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Chapter 15 World War II
The Allies Turn the Tide
A. Axis and Allies Plan Strategy
1. Battle of Coral Sea and Battle of Britain gave allies hope
2. Allies wanted to stop all Axis powers
3. Axis Powers had individual reasons for fighting
B. Turning the Tide in Europe
1. U.S. factories become War Machine – make enough weapons for all allies
2. Allies Battle U-boats in the Atlantic
a. U-Boats attempted to keep America from restocking allies
b. Convoy System, and Radar help the cause
i. Convoys protected merchant ships
ii. Radar helped locate U-Boats on the surface at night
3. Soviets Turn Back Nazis at Stalingrad
a. Soviets were lines were bending but Hitler’s troops could not push through
b. Hitler wanted to get oil fields in Russia
c. The will to not lose was greater among the Soviets than the Germans
i. German troops were forced to surrender
ii. Hitler gave up plans of controlling all of Europe
4. Allies Drive Germans Out of North Africa
a. Allies chose to attack Italian Army in Northern Africa because it took less planning than a European
i. Dwight Eisenhower commanded African Invasion for Allies
ii. Erwin Rommel led Axis troops
b. Axis lack of supplies help Allies win
c. Allies begin to realize best way to stop Axis advances is by being aggressive
i. George S. Patton – takes over for Eisenhower and finishes defeat of Axis powers in Africa
C. Increasing the Pressure on Germany
1. FDR Announces Axis powers must unconditionally surrender to all Allied troops
2. Allies Invade Italy
a. Successes in Africa helped Allies decide to attack “the soft underbelly of Europe”
b. Led by Eisenhower, Allies troops work way up into Italy and force Italian surrender
i. Benito Mussolini surrenders September 3, 1943
ii. New Italian government joins the Allies
3. Bombers Batter Germany
a. Saturation bombing – continuously bombing German cities at night to inflict damage on anything
b. Strategic Bombing – bombing raids during the day that went after specific targets
i. Tuskegee Airmen
a) All Black air squadron who escorted bombers to their targets
b) Never lost a single bomber
c. Allies lost a lot of bombers but created a lot of damage
D. Turning the Tide in the Pacific
1. Turning Point: Americans Triumph at Midway
a. Japanese want to continue what they started at Pearl Harbor
Midway Islands
a) island halfway between U.S. and Japan
b) had U.S. Navy base there
c) losing midway would make the American Navy return to California for any supplies
b. U.S. learned of Japanese attack and were well prepared
c. Concentrated U.S. forces defeated spread out Japanese forces at midway
d. Battle of Midway was turning point of the war in the Pacific
i. Japan would never again threaten Hawaii or the U.S. Coast
2. Americans Take the Offensive
a. Island hopping strategy takes hold
b. Guadalcanal – small island near the coast of Japan
i. U.S. wanted to take Japanese military base here so they had places to refuel and regroup
II. The Home Front
A. New Economic Opportunities
1. Women Work for Victory
a. Rosie the Riveter
i. Image of American women with “rolled up sleeves, red kerchief, and a rivet gun” gave Americans
image of what women need to do to win the war
b. War gave women opportunities in factories and Offices
i. Women would take on management roles
c. Women’s experiences in the war would help create opportunities for women after the war
d. Gov’t built day care systems to watch after kids who were not in school
2. African Americans Demand Fair Employment
a. Some blacks got gov’t jobs, but there was still a lot of discrimination and segregation
b. Black leaders thought victory abroad would create a victory at home
i. “Double V” campaign
a) Prove the worth of blacks to the American people on two fronts
c. Executive Order 8802
i. Fair hiring practices for minorities in any job funded by the government
d. Black movements will help set up civil rights movements in the 1960’s
B. Workers on the Move
1. The Population Starts to shift
a. Gov’t programs in regional areas fostered movement of people, especially in south and south west
b. Bra cero Program – U.S. brought Mexican labor force into rural areas to work on farms
i. Faced discrimination
ii. Beginning of many years of migration to work on American farms
2. Migration Trigger Conflict
a. Riots in Detroit of Black housing
b. Mexican’s
i. Had to learn new language and find decent living conditions
ii. Zoot suitors – group of Mexicans who dressed alike to show cohesion amongst themselves
iii. Did not have law on their side, could be arrested for incidents not started by them (Los Angeles)
C. A Challenge to Civil Liberties
1. Aliens Face Restrictions
a. Immigrants could be deported if they were deemed dangerous to National Security
b. Federal gov’t evacuated foreigners from west coast
i. Place some in concentration camps
ii. Others had restrictions and curfews
c. Japanese Aliens
i. Executive Order 9066 – designated certain areas as war zones from which anyone might be removed
a) Issei – Japanese immigrants
b) Nisei – Native born Americans of Japanese descent
ii. It was easier to identify Japanese Americans, thus easier to pick on
2. Japanese Americans are Interned
a. Internment – temporary internment of members of a specific group
i. Issei and Nisei had to stay in camps for the remainder of the war
ii. Camps were underfunded and poor
iii. In 1988 the gov’t apologized to survivors of internment and gave each 20,000
b. 442nd Regimental Combat Team
i. Most decorated military unit in American history
ii. All Japanese
D. Supporting the War Effort
1. Gov’t raised taxes on workers
2. War Bonds –loaning the gov’t money as an investment
3. The Government Manages the Economy
a. Office of Price administration
i. Controlled wages and set prices
b. Rationing – gov’t gave out coupon books for certain goods
