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Theory Objectives for Term I
Week 5 During this week each student will be able to:
Anatomy and Physiology, Body Cells, Tissues, and Membranes
1. Explain the functions of DNA, RNA, and ATP.
2. Define organelle. List ten organelles found in cells and state the function of each.
3. Explain the functions of a single cell.
4. Differentiate between tissues, organs, and systems of the body.
5. Describe what happens in mitosis and meiosis.
6. Describe the general characteristics of each of the four major categories of tissues.
7. Discuss age related changes that occur at the cellular level.
Care Planning and Documentation of Nursing Care
1. Demonstrate beginning skill in:
a. Identifying and stating nursing problems.
b. Showing understanding of the difference between a potential problem and
the actual problem presented with the individual patient.
c. Listing the expected outcome for the problem.
d. Developing the nursing interventions necessary to care for the problems
presented and reach the expected outcome.
e. Stating the deadlines for checking on the problems and putting into practice
the nursing intervention.
2. Explain how members of the health team use the medical record in the hospital.
3. Explain the importance of careful, accurate charting of nursing actions,
observations, and interventions; both for the patient and other members of the
health team.
4. State three responsibilities of the medical record department.
5. Develop a systematic way of charting to ensure that all pertinent information has
been included.
6. Correlate the nursing process with the process of charting.
7. List legal guidelines for recording on medical records.
8. Practice recording a simulated situation using the charting forms of the assigned
Week 6 During this week each student will be able to:
Reproductive System
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1. Describe the process of meiosis. Define diploid and haploid.
2. Describe the differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
3. Name the hormones necessary for the formation of gametes, and state the function
of each
4. Describe the location, structure and functions of the:
a. Testes
b. Epididymis
c. Ductus Deferens
d. Ejaculatory Duct
e. Urethra
f. Seminal Vesicles
g. Prostate Gland
h. Bulbourethral Glands
5. Describe the composition of semen, and explain why its pH must be alkaline
6. Name the parts of a sperm cell, and state the function of each
7. Describe the location, structure and functions of the:
a. Fallopian tubes
b. Vagina
c. Uterus
d. Myometrium
e. Endometrium
8. Describe the structure of the mammary glands and the functions of the hormones
involved in lactation
9. Describe the menstrual cycle in terms of the hormones involved and the changes in
the ovaries and endometrium
10. Discuss the importance of the pelvic bones to the birth process
11. Describe four methods of contraception.
12. Discuss age-related changes of the male and female reproductive tracts and the
effects of these changes.
Overview of Maternity and Pediatric Nursing
1. Define key terms.
2. Compare and contrast present day concepts of maternity and child care with
those of the past.
3. List reasons why statistics are important.
4. List three federal programs that assist mothers and infants.
5. List the organizations concerned with setting standards for the nursing care
of maternity and pediatric patients.
6. Discuss how culture affects childbirth and child care.
7. Apply the nursing process to the care of pregnant clients and to children.
8. List stresses on the child-bearing family.
Charting and nursing Care Plans
Recording by computer
1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of computer charting as it is practiced in the
clinical setting.
2. Retrieve patient information from the electronic record.
3. List the purposes for written patient records.
4. State the legal aspects of chart ownership.
5. Describe the basic guidelines for and the mechanics of charting.
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6. Discuss long term health care documentation.
Week 7 During this week each student will be able to:
Introduction to Pharmacology
1. Name the patient rights and nursing responsibilities of drug administration.
2. List the various dosage forms of drugs, the rationale in their use, and any
disadvantages and/or advantages of the form.
3. State the principle actions of drugs.
4. Describe the adverse reactions/idiosyncrasies of drugs.
5. State patient factors which affect number 3 and 4.
6. Discuss the laws relating to drug action.
7. Name the various ways medications can be administered.
8. Define pharmacokinenetics, Pharmacodynamics, absorption, first pass effect.
9. Apply the nursing process to medication administration.
Preparation for Medication Administration
1. Discuss drug dosage to include minimal dosage, and maximal dosage
2. Discuss drug dosage to include: toxic dosage and lethal dosage
3. List the “6 Rights of Drug Administration”
4. Describe factors to consider in choosing routes of administration of medication
5. Discuss the nurse’s role and responsibilities in medication administration
6. Discuss Drug “Safety Tips for Nurse Experts”
7. Describe the transcription of medication orders.
Identify the key components in documenting administration of a medication
Assessment and Assisting with Examination
1. Prepare the patient for a physical examination by positioning and draping the
patient properly.
