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WW I and Russian Revolution HW Packet #3 – Honors
Name: ______________________________________
Chapter 14 Section 1 Outline
Each title below is the title of a paragraph in your book from Chapter 14, Section 1. Read the
paragraph and summarize what you have read. Write one sentence for each bullet on the paper.
Czars Resist Change
Czars Continue Autocratic Rule
Russia Industrializes
The Revolutionary Movement Grows
The Russo-Japanese War
Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905
World War I: The Final Blow
The Czar Steps Down
The Bolshevik Revolution
The Provisional Government Topples
Bolsheviks in Power
Civil War in Russia
Comparing World Revolutions
New Economic Policy
Political Reforms
Stalin Becomes Dictator
Match the descriptions in Column I with the terms in Column II. Write the letter of the correct
answer in the blank provided.
Column I
Column II
_____ 1. a non-binding agreement to follow common policies
a. ultimatum
_____ 2. glorification of the military
b. neutrality
_____ 3. took power after the death of Lenin
c. entente
_____ 4. a final demand
d. militarism
_____ 5. the policy of not taking sides in a war
e. Stalin
Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided.
6. Which nation was not in the Allied Powers?
a. Germany
b. Britain
c. France
d. Russia
7. Which reason caused Russia to join World War I?
a. Austria declared war on Serbia, and Russia was its ally.
b. Russia did not want Germany and Austria to gain new lands.
c. The British government asked Nicholas II to take sides.
d. William II sent an insulting telegram to Nicholas II.
8. What note was intercepted and drew the United States into World War I?
a. the Taylor Note
b. the Zimmerman Telegraph
c. the Auschwitz Accord
d. the Lenin Note
Although forces were pushing Europe to war, the great
powers had formed alliances to try to keep the peace. The
Triple Alliance included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and
Italy. Russia and France, and later Britain, formed the
Triple Entente. During World War I, the Ottoman Empire,
Germany and Austria fought together as the Central
Powers. At that time, Russia, France, and Britain became
known as Allies.
In the decades before 1914, European powers
competed to protect their status. Overseas rivalries divided
them, as they fought for new colonies in Africa and
elsewhere. They began to build up their armies and navies.
The rise of militarism helped to feed this arms race. At the
same time, sensational journalism stirred the public against
rival nations.
Nationalism also increased tensions. Germans were
proud of their military and economic might. The French
hoped for the return of Alsace and Lorraine. Russia
supported a powerful form of nationalism called PanSlavism. This led Russia to support nationalists in Serbia.
Austria-Hungary worried that nationalism might lead to
rebellions within its empire, while Ottoman Turkey felt
threatened by nearby new nations, such as Serbia and
Greece. Serbia’s dream of a southern Slavic state would
take land from Turkey and Austria-Hungary. Unrest made
this area like a “powder keg.” Then in 1914, a Serbian
nationalist assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to
the Austrian throne.
Some Austrian leaders saw this as an opportunity to
crush Serbian nationalism. They sent Serbia an ultimatum,
which Serbia refused to meet completely. Austria, with
German support, declared war in July 1914.
Soon, the network of alliances drew other great
powers into the conflict. Russia, in support of Serbia,
began to mobilize its army. Germany declared war on
Russia. France claimed it would honor its alliance with
Russia, so Germany declared war on France too. When
Germany attacked the neutral Belgium, Britain declared
war on Germany. The Great War had begun.
Which countries made
up the Central Powers?
What does the word
overseas mean in the
underlined sentence? Use
the context clues around
the word to help you
determine its meaning.
Summarize the events that
led Austria to declare war
on Serbia.
United States
Hudson Bay
Pacific Ocean
Dominican Republic
Atlantic Ocean