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American History C-Scope Unit 4 Review – American Rise to Power
and World War I
Coach Bailey
Room 108
Which of the following is a characteristic used by historians to define major historical eras?
Answer: Political changes
Early twentieth century U.S. history is politically characterized by — increasing involvement in
world affairs
Know these events in chronological order:
 Sinking of the battleship USS Maine
 Rough Riders fight in Cuba
 Liberation of Cuba
 Guam and Puerto Rico become U.S. territories
The armistice ending the First World War went into effect on November 11 of 1918.
What is the historical significance of the year 1898? Answer: Spanish-American War began
Alfred Thayer Mahan supported moving the United States into a position of power by strengthening U.S. naval capacity.
Missionaries played a role in the territorial expansion of the United States by — operating abroad
in foreign locations such as Hawaii.
Sanford B. Dole is remembered for having expanded U.S. power by — working for the
annexation of Hawaii as a state.
President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy served to increase U.S. involvement in — Latin
American affairs.
Spanish-American War contributed to the emergence of the United States into a position of
world power by — confirming U.S. military superiority over a European colonial power.
Control of Hawaii contributed to the power of the United States because the islands — served as
a military base for the United States in the Pacific.
The Zimmerman telegram helped change American opinions about involvement in the First World
War because the telegram revealed German plans to — enter into an alliance with Mexico.
Which of the following best explains why the United States entered the First World War? Answer:
German submarines engaged in unrestricted warfare.
The following best describes John J. Pershing –
• Graduated from the Military Academy at West Point
• Fought in the Spanish-American War
• Pursued Pancho Villa in Mexico
• Led the American Expeditionary Force in the First World War
Soldiers fighting in the First World War were forced to dig trenches as protection from —
machine guns.
Coach Bailey-History C-Scope 4 Study Guide
Page 2
Airplanes introduced during the First World War were valuable for — spying behind enemy lines
The following changes came about because of U.S. involvement in the First World War • Espionage Act was passed
• Selective Service Act was passed
• Taxes and the sale of bonds increased
• New government agencies were created
Which concern led some in the U.S. Senate to decline the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles
and the Covenant for the League of Nations? Answer: The treaties would involve the United
States in entangling alliances.
The outcome of Battle of the Argonne Forest during the First World War contributed to — a
German agreement to an armistice
One impact of the construction of the Panama Canal included — expansion of U.S. involvement in
politics in the region
Countries gained portions of Germany following the First World War. These territorial changes
resulted from the provisions laid out in the — Treaty of Versailles
As a result of the Spanish-American War, the Unites States became a political power in — the
Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico
President Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy was intended to — encourage U.S. investment in Latin
American businesses
How did the outcomes of both the Spanish-American War and the First World War similarly
influence the U.S. economy? Answer: Both stimulated industrial and agricultural output
Which political change occurred within the United States as a result of declaring war on Germany
during the First World War? Answer U.S. mail was censored to prevent treason.
One of the arguments made against U.S. membership in the League of Nations included a belief
that membership would — pull the United States into future foreign conflicts
The following best describes Alvin York:
• Most decorated soldier in the First World War
• Medal of Honor recipient
• Fought in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive
The following were created in order to address specific needs brought about by warfare:
● Aircraft carriers
● Hydrophones
● Pilotless drones
● Mobile x-ray
● Depth charges
● Stainless steel