2. Assist the physician as necessary.
3. List supplies and equipment needed for a routine physical examination.
4. Provide reassurance to the patient.
5. Name five techniques used by the physician to obtain information.
6. Define the assessment phase of the nursing process
7. List three examples of objective information.
8. Give an example of subjective data.
9. List factors influencing the nursing process assessment phrase.
10. Identify sources of assessment data.
11. Accurately complete written exercises on assessment
12. Complete a beginning level physical assessment of a patient.
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13. Properly use vocabulary related to physical assessment findings.
Hot and Cold Applications
1. Discuss the therapeutic effects of heat and cold applications.
2. List the types of problems patients may have when these applications may be
Identify the safety measures during use of these applications.
Week 8 During this week each student will be able to:
Disorders of the reproductive System
1. Describe nursing interventions for women who are undergoing diagnostic tests and
procedures for reproductive system disorders.
2. Explain the pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, complications and diagnostic
procedures and treatment of selected female reproductive system disorders.
3. Identify data to be collected when assessing a patient with a reproductive disorder.
4. Assist in developing a care plan for the patient with a reproductive disorder.
5. Identify common therapeutic measures used to treat disorders of the male
reproductive system.
6. Define key terms.
Sexually transmitted infections
1. List infectious disease classified as sexually transmitted infections.
2. Describe tests used to diagnose sexually transmitted infections and the nursing
considerations associated with each.
3. Describe the pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, complications, and medical
treatment for selected STIs.
4. Identify data to be collected when assessing a patient with a sexually transmitted
5. Assist in the development of a care plan for the patient with a sexually transmitted
The Nurse’s Role in Women’s Health Care
Define key terms.
Explain aspects of preventive health care for women.
Describe the various methods of birth control, including side effects and
contraindications for each.
Describe the use of natural methods of fertility regulation.
Discuss the changed that occur in the perimenopausal period and after menopause.
Describe appropriate nursing interventions for the menopausal patient.
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Surgical Asepsis
7. Explain the difference between medical and surgical asepsis.
8. Be able to put on sterile gloves correctly.
9. Demonstrate ability to change sterile dressings.
10. Demonstrate ability to open sterile packages without contaminating the contents.
11. List four principles for maintaining aseptic technique
7. Review the principles of asepsis
Urinary Care and Catheterization
1. List the types of urinary catheters
2. Discuss the reasons a patient might require a urinary catheter.
3. Describe the difference between straight and retention catheterization.
4. Describe the procedures for a sterile catheterization
5. Demonstrate the insertion of a urinary catheter using sterile technique on a
6. List the supplies needed and steps in catheter removal.
Week 9 During this week each student will be able to:
Human development and genetics
1. Define key terms
2. Explain the various patterns of inheritance.
3. Explain homologous chromosomes, autosomes, sex chromosomes, and genes.
4. Describe the process of fertilization and cleavage to the blastocyte stage.
Embryonic and Fetal Development
1. Define key terms listed
2. Describe the process of fertilization and when, where, and how implantation of the
embryo occurs
3. Describe embryonic development.
4. Describe fetal development and maturation of body systems
5. Describe the development and functions of the placenta, umbilical cord, and
amniotic fluid
6. Compare fetal circulation to circulation after birth.
Maternity: Signs & symptoms, physical & psychological changes, common discomforts
1. Define each key term listed.
2. Calculate the expected date of delivery and duration of pregnancy.
3. Differentiate among the presumptive, probable, and positive signs of pregnancy.
4. List the goals of prenatal care.
5. Discuss prenatal care for a normal pregnancy.
6. Explain the nurse’s role in prenatal care.
7. Describe the physiological changes during pregnancy.
8. Describe patient education related to common discomforts of pregnancy.
9. Discuss nursing support of emotional changes that occur in family during pregnancy.
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10. Identify specific needs of the pregnant adolescent, the single parent, and the older
11. Apply the nursing process in developing a prenatal teaching plan.
Tuesday: Wound, Skin Care, Dressing and Bandages
1.List two antiseptic agents used for skin cleansing.
2.Discuss factors that influence wound healing.
3.Discuss ways of reducing patients' fear and anxiety regarding wound dehiscence.
4.Describe physical and psychological comfort measures, which may be used for
patients with drainage devices.
5.Describe recording and reporting of observations and procedure done.