i. Black market was set up to scam ration system
4. Media Boosts Morale
a. Office of War Information
i. Films portraying dictatorships vs. Democracy
ii. Propaganda
iii. Short stories
iv. Volunteering by media stars to sell war bonds
v. Victory Gardens
vi. “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, and do without”
III. Victory in Europe and the Pacific
A. Planning Germany’s Defeat
1. Stalin wanted British and Americans to open up second front in Europe
a. Felt the Allies needed to divide Germany’s troops
2. FDR agreed with Stalin and an attack was planned
B. D-Day Invasion of Normandy
1. Eisenhower plans the Invasion
a. Operation Overlord – largest sea and air invasion in history
b. Attacking Five beaches in Normandy (Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword)
c. Allies set up dummy division in Britain to hopefully get Germany’s attention in the wrong direction
2. Heroes Storm the Beaches
a. D-Day, June 6, 1944
i. Planes first to destroy German re-supply line
b. Allies win battle and opened second front in Europe
C. Liberation of Europe
1. Allies Advance
a. Forced into a two front war, the German army began losing
i. Liberated Paris by August 1944
b. Hitler’s troops attempted assassination plot against him, July 1944
2. Germany Counter attacks
a. Hitler’s last major surge into Enemy lines
b. Battle of the Bulge
i. Hitler put everything he had into the battle but still lost
ii. Almost broke through enemy lines, but didn’t
iii. Demoralizing episode for German Soldiers, costing many lives
3. Allies Push to Victory
a. By January 1945
i. Russia was outside Berlin
ii. U.S. took Italy and captured Mussolini
iii. American and British Troops were in Germany
b. Hitler Commits suicide and Germany army is forced to surrender
i. May 7, 1945, VE Day
D. Advancing in the Pacific
1. Island Hoping
a. Capturing some Japanese-held islands and ignoring others in a steady path toward Japan
2. Japanese Troops Fight to the Death
a. Japanese military would rather die that become POW
i. Often times committed suicide
ii. Kamikaze – deliberately killing themselves while harming the opponent
3. American Forces Near Japan
a. Iwo Jima and Okinawa
i. Islands close to Japan
ii. Americans faced massive resistance from Japanese soldiers
iii. Okinawa cost 50,000 casualties
iv. From those two bases, American planes could take off and bomb Japan
a) Tokyo raids
E. The Atomic Bomb Ends the War
1. The Manhattan Project Develops the A-Bomb
a. Albert Einstein pushed FDR into Atomic research
b. Robert Oppenheimer
i. German Scientist who ran scientific research for Manhattan Project
c. The Majority of the people working on the project had no idea with their work was for
d. First Atomic Bomb Tested in New Mexico, July 1945
i. “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of Worlds”
2. Truman makes his decision
a. Axis powers had own nuclear scientists
b. Believed invasion of Japan would cost 1,000,000 American lives
3. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are destroyed
a. Hiroshima is bombed at 9:14 am.
i. Within two minutes 60,000 dead or missing
b. Japan did not surrender immediately
c. Soviets declared war on Japan
d. U.S. dropped second bomb
i. Nagasaki – killed 35,000
e. VJ day – August 15, 1945
IV. The Holocaust
V. Effects of the War
A. Allies Set Post War Goals
1. Allies Make Plans at Yalta (February 1945)
a. Took place before war was over
b. Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill
i. Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania would have free elections after the war
2. Truman Faces Stalin at Potsdam (July 1945)
a. Suburb of Berlin
b. Stalin, Truman, Clement Atlee
c. Germany would be divided into 4 zones
d. Agreed on Poland’s borders and free elections
e. Soviets could claim war reparations
B. A New World Takes Shape
1. The World Map Changes
a. (will cover later)
2. Imperialism Goes into Decline
a. Colonial people renewed interest in freedoms
b. Western powers realized the problems on imperialism
i. Gave up many of its colonies and allowed self-determination
3. The Balance of Power Shifts
a. Soviets and U.S. assume world power
i. Superpowers
b. Besides Attack on Pearl Harbor, U.S. was not damaged in the war
c. Soviet industries were destroyed and morale was low
C. International Cooperation
1. A New World Economy Takes Shape
a. U.S. takes lead in shaping global economy
b. Bretton Woods
i. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
ii. Creation of International Monetary Fund and World Bank
2. The United Nations is Formed
a. World organization to promote peace
b. Housed in New York City
i. Comprised of over 50 nations
ii. U.S., Soviet Union, Britain, France, China were assigned permanent seats
c. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
i. Condemns slavery and torture, upholds freedom of speech and religion, and affirms that “everyone
has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family”
3. War Criminals Go on Trial
a. Geneva Convention – international agreement on human treatment during war
b. Japanese leaders were tried and condemned to death
c. Nuremberg Trials
i. Allies persecuted Nazis for war crimes
D. A New American Identity
1. Americans began to identify themselves by freedom, democracy, and peace
2. The United States Assumes Global Leadership
a. Few called for a return to isolationism
b. Most felt the world needed “us”
3. Commitment to Civil Rights Grow
a. African American soldiers proved themselves during the war
i. Their work will lay the ground work for 1960’s civil rights
4. The Nation Prospers
a. WWII ended the Great Depression
b. Wealth was redistributed across the country
c. People moved across the country to capitalize on the new wealth
d. Governments expanded role will continue to play vital role in the Economy