Download 19 Human Digestive System

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1. 1. What is peristalsis? ____________________________________________________ 2. The hepatic portal vein carries blood from the alimentary canal to the ____________________ 3. What are the products of fat digestion? __________________________ 4. State a role of beneficial bacteria in the alimentary canal__________________________ 5. State two good sources of protein in the human diet. __________________________ 6. State two ways in which villi are adapted for the absorption of soluble foods. ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Name a process by which soluble foods are absorbed into the blood from the small intestine. ____________________________________________________ 8. What type of food is mainly absorbed into the lacteal? __________________________ 9. What are the final products of the digestion of a protein? __________________________ 10. What is meant by egestion? ____________________________________________________ 11. Bile is secreted by the __________________________ 12. State one reason why a low pH is important in the stomach __________________________ 13. Where is the epiglottis? __________________________ What is it’s function? ____________________________________________________ 14. (a) Name a carbohydrate‐digesting enzyme in the human alimentary canal._____________________ (b) Where in the alimentary canal does this enzyme act? __________________________ (c) State the enzyme’s product(s). ____________________________________________________ 15. State a role that the liver plays in the digestive process. __________________________ 16. Write the dental formula for an adult human. ____________________________________________ 17. Give one function of symbiotic bacteria in the human digestive system. _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 18. Where in the digestive system are the products of digestion absorbed? ________________________ State one way in which this part of the system is adapted for absorption. _______________________ 19. In which part of the digestive system is water absorbed? __________________________ Give another function of this part of the digestive system. __________________________ 20. An organ for churning of food to chyme is the __________________________ 21. Waves of contractions passing along the gut is __________________________ 22. What type of teeth grind food into smaller pieces? __________________________ 23. Distinguish between mechanical and chemical digestion. __________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 24. Name a structure in the human digestive system, other than teeth, which is involved in mechanical digestion __________________________ 25. Bile is involved in digestion in the human body. (a) Where is bile produced? __________________________ (b) Where is bile stored? __________________________ (c) Where does bile act in the alimentary canal? __________________________ 26. State a benefit of dietary fibre ____________________________________________________ 2. (a) What are the four main types of teeth? ___________________________________________________ (b) What causes tooth decay? ___________________________________________________________ (c) Suggest two ways you can protect your teeth from decay. _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ (d) The bacteria that form plaque respire anaerobically. What does anaerobic mean? __________________________________________________________________ How do these bacteria bring about tooth decay? (Hint: What happens when bacteria respire anaerobically?) __________________________________________________________________ 3. Look at the diagram of the digestive system. (a) Name the parts labelled A to J. A = ________________________________ B = ________________________________ C = ________________________________ D = ________________________________ E = ________________________________ F = ________________________________ G = ________________________________ H = ________________________________ I = ________________________________ J = ________________________________ (b) Match the labels on the diagram to these functions: (i) Absorbs a lot of water __________ (ii) Contains acid. __________ (iii) Stores faeces before release. __________ (iv) Makes bile. __________ (v) Stores bile. __________ (vi) Joins the throat and stomach. __________ (vii) Most absorption takes place here. __________ (viii) Has no function in humans. __________ (ix) Faeces pass out here. __________ (x) Makes pancreatic juice. __________ 4. Match each of the parts of the body in the left‐hand column with its function in the right‐hand column. Mouth Pepsin works here Colon Makes urea Pancreas Most food is absorbed here Liver Food is chewed here Small intestine Makes enzymes and insulin Stomach Useful bacteria live here