6.Describe follow up care of patient, equipment, and supplies after dressing changes.
7.Change a sterile dressing using aseptic technique.
8.Explain the purpose and use of wound drains.
9.Describe two complications of wound healing.
10.Apply four types of bandages.
11.Apply four types of binders.
12.List signs of impaired circulation when bandages and binders are used
Surgical wound care,& Staples and Sutures
1. List equipment/supplies used for removal of sutures and staples.
Describe a method of cleaning the skin in preparation for suture and staple removal
2. Describe the procedure for removal of sutures and staples.
3. Describe observations necessary to assess progress of healing, integrity of suture
line, anxiety level and physical condition of patient.
Week 10 During this week each student will be able to:
Male and Female Hormones, Drugs acting on Uterus
1. Discuss the general drug actions, uses, and reactions of; and any contraindications,
precautions, and interactions associated with male and female hormones and drugs
that act on the uterus
2. Discuss important pre-administration and ongoing assessment activities the nurse
should perform on the patient receiving male and female hormones or drugs that act on
13. 3. Discuss way to promote an optimal response to therapy, how to manage
adverse reactions, and special considerations to keep in mind when educating the
patient and family about the use of male and female hormones or drugs that act on the
4. Discuss nursing diagnoses, goals of treatment and evaluation of drug therapy
relative to these drugs.
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5. List appropriate nursing interventions for the nursing diagnoses discussed above.
Preparation for medication administration
1. Identify complete and correct physician orders for medications.
2. Identify incomplete orders and what is needed to make them complete.
3. Correctly use the MAR or eMAR.
4. Demonstrate use of nursing process in medication administration.
5. Describe a teaching plan for a patient and his family relative to medication
6. Discuss the importance of patient teaching about medications.
Lab and Diagnostic Testing
1. Discuss the use of common tests and procedures.
2. Identify abnormal findings of commonly used tests and procedures.
3. Describe appropriate teaching for patients undergoing diagnostic tests or
4. Describe the nursing care for patients undergoing diagnostic procedures.
5. Explain reasons for preparation of patients for various tests or procedures.
6. Assist the physician with diagnostic procedures.
Specimen Collection and Diagnostic Examination
1. Explain the rationales for collection of each specimen listed: urine, stool, sputum
2. Discuss guidelines used for obtaining throat and wound culture.
3. State appropriate labeling for a collected specimen.
4. List the proper steps for measuring blood glucose levels
5. Discuss the procedure for obtaining stool specimens.
6. State the correct procedure for collecting a sputum specimen.
7. List the proper steps when obtaining urine specimens.
Week 11 During this week each student will be able to:
Anatomy & Physiology of the Muscular/Skeletal System
1. Describe the functions of the skeleton.
2. Explain how bones are classified, and give an example of each.
3. Name the nutrients necessary for bone growth and explain their functions.
4. Name the hormones involved in bone growth and maintenance, and explain their
5. Name the organ systems directly involved in movement , and state how they are
6. Describe muscle structure in terms of muscle cells, tendons, and bones.
7. Describe the difference between antagonistic and synergistic muscles, and explain
why such arrangements are necessary.
8. Explain the role of the brain with respect to skeletal muscle.
9. Name the energy sources for muscle contraction and state the simple equation
for cell respiration.
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10. Describe the neuromuscular junction and state the function of each part.
11. Explain the following terms of ions and charges; polarization, depolarization, and
12. Describe the body’s response to exercise and explain how each maintains
13. Describe normal age-related changes of the muscles and bones.
Tuesday Care of the Surgical Patient
Pre-Operative Care
1. Provide the patient with privacy and safety during pre-operative preparation.
2. Explain to the patient the reasons for pre-operative laboratory procedures.
3. Safeguard the patient from any food or fluids in the period prior to surgery.
4. Provide the necessary personal hygiene.
5. Eliminate safety hazards after he/she received pre-operative medications.
6. Instruct the patient and family regarding the recovery and waiting rooms.
7. Complete a pre-operative checklist accurately and know that the chart is "in order".
Intraoperative Care
1. List eight principles of surgical asepsis for the operating room.
2. Describe safety precautions used to protect the patients.
3. Discuss positions indicated for common surgical procedures.
4. List two common nursing diagnosis for intraoperative patients.
5. Discuss the application of the nursing process in the operating room.
Post-Operative Care
1. Assemble the required equipment and provide post-operative care for the
unconscious or helpless patient recovering from anesthesia or the patient who has
fully recovered from anesthesia, protecting the patient's safety by the early
detection and prevention (when possible) of post-operative discomfort and
2. Observe for signs of shock or hemorrhage - recognizing the signs of these and tell
what action to take if either should occur.
