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What is crown lengthening?
Often the procedures carried out at a dentist are split into those which are essential for oral heath, such as fillings or extractions, and
those which are cosmetic, such as tooth whitening. One of the few procedures which has both medical and cosmetic applications is
crown lengthening.
The basics
In basic terms, crown lengthening increases the amount of tooth which is exposed. There are many reasons why a dentist may decide
to do this. If a tooth has broken off completely, exposing more of the original tooth gives the dentist more surface area to work with,
and it therefore makes it easier to fix a permanent crown on top. If there is serious tooth decay under the gum line, the dentist may
remove some of the gum and the bone in order to deal with the decay and to stop it spreading any further. There are also some
cosmetic reasons why a patient may opt to have crown lengthening. Some people have gums which come further down their teeth than
others, and they may feel that this gives them a particularly gummy look. By removing parts of the gums then the teeth appear longer
and the patient achieves a look which is more acceptable to them.
How the Procedure Works
The crown lengthening procedure is carried out under local anesthetic by your dentist. The dentist will first remove the gum tissue
around the area which they wish to lengthen. Once the gum has been trimmed back, the dentist will do the same with the bone. Bone
does not need to be removed in all cases, in many cases only the gum tissue will need to be trimmed. Once the bone has been trimmed
to the desired shape, the gums will be stitched back into place over the top of the bones. It will take a few weeks for the gums to heal
up from the surgery and once this has happened, any other procedures such as the fixing on of a new tooth can be carried out.
Advantages of Crown Lengthening
As discussed above, crown lengthening is essential in many cases where a tooth has broken or there is decay. For cosmetic treatments,
there is the advantage that crown lengthening is a permanent change and the effects do not face over time as other treatments may.
There is also evidence that undergoing tooth lengthening can prevent decay in the future as more surface of the tooth is exposed for
Consent for Crown Lengthening and/or Gingivectomy Surgery
I hereby authorize _____________________ (herein called Doctor) to perform the operation of crown lengthening on
____________________________. (Patient)
After careful oral examination and study of my dental condition, the Doctor has recommended that a crown lengthening procedure be
performed. I understand that sedation may be utilized and that a local anesthetic will be administered to me as a part of treatment.
The purpose of crown lengthening is to create ample tooth structure to enable my general dentist to place a crown on the necessary
tooth/teeth so that they can be adequately restored. The procedure will involve making an incision around the tooth/teeth allowing
access to the surrounding bone support and recontouring the bone and soft tissue to create a longer surface. Sutures will be placed and
I have been advised that I will be seen for two (2) postoperative visits. My crown/crowns can be placed approximately six- (6) weeks
post operatively.
I understand that complications may result from crown lengthening or from anesthetics. These complications include but are not
limited to: post-surgical infection, bleeding, sensitive to hot and/or cold, sweets, or acidic foods, and allergic reactions. The exact
duration of any complications cannot be determined and may be irreversible.
There is no method that will accurately predict or evaluate how my gums will heal. The success of crown lengthening can be affected
by: medical conditions, dietary and nutritional problems, smoking, alcohol consumption, clenching, and grinding the teeth, inadequate
oral hygiene and medication that I may be taking. To my knowledge I have reported to the doctor any prior drug reaction, allergies,
diseases, symptoms, habits or conditions which may in any way relate to this procedure. I understand that my diligences in providing
the personal daily care recommended by the Doctor and taking all prescribed medications are important to the ultimate success of the
I authorize photos, slides, x-rays, or any other viewing of my care and treatment during or after its completion to be used for the
advancement of dentistry. My identity will not be revealed.
PATIENT: _____________________________________ DATE: _______________________
WITNESS: ______________________________________
DATE: ______________________