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U.S. History 1 - Final Exam - Review - Day 4
Martial Law
Fugitive Slave Act
a) imposed on Baltimore by Lincoln to prevent
the secession of Maryland
Stephen A. Douglas
b) withdrawal from the Union
Henry Clay
c) primary author of the Compromise of 1850;
nicknamed "The Great Compromiser"
d) defeated Abraham Lincoln twice in Senate
elections; nicknamed "The Little Giant"
e) helped Southerners recover enslaved African
Americans who had fled.
6) At the start of the Civil War, the North had more trained military leaders than did the South
because most of the country's military colleges were in the North.
a) True
b) False
7) Robert E. Lee did not accept command of the Union troops because
a) he believed in slavery.
b) he supported secession.
c) he could not fight against Virginia.
d) he already commanded Confederate
8) The prison in the South where 13,000 captured Union soldiers died was
a) Andersonville.
b) Chancellorsville.
c) Chickamauga.
d) Petersburg.
9) The Civil War is often referred to as the 1st modern war in American history.
a) True
b) False
10) The map shows the site of the battle that was the turning point of the war. That battle took place
a) Antietam.
b) Bull Run.
c) Chancellorsville.
d) Gettysburg.
11) In the election of 1864, candidate George McClellan promised to
a) crush the South swiftly.
b) stop the fighting and negotiate.
c) nullify the Emancipation Proclamation.
d) punish the South at war’s end.
12) John Wilkes Booth assassinated president Lincoln at Ford's theater on April 14, 1765.
a) True
b) False
13) "Men fall. . . . They are bleeding, torn, and mangled. . . . The trees are splintered, crushed, and
broken, as if smitten by thunderbolts. . . . There is smoke, dust, wild talking, shouting; hissings,
howlings, explosions. It is a new, strange, unanticipated experience to the soldiers of both
armies, far different from what they thought it would be."
—Charles Coffin, My Days and Nights on the Battlefield
The best term to describe this battlefield would be
a) quiet.
b) chaotic.
c) orderly.
d) predictable.
14) How much time elapsed between the time Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation went into effect
and the time at which slavery was outlawed in the Constitution?
a) 12 months
b) 18 months
c) 24 months
d) 36 months
15) Lee defeated Hooker's troops in dense woods known as the _______ near the town of
Chancellorsville, Virginia.
a) Chickamauga
b) Cold Harbor
c) Missionary Ridge
d) Wilderness
16) What event at Gettysburg resulted in the slaughter of Confederate troops?
a) the Peninsula Campaign
b) the March to the Sea
c) Pickett’s Charge
d) Grierson’s Raid
17) Which items on the time line granted freedom to a group of Americans?
a) the Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment
b) Lincoln blockading Confederate ports and the Gettysburg Address
c) the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address
d) Lincoln’s reelection and Lincoln blockading Confederate ports
18) The Anaconda Plan proposed
a) a blockade of Confederate ports.
b) a defensive war of attrition.
c) an invasion of Richmond, Virginia.
d) a diplomatic settlement.
19) Hardtack was
a) a new cone-shaped bullet.
b) a sharp turn made on command.
c) a type of biscuit.
d) a type of body armor.
20) The famous quote "[a nation] conceived in liberty, dedicated to the proposition that all men are
created equal" was part of the
a) Emancipation Proclamation.
b) Gettysburg Address.
c) Thirteenth Amendment.
d) Confederate Constitution.
George McClellan
a) surrendered to Grant to end the Civil War
John Wilkes Booth
b) assassinated Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
c) the South’s largest city
Ford’s Theatre
d) ran for president against Lincoln in 1864
New Orleans
e) place where John Wilkes Booth shot the