Week 12 During this week each student will be able to:
Nutrition during Pregnancy and lactation
1. Compare the nutritional needs of a pregnant woman and a breast-feeding woman
with those of a non-pregnant woman of the same age.
2. Contrast the nutritional needs of a pregnant adolescent with those of a pregnant
3. Explain why folic acid intake is critical in pregnancy.
4. Discuss the dietary treatment of common problems of pregnancy.
5. List three advantages that breast-feeding confers on the mother.
Complications of Pregnancy
1. Explain the use of fetal diagnostic tests in women with complicated pregnancies.
2. Describe antepartum complications, their treatment, and their nursing care.
3. Identify methods to reduce a woman ‘s risk for antepartum complications.
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4. Discuss the management of concurrent medical conditions during pregnancy.
5. Describe environmental hazards that may adversely affect the outcome of
6. Describe how pregnancy affects care of the trauma victim.
7. Describe psychosocial nursing interventions for the woman who has a high-risk
pregnancy and for her family.
1. State the principles related to managing a patient’s airway.
2. Suction the nasal and pharyngeal cavities to remove secretions obstructing the air
3. Position patient for effective suctioning and or postural drainage of secretions.
4. Instruct and assist a patient to cough effectively.
5. Describe and identity methods of oxygen therapy administered to patients.
6. Demonstrate how to regulate oxygen flow and how to care for patients receiving
oxygen with cannula, catheter, and mask.
7. Demonstrate and discuss safety precautions which must be observed when
are receiving oxygen therapies
Pressure Ulcers and Special Mattresses
1. List types of specialized mattresses and the uses of each.
Discuss the reasons patients get pressure ulcers.
2. List the factors that contribute to skin breakdown.
3. Describe the Braden scale.
4. List 4 ways to promote wound healing.
5. Describe 6 ways to prevent skin break down.
6. Identify patients at risk for skin breakdown.
7. Evaluate effectiveness of prevention measures.
8. List the stages of pressure ulcers and appropriate treatment for each stage.
Week 13 During this week each student will be able to:
Muscular Skeletal drugs
1. Give two examples of drugs used in the treatment of gout, including principle effects
and side effects.
2. Give two examples of drugs used for rheumatoid arthritis, including principle effects
and side effects.
3. Give one example of a drug used for Parkinson's Disease, including principle
effects and side effects.
4. Give an example of a drug used for myasthenia gravis, including principle effects
and side effects.
5. Discuss the use of skeletal muscle relaxants, NSAID and corticosteroids. Give two
examples of each, including principle effects and side effects.
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6. List nursing diagnoses related to administration of drugs for the musculo-skeletal
7. Name the desired outcomes for the above and nursing interventions to achieve
8. Discuss appropriate evaluation of the patient receiving drugs which affect the
musculo-skeletal system.
Gastric Intubation, Enteral Nutrition
1. List three reasons for gastro-intestinal intubation.
2. Describe three steps necessary in preparing a patient for this procedure.
3. Describe two ways of ascertaining whether or not the tube is in the stomach.
4. Describe the different types of nutritional support
5. Discuss the purpose of irrigating a nasogastric tube and the procedure.
6. Describe methods of feeding a patient with a naso-gastric, enteral, gastrostomy or
jejunostomy tube.
7. Discuss three ways enteral feeding can be done.
8. List 4 complications of enteral feeding.
9. Correctly insert an NG tube into a mannequin and verbalize assessment of tube
Week 14 During this week each student will be able to:
Connective tissue disorders,
1. Differentiate between osteoporosis and osteomyelitis in regard to definition,
symptoms and, nursing care.
List the cause, symptoms and nursing care of one other infectious disease of
the musculo-skeletal system.
Differentiate between gout, rheumatoid arthritis and osteo-arthritis in regard
to cause, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care.
8. List the symptoms, medical orders and nursing care for a patient with bursitis.
9. Identify data to be collected in the nursing assessment of a patient with a
connective tissue disorder.
10. Assist in developing a plan of care for the patient whose life has been affected by a
connective tissue disorder.
