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Growth and Development-Reflective Post 3
1. Define the KEY TERMS in this Module:
Extinction-The state of being nonexistent.
Observational Learning-Learning that involves acquiring skills, strategies, and beliefs by
observing others.
Reinforcement-A consequence that increases the probability that a behavior will occur.
Shaping-Teaching new behaviors by reinforcing successive approximations to a specified target
2. Describe the THEORIST(S) in this Module:
Albert Bandura-Developed the social cognitive theory. States that students can transform or
represent their experiences when they learn. He also developed the reciprocal
determinism model.
B.F. Skinner-Stated that consequences-punishments and rewards-are contingent on an
organism’s behavior.
3. Describe the THEORY(IES) in this Module (align to the theorist above when applicable):
Classical Conditioning-Type of learning in which an organism learns to connect, or associate,
stimuli so that a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful
stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response.
Operant Conditioning-Form of learning in which the consequences of behavior produces
changes in the probability that the behavior will occur.
Premack Principle- States that reinforcement is possible when a less-preferred behavior will
allow access to a more-preferred behavior.
Social Cognitive Theory-This theory states that social and cognitive factors, as well as behavior,
play important roles in learning. This theory was created by Albert
4. Select at least one CLASSROOM APPLICATIONS OF THIS THEORY(IES) from your field placement:
Classical Conditioning-An example of this could be if my students originally expected never to
have homework. But every day that I made them get their textbooks out
and work in it, I gave them homework. According to classical
conditioning, on the days where I don’t make my students get their
textbooks out, they would expect not to have homework in my class.
Operant Conditioning-This will be used when I tell my students the consequences for their
actions. For example, if I tell them that they will receive a detention if I
catch them chewing gum, the chances that I will catch them chewing
gum will be slim.
Premack Principle-I could apply this theory when I want to give my students incentive to learn
something. For example, I could tell them that they have to all have A’s in my
class before I give them the privilege of bringing food into class.
Social Cognitive Theory-This theory could come into play if one of my students has been
frequently coming to me for help. If I asked that student to bring his or
her friend who is also struggling, chances the chances are more likely
that they would come with a friend instead of coming by themselves.
5. Describe the effectiveness of the CLASSROOM APPLICATION OF THIS THEORY:
Classical Conditioning-If my students forgot to write down their assignment but they
remembered that I didn’t make them work in their textbooks on that
day, they would be reassured that I didn’t give them any homework on
that day.
Operant Conditioning-This will be effective when I tell my students the consequences of their
actions at the beginning of the year. If I tell them what the consequences
of their actions are before they do anything wrong, the chances that
inappropriate behavior will occur should be slim to none.
Premack Principle-This principle will be very effective when I use it to give my students
incentives to do well in my class. If I offer them a reward for succeeding, it
will be much more likely that they will try harder to accomplish the tasks
that I give them to do.
Social Cognitive Theory-This theory could be very effective since all of my students will be in the
same type of situations in my class. If two of my students are
experiencing the same problem, it is more likely that they will come up
with a solution to it together instead of both of them trying to figure
something out on their own.
6. Describe how you will utilize this THEORY(IES) in your future classroom:
Classical Conditioning-I will use classical conditioning in my future classroom if my students
start out thinking that my tests will be easy. After they do poorly on the
first few tests, they should start to realize that when a test comes up,
they will have to go home and study their notes if they expect to do well
on it.
Operant Conditioning-I will use operant conditioning in my classroom to ensure that the
likelihood that I will have to put up with misbehavior will be slim when I
tell them the consequences of their actions before they perform them.
Premack Principle-I will utilize this principle in my future classroom if some of my students are
slacking and can’t find a reason to do well in class. If I give them an incentive
to do well, their peers will most likely persuade them to do better as well.
Social Cognitive Theory-I will use this theory in my future classroom if one of my students is
having a problem that is similar to that of another student’s. If I can convince them to work on
their problems together, there is a greater chance that they will be able to solve them instead of
feeling like they have no one else who is in the same boat as they are.