, Rev. 02.
Edwards, A. J. 1996. Respiratory Diseases of Feedlot Cattle in the Central USA. Bovine
Practitioner. 30:5-7.
Galyean, M. L., L. J. Perino and G. C. Duff. 1999. Interaction of Cattle Health/Immunity and
Nutrition. J. Anim. Sci. 77:1120-1134.
Loneragan, G. H., D. A. Dargatz, P. S. Morley, and M. A. Smith. 2001. Trends in Mortality
Ratios Among Cattle in US Feedlots. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 219:1122-1127.
Chirase, N. K. and L. W. Greene. 2001. Dietary zinc and manganese sources administered
from the fetal stage onwards affect immune response of transit stressed and virus infected
offspring steer calves. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 93:217-228.
Smith, R. A. 1998. Impact of Disease on Feedlot Performance: A Review. J. Anim. Sci.
Bateman K. G., S. W. Martin, P. E. Shewen and P. I. Menzies. 1990. An evaluation of
antimicrobial therapy for undifferentiated bovine respiratory disease. Can. Vet. J. 31:689-696.
Wittum T. E., N. E. Woollen, L. J. Perino and E. T. Littledike. 1996. Relationships among
treatment for respiratory tract disease, pulmonary lesions evident at slaughter, and rate of
weight gain in feedlot cattle. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. Aug 15;209(4):814-8.
Day 4-6
The label contains complete use information, including
cautions and warnings. Always read, understand and follow
the label and use directions. Do not vaccinate within 21 days
of slaughter.
Day 42
Calves vaccinated on Day 1 and revaccinated on Day 21.
The Titanium line of vaccines is a brand
you’ve come to trust — the brand that
brought you the first type 2 BVD
modified-live virus (MLV) vaccine.
Elanco, Titanium® and the diagonal bar are trademarks owned or
licensed by Eli Lilly and Company, its subsidiaries or affiliates.
© 2014 Elanco Animal Health.
VAC 31892-2