11. Identify age related disorders of connective tissue.
12. Define connective tissue and describe its function.
Basic Concepts of Mental Health
1. Describe the mental health continuum.
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2. Identify factors that contribute to the development of emotional problems or mental
3. Define anxiety.
5. List signs of anxiety in hospitalized patients.
6. Discuss ways to minimize fear and anxiety in hospitalized patients.
7. Identify sources of stress.
8. Identify nursing interventions for those experiencing illness or crisis.
Note: Each student must pass the final med math test with a minimum score of
Identify the relative value of decimals.
Add and subtract decimals.
Multiple, divide and reduce fractions.
Solve common fraction equations.
Multiply and divide decimals.
Describe the importance of zero placement in writing drug dosages.
Identify information on a drug label for calculating drug dosages.
Week 15 During this week each student will be able to:
Nursing care of patient in fractures and Amputations
1. List the common types of fractures.
2. List the emergency care, immediate hospital care, and nursing care of a patient with
a fracture.
3. Describe bone healing.
4. List the symptoms of complications of fractures.
5. State some of the possible emotional reactions of the patient and the responses of
the nurse when the patient faces a crippling deformity.
6. List the nursing actions necessary for pre-operative and post-operative care of the
patient with a hip fracture, treated by an internal fixation device.
7. State the complications to be avoided and the nursing measures to help prevent
them when bone and joint surgery is done.
8. Describe the different types of amputations
9. Identify four possible indications for an above the knee amputation.
10. List four important, helpful nursing actions for this patient pre and post-operatively.
Rehabilitative Nursing
1. Define the philosophy of rehabilitation nursing.
2. Describe the interdisciplinary rehabilitation team concept and the function of each
team member.
3. Discuss two major disabling conditions.
4. Discuss the importance of returning home and preparing for community reentry.
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5. Recognize the importance and significance of family-centered care in rehabilitation.
Restorative Care
1. Define the term restorative nursing.
2. Describe the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual changes in the aging person who
seeks restorative nursing.
3. Explain the goals of restorative care in terms of how to define, implement, and
assess goals.
4. Analyze goals applicable to the older person regarding improving function, delaying
deterioration, accommodating to dysfunction, and providing comfort to the dying.
Identify the clinical implications of restorative care in walking programs, continence
training, and feeding/self-help programs.
Nursing care of the child with a musculoskeletal condition
1. Demonstrate an understanding of age-specific changes that occur in the
musculoskeletal system during growth and development.
2. Discuss types of fractures commonly seen in children.
Describe three types of child abuse.
State cultural or medical practices that may be misinterpreted as child abuse.
Describe nursing care measures required to maintain skin integrity for a child
with a cast.
Describe pathophysiology, signs and symptoms and treatment of selected
connective tissues disorders in childhood.
Describe a neurovascular check.
Nursing care of patient in cast
1. List the purpose of the cast.
2. List and explain the location for four types of casts.
3. State four important nursing observations of a patient in any type of cast.
4. List nursing actions in the application of a cast, and care of the patient while the
cast dries.
Nursing care of patient in traction
1. List four purposes of traction.
2. Differentiate between skin traction and skeletal traction, reasons, and care.
Refresher Math:
The Metric System, Percents and Ratios
Apply basic mathematic principles for the following areas:
1. decimals
2. fractions
3. percentage
4. ratio and proportion
5. equivalents
Apply basic mathematic principles for the following areas:
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international units
metric system
apothecary measurements
household measurements
Week 16
During this week each student will be able to:
Maternity –Labor and Delivery
Define each key term listed.
2. Describe the four components of the birth process: powers, passage, passenger,
and psych.
3. Describe how these four elements of labor interrelate to result in the birth of an
4. Explain the normal processes of childbirth: premonitory signs, mechanisms of birth,
and stages and phases of labor.
5. Determine appropriate nursing care for the intrapartum patient, including the woman
with false labor and the woman having a vaginal birth after a cesarean birth (VBAC).
6. Explain common nursing responsibilities during birth.
7. Discuss specific cultural beliefs the nurse may encounter when providing care to a
woman in labor.
8. Describe the care of the newborn immediately after birth.
9. Describe factors that influence a woman’s comfort during labor.
10. Describe methods of childbirth preparation including types of classes offered.
14. Discuss the advantages and limitations of pharmacological and nonpharmacological methods of pain management during labor.
15. Explain non-pharmacological methods of pain management for labor, including the
nursing role for each.
14. Explain each type of pharmacological pain management for labor, including the
nursing role for each.
Tuesday: Reading Medication Labels and Parenteral Medication Labels
Identify trade and generic names on drug labels.
Identify scored and un-scored tablets and capsules.
Identify dosage strengths on labels.
Calculate proper dosages when administering oral medications.
State the meaning of terms and abbreviations used in medication administration.
Identify the components of a complete medication order.
Describe the preparation and application of topical medications.
Describe the method of instillation of vaginal and rectal suppositories.
Read parenteral solution labels and identify strength dosages.
10. Begin measuring solutions in different types of syringes.
Practice and principles of Medication Administration
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1. Confidently use basic mathematic skills to solve dosage problems accurately
2. Set up and work problems using ratio/proportion and for Desired dose/Available
3. Convert measurement units within the metric, household, and apothecary system
4. Determine dosage orders for children: Clark’s rule, Young’s rule, and Body Surface
5. Discuss drug dosage to include minimal dosage, and maximal dosage
6. Discuss drug dosage to include: toxic dosage and lethal dosage
8. List the “6 Rights of Drug Administration”
9. Describe factors to consider in choosing routes of administration of medication
10. Discuss the nurse’s role and responsibilities in medication administration
10.Discuss Drug “Safety Tips for Nurse Experts”
11. Calculate drug dosages using metric measures, percents and ratio formulas.
Week 17 During this week each student will be able to:
Antivirals, Antifungals, Topical Meds, Otic, Ophthalmic Meds
1. Discuss the general drug actions, uses, and reactions of; and any contraindications,
precautions, and interactions associated with:
a. antiviral drugs
b. antifungal drugs
c. drugs used in the treatment of skin disorders
d. otic and ophthalmic preparations
2. Discuss important pre-administration and ongoing assessment activities the nurse
should perform on the patient receiving:
a. antiviral drugs
b. antifungal drugs
c. drugs used in the treatment of skin disorders
d. otic and ophthalmic preparations
3. List possible goals for a patient taking:
a. antiviral drugs
b. antifungal drugs
c. drugs used in the treatment of skin disorders
d. otic and ophthalmic preparations
4. Discuss ways to promote an optimal response to therapy, how to manage adverse
reactions, and special considerations to keep in mind when educating the patient and
family about:
a. antiviral drugs
b. antifungal drugs
c. drugs used in the treatment of skin disorders
d. otic and ophthalmic preparations
5. Demonstrate use of nursing process in the administration of otic and ophthalmic
Tuesday: Administration of Non-Parenteral Medications
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Describe how to administering Oral Medications
Describe how to apply Topical Medications
Discuss the procedure for instilling Ear and Eye Medications
Discuss the use of Metered Dose Inhalers
Discuss the use of Small Volume Nebulizers
Describe how to insert Rectal and Vaginal Medications
Week 18 During this week each student will be able to:
Monday: Complications during labor, birth, postpartum & post partum care
1. Define each key term used.
2. Describe seven obstetric procedures that might be used to assist labor & delivery
3. Explain the nurse’s role in each procedure.
4. Describe the factors that contribute to an abnormal labor.
5. Explain at least six intrapartum complications discussed and the nurse’s role in
caring for the woman
6. Describe signs and symptoms for ten postpartum complications.
7. Identify factors that increase a woman’s risk for developing each complication.
Explain nursing measure that reduce a woman’s risk for developing specific
postpartum complications.
9. Describe the medical management of postpartum complications.
10.Explain general and specific nursing care for each complication.
Describe how to individualize postpartum and newborn nursing care for
different patients.
Describe specific cultural beliefs that the nurse may encounter when
providing postpartum and newborn care.
Describe postpartum changes in maternal systems and the nursing care
associated with those changes.
16. Modify nursing assessments and interventions for the woman who has a cesarean
17. Explain the emotional needs of postpartum women and their families.
18. Plan appropriate discharge teaching for the postpartum woman and infant.
Medication administration, Administration of injections
1. Describe factors to consider in choosing routes of administration of medication.
2. Accurately locate appropriate injection sites.
3. Describe the differences in rates of absorption and duration of action of drugs
given by different routes.
4. Choose the most appropriate syringe for administering a variety of medications
by different routes.
5. Accurately identify the calibrations on a variety of syringes.
6. Accurately draw up dosages of medications to be given via syringe injection.
7. Read parenteral soluction labels and identify dosage strengths.
8. Measure parenteral dosages in metric, milliequivalent, and units using a variety
of syringes.
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